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Initial gameplan is to open with 3 Academy/2 Sentinel and use Lux as item dump until you find Heimerdinger. You want to rush for Level 8 and play 4 Sentinel / 3-4 Academy for midgame. AD items can go on Ezreal at the begining but should be transferred to Corki or Jayce once you find him.
Works best if you have a Sentinel Emblem so you can run 6 Sentinel early. Can also go deeper into Academy with Emblem or early Jayce.
Kill Streak Anomaly for Heimerdinger is very strong, but since you can't force it anymore you might have to settle for defensive Anomaly on Illaoi.
Works best if you have a Sentinel Emblem so you can run 6 Sentinel early. Can also go deeper into Academy with Emblem or early Jayce.
Kill Streak Anomaly for Heimerdinger is very strong, but since you can't force it anymore you might have to settle for defensive Anomaly on Illaoi.
Sentinel Academy

Recommended Anomalies
Kill Streak









Team Carries

Recommended Augments
Tier 1

Pandora's Items

Silver Spoon

Branching Out
Tier 2

Sentinel Crest

Cooking Pot

Academic Research
Tier 3

Academy Crown

Sentinel Crown

Call to Chaos
Stage 2

Check for useful Academy items in Teamplanner at start of game. Can run Academy with early Ezreal from Orb.
Stage 3

Try to stay low budget, since you want to rush for Level 8 in early Stage 4.
Stage 4

Push Level 8 in Stage 4-1 or 4-2 and roll for Heimerdinger/Illaoi/Corki. Transfer items, Corki takes AD items.
Stage 5+

Once you're stabilized push towards Level 9 and add Rumble/Jayce to cap out your board.
Alternative Items

Shojin Jayce is also good, but it's unlikely you have enough tears left for it.
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