About This Team Comp
The formation shown is just an ideal world one, in reality you position your forces to take advantage of the socialite spotlight hex. Seraphine is your ideal DPS carry, although Heimerdinger will work very nicely too if you can't afford to wait for Seraphine. Two of the items they each use are the same, so once you have your tank up and running you can itemise for the Jeweled Gauntlet and Infinity Edge which will give you two great items that you can give to either Seraphine or Heimerdinger depending on who ends up being your DPS carry. Remember Seraphine is the ideal carry if you can wait for her.
Team Carries
Recommended Augments
Early Game
You will want to start with Innovators and kit out your tank with a couple of items first. Singed is ideal, but you will replace your tank later in the game with Jayce so really any tank that you can make work will do for now. Singed is best because you can get the 3x Innovator buff early on if you manage to get Ezreal and Zilean as well.
Mid Game
In the mid game you can use Zilean to hold any spellcaster DPS items you get until you get Seraphine later on. You will be selling Zilean at some point as he is not part of the final composition, so as long as the items are good for Heimerdinger or Seraphine you can make use of them early on by giving them to Zilean. At this stage if you find yourself able to easily build into 7x Innovator you can simply do this and not sell off your low level Innovators, but if this is not looking like a possibility then continue on with this build.
Late Game
If Jayce doesn't show up early enough and you can't keep Singed around any longer you can sell him and give his items to Taric instead and use him as your main tank, although Jayce is the ideal of course.
End game
The final form. Try to make sure Yuumi attaches to your main tank. Additinally make sure you position your main DPS to be as safe as possible and to take advantate of any socialite spotlights you can.
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