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DYMMRobot's Team Comp Patch 10.6

DYMMRobot's TFT Build Comp | Last updated on March 21, 2020
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About This Team Comp

DYMMRobot's Team Comp is a TFT team comp created and maintained by DYMMRobot. This team comp is updated to patch 10.6 and is a potential way for you to build your team in Teamfight Tactics.

DArk star + infiltrator

You can play on mid game optional for wukong to cho'gath, ekko to soraka to fill in the gaps as those champs are hard to find. Get the main champs listed below as much as possible.Get first the items of Shaco as he is the main carry. next Ekko's item as first 2 items of Ekko are crucial to the late game (last item of ekko can be guinsoo or hand of justice) next will be jhin. You can add any item on the front-line as they are the first champs to fight the enemy's front-line champs. Zephyr and Trap Claw are crucial items on late game. Priority item for your front-line champ is Warmog's Armor for Mordekaiser for him to survive more on the battlefield.Lineup(respectively and as is):First row or front-line (blank, Jarvan, blank, Wukong, blank, Mordekaiser, blank)Second row and third row are blankLast Row (Karma, Shaco, blank, Jhin, blank, Ekko, Lux)You can play on mid game optional for wukong to cho'gath, ekko to soraka to fill in the gaps as those champs are hard to find. Get the main champs listed below as much as possible.Get first the items of Shaco as he is the main carry. next Ekko's item as first 2 items of Ekko are crucial to the late game (last item of ekko can be guinsoo or hand of justice) next will be jhin. You can add any item on the front-line as they are the first champs to fight the enemy's front-line champs. Zephyr and Trap Claw are crucial items on late game. Priority item for your front-line champ is Warmog's Armor for Mordekaiser for him to survive more on the battlefield.Lineup(respectively and as is):First row or front-line (blank, Jarvan, blank, Wukong, blank, Mordekaiser, blank)

  • Shaco
    Spear of Shojin
    Last Whisper
  • Ekko
    Spear of Shojin
    Rabadon's Deathcap
    Guinsoo's Rageblade
  • Jhin
    Infinity Edge
  • Mordekaiser
    Warmog's Armor
    Trap Claw
  • Jarvan IV
    Jarvan IV
  • Wukong
    Trap Claw
  • Lux
  • Karma

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