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kalkithepro's Team Comp Patch 9.24

kalkithepro's TFT Build Comp | Last updated on December 22, 2019
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About This Team Comp

With this compilation, im every round on place 1 to 3. Its easy to get the Champions.

Varus and Kindred are very strong Rangers, when they gets strong items. They need attack speed, that is important.

Renekton need Life and armor and speed. He draws the opponents on him and can heal himself.

Senna is a nice Supporter and need some Mana, to start his skill at the beginning.

Zyra and Malzahar are not very strong in his attacks, but the skill is very nice and make alot of damage. They need alot of Mana, to start and repeat the skill

Olaf is the strongest champion at the moment. He needs the same item characteristics as his ability. Then he got very very f** strong and kill everybody. Speed, Healing while attacking and i forget, speed!!! Dont take him in the first lines, he need time to load his skill

Azir make good damage and dont need any items at first. But you can give him some armor and attack

Champion Positions: On the first line from left to right: Varus, Senna, Kindred, Malzahar, Azir, Olaf, Zyra
Renekton has to be a bit ahead, maybe on a event field.
But you can still vary a little. It is only important that the supporters are in the back.

The summoners do not die at first. They need time for the skills, But then you can summon a lot of Monster who can protect and distract the enemys.

Have fun

Summoners and Supporter

  • Varus
    Guinsoo's Rageblade
  • Kindred
    Guinsoo's Rageblade
  • Renekton
    Giant Slayer
    Giant's Belt
    Chain Vest
  • Senna
    Tear of the Goddess
    Seraph's Embrace
  • Zyra
    Seraph's Embrace
    Seraph's Embrace
    Tear of the Goddess
  • Olaf
    Hextech Gunblade
    Guinsoo's Rageblade
  • Azir
    Chain Vest
    Giant's Belt
    B.F. Sword
  • Malzahar
    Seraph's Embrace
    Seraph's Embrace
    Tear of the Goddess

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