About This Team Comp
This comp is all about Kaisa scaling with her ability, which is why you should prioritize frontline items first, to stall the fight and buy yourself more time. You might find yourself in a situation where you might be contested and won't be able to 3 star your units properly. In this case push for Levels, try to add more Frontline and play for Top 4. Can run Nilah + Ekko for Star Guardians instead of two of the Threats in your frontline.
Kaisa Reroll
Team Carries
Recommended Augments
Stage 2
Doesn't require a specific opener, but your best start is the Hero Augment "Raiders Spoils" (Ezreal) or Recon Heart. With a great opener you can play upgraded units and aim for a win streak but this comp usually likes to lose streak and go for a large roll down in Stage 3-2 with Level 6.
stage 3
In Stage 3-1 you need to make sure you have the Recon trait activated, this will help you with receiving Hero Augments for Ezreal, Vayne and Kaisa, but you can also take a Threat Hero Augment. Usually you are going for a large roll down in Stage 3-2 trying to upgrade most of your board. If you end up finding Nilah*2 you can run her for your frontline as well.
stage 4
You should be Level 7 in Stage 4-1. At this point you will need several upgrades, especially for your frontline, so make sure you roll down a bit to stabilize for Stage 4. Once you are stable, you want to stay above 50 gold and roll your interest and try to 3 star Kaisa and Rammus. Either play a second Rammus/Chogath or Ekko/Zac/Nilah in your frontline if you ended up hitting them.
stage 5+
If you're still missing Kaisa*3 and/or Rammus*3 at this point you should roll down your gold to find them. Push for Level 8 after and add more Frontline, usually Ekko/Fiddlesticks.
Item Builds
Your most common choices for Recon Emblem are Belveth or Velkoz. Play either Statikk on a Recon unit or Ionic Spark in your Frontline. Edge of Night in backline can be useful to protect your Recons from Zed / Talon.
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