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Poppy Build Guide by PunaPf

Assassin AD speed Poppy - The fastest hammer in town

Assassin AD speed Poppy - The fastest hammer in town

Updated on February 27, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PunaPf Build Guide By PunaPf 4,752 Views 13 Comments
4,752 Views 13 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PunaPf Poppy Build Guide By PunaPf Updated on February 27, 2013
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  • LoL Champion: Poppy
    Against Ad
  • LoL Champion: Poppy
    Against Ap


Hi everyone, I'm PunaPf and I'm making my very first guide for Poppy, my adorable carrykiller.
I'm not english, so I'm sorry for my bad grammar :/
I'd enjoy a lot all the positive feedback you could send to me, for improving the guide :).

Enough talk about me, let's talk about her !
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Pros / Cons


+ Best passive in the game
+ Tank killer
+ So fast with this build
+ Incredible damage output with Sheen/Trinity
+ One of the best ultimates in the best
+ Underrated
+ She's a YORDLE with a HAMMER !
- Can be hard to farm, but needs farm
- If the enemies know your power, it won't be easy
- Needs a tank
- Countered by a kill lane bot
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Hammer Skill for smashing people

I'm going to make it simple : It reduce (almost) everything to half damage ! If you have 500hp (lvl 1 full hp), everything who deal more than 50hp will be reduced to half damage. Remember it doesn't reduce true damage, so be careful with Ignite, Noxian Guillotine and Feast. Also, turrets, minions and lesser jungle creeps damage can't be reduced
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This is your bread and butter nuke. We're going to max it first because, it has a refresh auto-attack timer (you can smash twice in a blink of an eye), so what does it do ?
You deal your AA [refresh timer] + AA + 100 + 60%ap + 8% maximum life target. But you are smart, you're not going to make one more AA with your sheen, but one and half more AA with a Trinity !
So with numbers, it does (full build) 350 [refresh timer] + 350 + 100 + 18 + 525 (Trinity) + (on adc) 144 or (on tank) 320 ! So a total of 1487 (1663 on tank) ! I know I didn't count the resist, but you do it every 3sec...
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The Paragon is our trusty shield. He won't never let us down. What does it do exactly ? He'll be useful in the laning phase by blocking Jayce, Pantheon and Gangplank poke, because more they'll will do it, more you'll laugh, combined with your passive you won't feel them. The other reason to love him, that's because you're Poppy, you will never push ! So you have to farm under your tower. By putting 2points early you will be able to take 80% of your farm under your tower. Throughout all the game, the adrenaline from the active will save you from ganks and help hard to chase. Remember to don't abuse of him, or he'll burn your mana.
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Heroic Charge... Now that we have put on our armour Valiant Fighter, we'll hold our hammer Devastating Blow and our shield Paragon of Demacia, we can fight. This skill have many uses and I'll cover them in an other section, but you jump to your target, and you push him : If you use it at melee range, you'll travel for medium distance, but if you use it at full range, you'll travel twice the distance ! Remember to don't abuse of her, or she'll drain quickly your mana.
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Simply : Use it on 1v1 for increasing all yours damage. Use it on the support/oom mage/ someone who can't CC you for being INVULNERABLE for a little bit a time, and use it to down the biggest threat. It's not worth it to use it on the adc for killing him faster because : You can be touched by the adc and when you'll kill him, you'll lose your invulnerability
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Body Guard masteries

First, the Utility Tree :
- Meditation for some mana regen, because we are a bit mana hunger

Then I'll explain my choice into the Defence Tree :
- Durability we're taking it in most part for the veteran's scars, but also because some extra late game hp helps us to dominate even more in late game !

- Hardiness and Resistance will both be picked up for increasing our early game resistance. But feel free to leave Resistance for Juggernaut when you're laning against someone who don't deal ap damage.

- Unyielding and Block are picked up for helping us to absorb a bit more damage/poke.

- Tenacious and Relentless is crucial, because you don't want your beautiful 10 years old body to be CC'ed before we reach their carry, no ?

- Good Hands is because if your team let you down
(or if they kill the one who ulted like dumbass teammates)
you want to be ready to smash faster.

- Honor Guard Because it give us a nice boost on Valiant Fighter !

Into the offence tree, we will spend our points like so :
- Summoner's Wrath because we LUV dat move speed bonus, and the ignite bonus is still nice :)

- Butcher It will help us to cs a bit more easier under our tower, because we'll spend some time under our tower (nearly at the 2nd and the 7th wave)

- Sorcery because cooldown reduction give us a lot, and putting two points in the second tier won't help us at all.

Then I pick up Butcher for helping my last hitting under my tower, because Poppy never push ! Then pick up 3 Sorcery because less cooldown = more smash !
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Aggresive Runes and Spells

Runes first


Fleet Footwork
Dark Harvest
Phase Rush
First, we start with some nice 8.55 physical damage from Greater Mark of Attack Damage because of two things : first we need a bit more of early game damage in trades, then Poppy damage doesn't come from Ad, it's hybrid damages, so ArmorPen won't help that much.

Then we pick up the Greater Seal of Armor, there is pretty much nothing to explain here.

The cooldown reduction increase Poppy dps soooo much that we can't leave them. But the problem is you'll have mana to burn more frequently. And it's bad. We're already mana hungry when we use our skills, so we don't want it. Pick some Greater Glyph of Mana Regeneration for counter this.

Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed ... what was you expecting ? Didn't you read to title ?!?


Fleet Footwork
Dark Harvest
Phase Rush
Marks and Quint won't move, because they give us too much for changing them.

We're just going to change the flat armor by scaling armor for seals.

We want some magic resistance, so we'll pick some Greater Glyph of Magic Resist. In that case, less cooldown reduction means less mana regeneration needed. I'll let you choose your own mix :)

Other choices for runes :
greater mark of hybrid penetration : You can use it if you don't like the 8.5ad and you prefer some late game efficiency.
Greater Seal of Health You can use it against an Ap top for being more tanky early, but I like to take less damage from ganks/minions/AA
Greater Quintessence of Health If you feel like the little bonus movespeed isn't helping you, of if you have some issue for staying alive, pick those
Greater Quintessence of Experience If you like them, go with it ! If you can harass your opponent pre-6, wait to be lvl 6 and him to stay at lvl 5 and just do your combo.

Spells now

Okay, I see some Poppy's guide who take exhaust instead of Ignite. In their gameplay, it's probably better, but here we are AD Speed Poppy ! Our role is to take down/take out of the fight the enemies carries as quick as possible ! As well, Ignite is a major part of our laning phase. Just do quick maths : 170 damage at level 6 and our ulti give us 20% increased damage. It does 204damage (40.8 damage each second) ! From a little spell ! It's completely op ! No one will survive to this, if you do use it right. And if flash away, don't worry he'll be hurt so badly that he'll have to insta recall :)
We're taking ghost because ... I guess you've read now. Why Ghost and not Flash ? Because Flash doesn't fit well with poppy in a general case (maybe if you play Ap Poppy, and you use it for smashing people into walls) and we don't want a little nerfed blink with long cooldown, we want that amazing adrenaline boost for going into their face, no matter what happens.

Other Spells that "could' be useful :
I explained it above, in ghost section. The speed boost give you more than a simple blink
Same thing for flash, I explained it into the Ignite section. You don't want to slow the opponent, Trinity Force and Blade of the Ruined King are already stopping him. Damage reduction ? C'mon have you seen your passive ?
If you have lots lots lots of issue for staying in lane, pick this... but you arn't supposed to take damage, you have to farm under your tower and try to harass him a bit. If you die, you have already lots of movement speed, and Poppy isn't good for split pushing.

"Mediocre Spells"
Pick it if you really need more sustain... but as same as teleport you should don't need it. If you want it to surprise the opponent, I don't think it's a good idea. Your damage output post Sheen/lvl6 is already scary ahah
If you want to use it to block a lot of damage... well you shouldn't take a lot of damage :) your ult is already blocking tower hit in the laning phase and when you'll ult the support, no one will hurt you.
I know Poppy may have mana issue, but if you use only your Q/E to harass, and you W to farm under your turret/when a gank happens and your Q to last hit the siege minions, you may not have mana issue.

"Please, don't..."
If you're using it as a support, two options :
You mistook your lane
You mistook your champ
If they're using all the CC on you, two options :
They're dumb and your adc will take them out
You're very bad positioned
Don't troll with my guide D:
You may need some serious training on bots if you need this for last hitting :/
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Items Starts

Their is not that much items you can pick at lvl one. I think Cloth Armor and 5x Health Potion or Crystalline Flask and 3x Health Potion are the only thing you can pick. They are both a great choice, I'm not just taking the Flask because the armour can't help us.
- With the Cloth Armor you'll be able to stand longer in lane with trading against some Zed, Tryndamere, Fiora etc... and the potions prevent poke/lack in trade pre-sheen.
- But, with the Crystalline Flask you have a bit less sustain (yeah, you win 60hp but you loose 15armor...) but you win some nice 180mana ! With this mana, you'll be able to reach some Kayle, Vladimir or Elise who are out of our Q. Just E-Q-wall back, you're 180mana will sustain it.


Generally, you want to take boots on purpose of your laning opponent so Ninja Tabi and Mercury's Treads will often by yours boots. But if you are dominating like a real smash-smurf you can also pick Boots of Swiftness. In late game, if they don't have so much CC buy the Boots of Swiftness and if you don't have to defend the base, pick Enchantment: Alacrity if you have to, pick Enchantment: Homeguard

Core Build

At the very first place, we NEED that Sheen/ Trinity Force proc. The Iceborn Gauntlet does a little bit less damage than Trinity, and helps way more to chase BUT as poppy, we benefit so hard from ALL the stats or the Trinity. So leave this Gauntlet here.

Then, as Poppy, we need sustain. The three item poppy could use here are : the old nice Bloodthirster, the Hextech Gunblade and the Blade of the Ruined King. Let's take a look at them

The blood is really nice and we can protect theses stack pretty easily with our survivability but it didn't got any CC :/ This one is really nice because it give you the best sustain of the three with this spell vamp and a limited CC with the active, but this is the most expensive I take this one because it give us a massive CC with a medium life steal, but this item will does a huge amount of damage on tanks, and on baron/dragon.

We want to reach the carry to most quickly possible, but feel free to change if you don't like the blade (but try it first :) ).

Here we can use well the 5% boost from the Zeal but upgrading it won't give us more speed, and at this point, Poppy want to upgrade her Paragon of Demacia (shield). And remember, you can hurt someone badly with a shield. So I'm listing all the shields and armour you can use :

- Warmog's Armor This one is really nice, it give you 1k of hp ! It make you tanky, but same as Guardian Angel people doesn't tend to focus someone who have the revive active or lot of hp. But remember that Armor and Magic Resist works better with your passive.

- Guardian Angel. As I said it above, it give you a really nice mental advantage because they won't tend to focus someone will revive after that (even more if this person can ult someone can kill the others) and it give you some nice resist over all :) Don't take it if you want the enemy to focus you.

- Randuin's Omen This is the perfect item to counter team pretty equilibrate with a huge ad top like Riven, Zed, Fiora or Renekton, because you can build a early Warden's Mail. (Don't tell him I told you this, but it's the perfect item if they have a fed Darius, because it counters his ult and his damage)

- Frozen Heart Yay ! It give us some Cooldown reduction and some mana in bonus ! This item sounds kinda like Thornmail : give you more bonus but doesn't kill Tryndamere, Master Yi ... So take it if they got lots of AD that doesn't rely that much on AA.

- Thornmail It give you no bonus other than armor but it destroy anyone who relies one AA. As I said it upper, take it when you have Master Yi, Tryndamere, Fiora ? etc...

- Runic Bulwark This is the best item against a huge AP team, but generally someone will take it too. Coordinate yourself with your team to don't pick two of theses. If someone want to take it too, pick up the Maw of Malmortius instead :).

- Maw of Malmortius ... Look up ! Pick it if you want more damage or if someone took the bulwark

Now we have our defensive item, we want more damage ! After taking our damage-item we will, of course, end our zeal :)
I'm personally picking the Infinity Edge because we already have 20% Crit chance, and we'll have 30% with our Phantom Dancer. I don't think I need much sustain, but for being honest, I almost never end my build with AD Speed Poppy... But If you find a game where you will go that far, and if you don't like the IE, there is some alternatives choices :

- Blade of the Ruined King / Hextech Gunblade / Bloodthirster If you want more sustain, you can pick it (don't pick twice the same). If I had to choose, I would take the the blade then the hextech gunblade.

- Last Whisper / Black Cleaver I said in the Runes - Marks that our damage output
doesn't come only from Ad, so picking one of them won't help that much. If you still take that, remember : Black Cleaver is better when they have less than ~110 armor, and if higher take the Last Whisper.

- Ravenous Hydra Poppy isn't brilliant at farming, and can't really split push. But with this you can split push easily and get away pretty much with no problem. But I don't think you might want to push with Poppy (If you can deal an AoE Q, take it !!!! I'll try it out)

- Mercurial Scimitar If they have a team with a lot of CC you could buy it, if they have some AP fed too, it's even better. And at least you can use this short boost of speed to reach them faster.

- Youmuu's Ghostblade The active is very nice, and you benefit from all the stats of this, but I always forgot to use it, so I don't take it ^^".
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Smash'a'wall :
Push your lane to the edge of the enemy brush, then hide in it (like Garen). Wait him to try to pick and cs and follow the video :
Yeah ! E->AA->Q then walk off like a boss Poppy !

Poppy's sexy dance-floor :

This is your main combo. You HAVE to learn how to use it right, or you won't get any kill without your jungler.
I explain it : wait him to be at melee range. Then, Ult->Ignite->(AA->)Q->W-> chase him -> if he flash, just E to be at melee range again.
This combo can be used anywhere. If you're pushing the lane, your ult will block the turret hits, if you're pushed (not under tower because you would cs), nothing can save him. So they're no turret anywhere. Try to harass (60% hp) your opponent before doing this, because you'll burn Ignite and Ghost, so you need this kill.
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