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ppablowes's Team Comp Patch 10.3

ppablowes's TFT Build Comp | Last updated on February 13, 2020
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About This Team Comp

ppablowes's Team Comp is a TFT team comp created and maintained by ppablowes. This team comp is updated to patch 10.3 and is a potential way for you to build your team in Teamfight Tactics.

Ostentación's team comp

  • Maokai
    Warmog's Armor
  • Ivern
  • Neeko
    Seraph's Embrace
    Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Ezreal
    Shroud of Stillness
    Seraph's Embrace
  • Braum
  • Leona
  • Karma
  • Ashe
    Statikk Shiv
    Statikk Shiv
    Guardian Angel
  • Taric

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ppablowes | February 13, 2020 5:57am
Well this comp is dedicated to Ashe, she is a champ that can carry you for a lot of rounds, and i started to look more for hiting lvl 9 than spending money on infinity rolls to have a champ lvl 3, you have to use wisely you money between the lvl 2 - 5, if you have the 3 woodland fast, just use all your gold to hit lvl 5 and hve the chance to receive your Queen.

1º Begin with Ivern. Maokai and Neeko (leblanc if you donºt get it in the early game). I don't wast money rolling until I have 50 gold, but when iºm not luck to have my champ, i try it sometimes.
If can chose begin with Karma/Leona or Braum/Ezreal depending of what you already have to use.
You are going to win a lot of rounds and lose the carrosel cause having the bosque you always is going to have an extra champ.

2º While your doing your comp, have in mind that you only need 2 Statikk Shiv for your ashe, in this guide i used others itens, but you can use others for the anothers champs that you have depeding what you are facing against you.

3º Focus on having you team of lvl 2 champs, and look for lving up with gold (don't go under 50 gold, only if is necessery).

4º In the frontline your tanks and for the last line, Neeko, Karma, Ashe and then Soraka, protect your ashe with Soraka and Karma.

5º If you are luck to have two spatulas Taric can have space to help you, his ult and the cristal bonus.
ppablowes | February 13, 2020 5:57am
Well this comp is dedicated to Ashe, she is a champ that can carry you for a lot of rounds, and i started to look more for hiting lvl 9 than spending money on infiniy rolls to have a champ lvl 3.

1º Begin with Ivern. Maokai and Neeko (leblanc if you donºt get it in the early game). I don't wast money rolling until I have 50 gold, but when iºm not luck to have my champ, i try it sometimes.
If can chose begin with Karma/Leona or Braum/Ezreal depending of what you already have to use.
You are going to win a lot of rounds and lose the carrosel cause having the bosque you always is going to have an extra champ.

2º While your doing your comp, have in mind that you only need 2 Statikk Shiv for your ashe, in this guide i used others itens, but you can use others for the anothers champs that you have depeding what you are facing against you.

3º Focus on having you team of lvl 2 champs, and look for lving up with gold (don't go under 50 gold, only if is necessery).

4º In the frontline your tanks and for the last line, Neeko, Karma, Ashe and then Soraka, protect your ashe with Soraka and Karma.

5º If you are luck to have two spatulas Taric can have space to help you.

Well this comp is dedicated to Ashe, she is a champ that can carry you for a lot of rounds, and i started to look more for hiting lvl 9 than spending money on infiniy rolls to have a champ lvl 3.

1º Begin with Ivern. Maokai and Neeko (leblanc if you donºt get it in the early game). I don't wast money rolling until I have 50 gold, but when iºm not luck to have my champ, i try it sometimes.
If can chose begin with Karma/Leona or Braum/Ezreal depending of what you already have to use.
You are going to win a lot of rounds and lose the carrosel cause having the bosque you always is going to have an extra champ.

2º While your doing your comp, have in mind that you only need 2 Statikk Shiv for your ashe, in this guide i used others itens, but you can use others for the anothers champs that you have depeding what you are facing against you.

3º Focus on having you team of lvl 2 champs, and look for lving up with gold (don't go under 50 gold, only if is necessery).

4º In the frontline your tanks and for the last line, Neeko, Karma, Ashe and then Soraka, protect your ashe with Soraka and Karma.

5º If you are luck to have two spatulas Taric can have space to help you.
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Teamfight Tactics Guide