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Slinging Daggers- Ft: Akali Patch 10.19

DoggoGames's TFT Build Comp | Last updated on September 27, 2020
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Ever wanted to kill the enemy damage carry? That's what this build is made for, dealing massive damage with Akali's spell with Blue Buff eliminating even the sturdiest of champions. Adding the 4 ninja buff to a three star Akali, you deal an insane 1000 AP damage rapidly with your low cost spell.

To start off at the first shared draft you would want to get someone with a goddess tear on them, the reason for this is that when you get blue buff on Akali you start dealing massive damage, If you can't grab a goddess tear try getting Diana, if you can't get any of them try getting a tank character such as one of the following, Tahm Kench, Garen, or Maokai. Another great start is Twisted fate, by getting him early you can cheese in a Galio 3 star cultist quickly, this effectively gives you an additional character in play.

Great, now that you have a solid start its time for team composition. You generally want to rush buy level 4 at the start of the game to get in extra damage. However after that you want to aim for the following builds.
Diana, Evelynn, Twisted Fate, Pyke.
This will give you 2 star Assassin and 3 star cultist, Galio will effectively give you an additional champion.

Level 5:
Akali, Diana, Evelynn, Twisted Fate, Pyke.
As with the previous build you get Galio, but now you can get out Akali giving her the 1 star Ninja buff.

Akali, Diana, Evelynn, Kennen, Shen, Zed.
Here is where a major power spike happens, You get 4 Star Ninja 2 Star Assassin 2 Star Shade, this enables high kill power for rapid kills. Sadly we have to cut out Galio, for now.

Level 7:
Akali, Diana, Evelynn, Kennen, Shen, Pyke, Zed.
We have all the buffs of the Previous level but we add in Pyke again, If you need a third tank get Aatrox instead.

Level 8:
Aatrox, Akali, Diana, Evelynn, Kennen, Shen, Pyke, Zed.
Now that we have 3 Star Cultist buff up we get Tyrant Galio, which will be a great Area CC and general tank.

Level 9:
Aatrox, Akali, Diana, Evelynn, Kennen, Shen, Talon, Pyke, Zed.
Now we have the 4 star Assassin, Talon is better than katarina for this build since a AD Assassin is a good balance to the main two AP assassin/ shade killers.
Items are critical to this build, getting Blue buff on Akali as fast as you can dramatically increases the chances of you doing well. The reason for this is that Blue Buff gives you 20 Mana whenever you use a spell, Akali's spell only costs 20 mana. You might be able to see where this is going, Akali will be spamming spells as high speeds, along with hextech gun blade you heal for every spell you do, meaning that you generate a massive healing amount with a bonus shield. Ionic spark is great for dealing with Dragon's claw and dealing extra damage.

With Evelynn you want to go for Jeweled Gauntlet so your devastating ability can crit, pair that with Infinity edge and you start to shred threw high health tanks with ease. Doing the math you get a 100% crit chance with crits that deal 220%+ damage. Finally Hand of Justice is a high power item making you delete enemy champions with ease.


Here is listen the general strategy, first you want to get blue buff ASAP to start shredding tanks.

  • Akali
    Blue Buff
    Hextech Gunblade
    Ionic Spark
  • Evelynn
    Jeweled Gauntlet
    Infinity Edge
    Hand of Justice
  • Shen
    Sunfire Cape
    Gargoyle Stoneplate
    Warmog's Armor
  • Diana
  • Zed
  • Kennen
  • Pyke
  • Talon
  • Aatrox
    Zz'Rot Portal

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