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Obviously to get all the items on the recommended champions...You would have to get very lucky. So I will add a suggestion on priority. Your Garen Mech should priority GA and Quicksilver before red buff. Kai'sa absolutely needs jeweled gauntlet and morello. Shaco also needs BloodT and IE if at all possible, because he will be getting the darkstar boost when lux and karma die. you want lux and Karma up front by your Garen Mech so they die fast and early to get boost to Shaco. Shaco will pop off if he has at least two items + Darkstar boost. Sorcerer boost will help kai'sa. Your main damage is Kai'sa, Garen Mech, and Shaco. Has carried me easily to Platinum.... Not a lot of people do this, but instead do the Mech Sorcerer. This destroys those pesky backlines. The Red Buff on Garen is for the Troll Xin teams with Warmongs. Let me know what you think.... Thanks.
Obviously to get all the items on the recommended champions...You would have to get very lucky. So I will add a suggestion on priority. Your Garen Mech should priority GA and Quicksilver before red buff. Kai'sa absolutely needs jeweled gauntlet and morello. Shaco also needs BloodT and IE if at all possible, because he will be getting the darkstar boost when lux and karma die. you want lux and Karma up front by your Garen Mech so they die fast and early to get boost to Shaco. Shaco will pop off if he has at least two items + Darkstar boost. Sorcerer boost will help kai'sa. Your main damage is Kai'sa, Garen Mech, and Shaco. Has carried me easily to Platinum.... Not a lot of people do this, but instead do the Mech Sorcerer. This destroys those pesky backlines. The Red Buff on Garen is for the Troll Xin teams with Warmongs. Let me know what you think.... Thanks.
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