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Rebel Demolitionists [Patch 10.15] Patch 10.15

Toaster Machine's TFT Build Comp | Last updated on July 22, 2020
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About This Team Comp

This comp requires a solid sense of economy that stretches all the way to lvl 9. Unit transitions is generally easy and straightforward, with multiple power spikes during the early and mid game. Itemization is also flexible. Great balance between defence and offence.

Starting off with a massive shield from the “Rebels” trait providing daunting defensive shield and damage boost. “Chrono” and “Brawler” trait helps with attack speed passive and defensive stats. Blitz pulls in the enemy back line, helping Jinx ramp up further attack speed. Then Aurelion Sol’s starship will shred the enemy’s health to pieces. Soon after, Gangplank’s call for abyssal bombardment will drop a massive AOE bomb that damages and stuns the team. Then cleaning up with Jinx’s rocket launchers.

[Strategy & Tips]

If you see lots of brawlers, blasters, demolition, rebel units and decent item starts for your carries. Or if you see lots of early pirate and battle cast units.

[UNITS Transition]
You can start of getting battle-cast units or pirate units to help transition. For battle cast, use Nocturne as a carrier for Jinx’s items, if Zed is available, include him So it activates the infiltrators and perhaps 3 Rebels trait. Also Kogmaw is a good item carrier for Jinx too, or Lucian.
If pirate units are available, use graves as carrier for Jinx’s items, use Darius for Gangplank’s items.
Rumble is also a good carrier for Gangplank’s items and provides the early demolitionist trait.

Odyssey’s demolition & Love

The Demolitionists’ Dream

  • Gangplank
    Guardian Angel
    Ionic Spark
    Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Aurelion Sol
    Aurelion Sol
  • Jinx
    Sunfire Cape
    Rapid Firecannon
    Giant Slayer
  • Ziggs
  • Malphite
  • Yasuo
  • Zed
  • Ezreal
  • Blitzcrank

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