About This Team Comp
In early game you can effectively open fort, maximize your economy and collect your core items for Twitch and Pantheon. Push for Level 6 in Stage 3-2 and look for Executioner Twitch, if you get lucky with Executioner Vex you can also take her instead. With an upgraded Frontline and Headliner Twitch you should be stabilized.
Push for Level 7 in Stage 4-2 and slow roll for Twitch, Pantheon, Vex and Amumu. Once you have your 3 Star units you can push for Level 8 and run more duplicates for Twin Terror together with an Executioner unit like Samira or Akali.
Twin Terror Twitch
Team Carries
Recommended Augments
Stage 2
This comp likes to commit with a Twin Terror Augment in Stage 2-1 and open fort. Maximize your economy and prepare yourself for a roll down in Stage 3.
Stage 3
Push for Level 6 in Stage 3-2 and roll for Pantheon, Twitch, Amumu and Vex. You are mainly looking for Executioner Twitch Headliner, but you can also take Executioner Vex Headliner instead. Either run 2 Pantheon or 2 Amumu in your frontline, depending on your upgrades. Once you are stable with upgrades you can recover your economy.
Stage 4
Push for Level 7 in Stage 4-2 so you can add Samira for 4 Executioner. Slow roll for Twitch, Pantheon, Vex and Amumu and attempt to 3 Star as many as possible.
Stage 5+
Once you have your 3 Stars you can push towards Level 8/9 and add more Duplicates to maximize Twin Terror.
Alternative Item Builds
Usually Pantheon will act as your main tank, but sometimes you get lucky with Amumu and you can stack defensive items on him. You can also run two Infinity Edges on Twitch, especially if you have Sunfire already for your Frontline.
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