About This Team Comp
Fjy's Yordles
Rush 3 yordle and then Slow Roll to fill out the roster if your getting unlucky with APC or ADC items i suggest focusing Tristana as she counters other yordle teams, you will most likely loss streak for the first half of the game but you'll bounce back once you get either Vex, Tristana or Heimer online and then its all about getting your Janna, Janna will help you deal with some of the lower damage teams but you will continue losing to high damage comps untill you get Heimer or Tristana full items and then you should only be losing to 1-3 people and once you get most of the comp running or Veigar tier 2 it should be game set.
Team Carries
Recommended Augments
Early Game (rounds 1-6)
Get 3 Yordle as soon as possible and then save for 50 gold
Mid Game (rounds 7-20+)
Get either 6 yordles out if possible or 5 and tag in a Janna or Braum
Late game (everything after round 18)
Moderate speed lvl 9 and have a Braum and Janna ASAP if you get Veigar tier 2 replace Braum with him if you haven't hit lvl 9
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