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Time Guardians Patch 10.18

HeimerPinger's TFT Build Comp | Last updated on September 13, 2020
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About This Team Comp

Time Guardians is a TFT team comp created and maintained by HeimerPinger. This team comp is updated to patch 10.18 and is a potential way for you to build your team in Teamfight Tactics.

Time Guardians

First of all, hi, my name is HeimerPinger, I am from LAN servers, and I just wanted to drop my first Mobafire guide, which is called "Time Guardians" and, its a mix of 6 Sorcerer, 4 Chrono, 4 Star Guardians, a Paragon and 2 Battlecast. To clarify, Syndra and Blitz have 3 stars, the rest of the comp,except for Janna has 2 stars and my wonderful main in the Summoner´s Rift, Janna, has only 1 star.Talking about formation, your frontline is going to be Blitz and Wukong, and you need to try to calculate where the enemy carry is going to be, next, you can put the Blitz in the opposite direction, and done.PD 1: Calculate where to put your tanks, by, putting the carrys in the last row, then, the "semi-tanks" in front of them and the frontline tanking the whole team.PD 2: Becuase of Theif Gloves, Wukong rotate his items, so, if in your match, you can´t build that item, my advice is to buy him, HP items (Warmog) and Damage items (Infinity Edge or Morellonomicon)Behind them, you can put, Viktor, Annie and TF, and you have to protect Viktor with Annie and TF, so can put the damage correctly, and Annie and TF tank the damage that could go to him like a hord of Infiltraitors.And, in the last row, there is Syndra, Xerath,Ahri, Calitlyn and Janna, with the group, there is going to be Caitlyn and Syndra in the outside of the crew and Xerath and Janna on the inside to apply the Xerath´s damage, Janna´s CC, attack speed and the magic damage bonus to Syndra, Viktor, herself and Ahri. Talking about the last one, Ahri is going to be in one of the corners of the map, if you had a Blitzcrank in your match (when I played this composition, I had like 3 Blitz on the match), if that is not the case, put Ahri where is supposed to go Syndra, so, she, Xerath and Janna can cast their abilities without a problem, and Ahri can tank the damage the enemy team deals without a problem thanks to her items.That would be the whole explanation, is my first guide, so, if you want to leave any commentary about it, go ahead.PD 3: My native language is not English, so, sorry for my gramatical errors.

  • Syndra
    Blue Buff
    Chalice of Power
  • Blitzcrank
    Hextech Gunblade
    Zz'Rot Portal
    Titan's Resolve
  • Xerath
  • Wukong
    Thief's Gloves
  • Viktor
    Star Guardian's Charm
  • Ahri
    Trap Claw
  • Annie
    Locket of the Iron Solari
  • Twisted Fate
    Guardian Angel
    Twisted Fate
  • Caitlyn
    Spear of Shojin
  • Janna
    Spirit of the Dragon

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