About This Team Comp
In late game you have great additional carries with Zed and Qiyana who are more than capable of carrying an fight by themselves as well. Keep in mind that the Crowd Diver trait is less about their jump into the enemy backline and more about their built in damage scaling the longer the fight goes. This is why you have to prioritize sustain items and keep your carries alive, because the longer the fight, the better for you!
Katarina REroll

Team Carries

Recommended Augments

Stage 2
Doesn't require specific Opener for Stage 2, but you can aim for 3 Superfan + Evelynn with any of them as your chosen. Often times you will go for this comp if you have a very weak Stage 2 and lose streak to collect gold for a Stage 3 roll down.
Stage 3
Push for Level 6 in Stage 3-2. Sell your chosen, look for Neeko and Katarina. You want CROWD DIVER Chosen for Katarina, since it allows you to fit 4 Crowd Diver early and give you a much better late game win condition. Katarina will receive a free Hand of Justice from Superfan, so you just have to give her another Hand of Justice to finish her item build.
Stage 4
You should have Katarina*3 by Stage 4-2. If you are still far away from her you can push for Level instead and try to salvage the game with Zed instead.Â
Stage 5+
Push towards Level 8/9, upgrade Zed to 2 Star and set him up as your AD carry. With Crowd Diver Chosen you reach 6 Crowd Diver once you have Qiyana for an additional power spike.
Alternative Items
Katarina item build usually won't change much, unless you find radiant items or Artifacts.
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