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Kh.108_'s Avatar

Dusk - Warlord - Sharpshooters Patch 10.20

Kh.108_'s TFT Build Comp | Last updated on October 8, 2020
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About This Team Comp

The chosen traits you should be looking for are dusk or warlord, but you can easily fill these traits in with a spatula. Warlord's banner is a great addition to Riven or Vayne and Aspect of the dusk is a great addition to Nidalee. If you can't find a chosen with these traits, you can easily use a chosen with one of the other traits of the 6 core units.

Carousel Item Priority: Spatula > Needlessly Large Rod > BF Sword > Health > Recurve Bow

The comp versions are split into three sections: Core Units, Fill In Units and Ideal Items. In the core units, you'll find the 6 units that are essential to this team comp. In Fill in Units, you will find units that will work as additions to the Core Units. Obviously, these units rely heavily on your Chosen traits and spatula items, so it's up to your personal discretion and your shop on what fill in units you take. The Ideal Items shows the ideal items for each of the core champions, with some alternative options in the description, feel free to add more alternative items in the comments.

In terms of positioning, you are going to want to put Garen, J4 and any frontline Fill In Units (such as Vi) in the very front line. Riven should be on the second front line, near J4 for that shield boost. Thresh can go anywhere in the middle lines. Nidalee and Vayne should be placed in the back corners.

Go for this comp if you get a dusk or warlord chosen or if you get early 3 star Vayne, Nidalee or Garen. Katarina can be used as an item placeholder for Riven. If you can manage to maintain a strong economy in the late game, DO IT. A 3 star Riven is INSANE and will lead your comp to victory. Your early game will be decent, your mid game will be rough but your late game can be AMAZING if you keep up your economy.

Core Units

These are the core units of the team. Item priority should be Riven > Garen > Vayne/Nidalee. 

  • Jarvan IV
    Jarvan IV
  • Riven
    Hextech Gunblade
    Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Thresh
  • Vayne
    Guinsoo's Rageblade
    Infinity Edge
    Statikk Shiv
  • Nidalee
    Spear of Shojin
    Guinsoo's Rageblade
    Jeweled Gauntlet
  • Garen
    Warmog's Armor
    Sunfire Cape
    Gargoyle Stoneplate

Fill In Units

The Ideal Items for these units are included on them, but they will likely not be your carries as the comp doesn't rely too heavily on them.

  • Cassiopeia
    Blue Buff
    Jeweled Gauntlet
    Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Lillia
    Spear of Shojin
    Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Katarina
    Hextech Gunblade
    Hand of Justice
  • Teemo
    Rabadon's Deathcap
    Blue Buff
  • Jinx
    Guinsoo's Rageblade
    Spear of Shojin
  • Xin Zhao
    Gargoyle Stoneplate
    Dragon's Claw
    Bramble Vest
    Xin Zhao
  • Vi
    Gargoyle Stoneplate
    Sunfire Cape
    Warmog's Armor

Ideal Items

Some alternative items (non spatula) include: deathblade on Vayne, jeweled gauntlet on Riven, Rabadons on Nidalee.

  • Jarvan IV
    Guardian Angel
    Ionic Spark
    Bramble Vest
    Jarvan IV
  • Riven
    Hextech Gunblade
    Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Thresh
    Sunfire Cape
    Locket of the Iron Solari
    Dragon's Claw
  • Vayne
    Guinsoo's Rageblade
    Infinity Edge
    Statikk Shiv
  • Nidalee
    Spear of Shojin
    Guinsoo's Rageblade
    Jeweled Gauntlet
  • Garen
    Warmog's Armor
    Sunfire Cape
    Gargoyle Stoneplate

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