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Rich Annie Patch 10.19

MrPuggles's TFT Build Comp | Last updated on September 23, 2020
9 Votes

About This Team Comp

Rich Annie is a TFT team comp created and maintained by MrPuggles. This team comp is updated to patch 10.19 and is a potential way for you to build your team in Teamfight Tactics.

6 Fortune

This comp uses chosen fortune to build econ better than any comp. Use this extra econ to get to level 9 for this comp to be most effective. Carries can be either Annie or Jinx depending on what items you get.Position the units so that Annie, Tahm Kench, and Sejuani are in the frontline tanking damage. Put your Sharpshooters and Mages behind your frontline. Kat can go wherever she will best execute the enemy carry (usually the right or left corner).

Early Game
For the early game, you should aim for getting an early 3 fortune any way possible. Focus on keeping your levels up and gather any units that will help you survive the early game. Generally, you want to level up to 4 before 2-1, to 5 after 2-3, and to 6 after 3-1.
Mid Game
Mid game starts at around round 3. One you hit level 6, you can either slow roll (keep your gold above 50 and roll) for Annie and Tahm Kench, roll enough to stabilize yourself, or keep leveling, ideally keeping your gold above 50 if possible. If you were rolling, stop rolling by at least the end of round 3 and start leveling to level 8. Once you hit level 8 you can once again whether to slow roll, stabilize, or press on to level 9.
Late Game
Late game comes as soon as you hit level 9. Once you do, it's smooth sailing from here. If you don't already have one, roll to get a chosen fortune unit, although ideally you should already have one. Focus on leveling up your units. Once you are one of the last people remaining, keep an eye on your opponent's positioning. For example, if they were to position a bunch of assassins to take out your jinx/ahri, put Annie or Sejuani in your backline to tank them.

  • Ahri
  • Lillia
  • Annie
    Gargoyle Stoneplate
    Hextech Gunblade
    Guardian Angel
  • Jinx
    Spear of Shojin
    Guinsoo's Rageblade
    Runaan's Hurricane
  • Teemo
  • Tahm Kench
    Sunfire Cape
    Bramble Vest
    Dragon's Claw
    Tahm Kench
  • Thresh
  • Sejuani
  • Katarina

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