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drizzl's Team Comp Patch 12.23

drizzl's TFT Build Comp | Last updated on December 27, 2022
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About This Team Comp

This Team Comp builds around Ezreal Carry. In order for this comp to get strong you will try to stay Level 6 as long as possible. This is because we need to 3 Star as many champions as possible. Ezreal must be 3 Star for this Comp to work. This comp needs a lot of gold and therefore a lose or win streak. I recommend a lose streak because it will offer earlier Undergound loot. When you fall under 40 hp you should try to cash out. If possible take the gold or the mythic items to make Ezreal even stronger. When more than 1 player starts to 3 Star Supers you have to decide whether you keep on re-rolling in order to get those 3 Star Supers first or you change the Comp into a Complete Undergound and later Sureshot Comp.
Ezreal will deal super high damage with his ability that explodes and deals AOE damage.His first item should always be Jeweled Gauntlet for a chance of his ability to crit and deal more damage. His second item should be an item that offers even more damage. In my opinion Giant Slayer is the best but Rabbadons Deathcap and Archangels Staff can also be good if you dont find the items for Giant Slayer. As his third item he needs a Mana-Reg Item like Blue Buff or the Spear of Shojin. I recommend Blue Buff because Ezreal will later onehsot certain Champs easily and with the new Blue buff passive he will cast faster. Taking Ezreals Hero Augment is very Important. "Rising Spell Force" is the one we are looking for, but his other augment "Raider's Spoils" is also good. When you dont hit an Ezreal augment, taking Vi Augments or Gangplanks Augment or in some cases Sona's.

Get the Underground as early as possible. You can find Ezreal, Vi and Kayle pretty early

After Level 6:
When you have a good amount of 3 Star Units level up. You can chose your own Champs and Traits: These are some examples:

-2 more recons > increased damage on Ezreal
-2 more bruiser > always take Sejuani !!!

I recommend selling Kayle if she isn't a 3 Star, because she falls behind in Lategame. If you want to keep the Underground trait change her for a Samira or a Sona. Samira can also be used to transform this Comp into a Sureshot Comp after the Cashout. Otherwise i recommend taking Sona because she will offer healing which can be good when your Ezreal gets hit by the enemie's Backline.

Comp Name

Recommended Anomalies
Dragon's Claw
Bramble Vest
Warmog's Armor
Lee Sin
Lee Sin
Jeweled Gauntlet
Blue Buff
Giant Slayer

Team Carries

Dragon's Claw
Bramble Vest
Warmog's Armor
Jeweled Gauntlet
Blue Buff
Giant Slayer

Recommended Augments

Tier 1
Featherweights I
Luden's Echo I
Recon Heart
Tri Force I
Tier 2
Featherweights II
Blue Battery I
Tier 3
Featherweights III

Comp Name

  • Lee Sin
    Lee Sin
  • Ezreal
  • Vi
  • Kayle
  • Malphite
  • Gangplank

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