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Fiora Build Guide by Amherawdr

Assassin How to FIORA - For Nooblords

Assassin How to FIORA - For Nooblords

Updated on February 12, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Amherawdr Build Guide By Amherawdr 5 2 18,395 Views 19 Comments
5 2 18,395 Views 19 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Amherawdr Fiora Build Guide By Amherawdr Updated on February 12, 2013
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  • LoL Champion: Fiora
  • LoL Champion: Fiora
  • LoL Champion: Fiora
  • LoL Champion: Fiora



Why hello there, I'm King of Heroes I, from the North American server. I've played League of Legends for about a year now, and one of my first few champions was Fiora. I played Fiora ever since her release. I am only a mid elo player ATM, but I was Gold in season 2. I enjoy watching streams of pro players and tournaments. My favourite team is Curse Gaming NA :]
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Pros / Cons


  • High damage output
  • Strong early game (lvls 3-6)
  • Scales well into the late game
  • Double dash with Lunge
  • Strong ultimate
  • Scales well to Life Steal
  • Very versatile
  • Tower dives well
  • Dat Ashe


  • Squishier than average bruiser
  • No escape
  • Incorrect use of Blade Waltz can be fatal
  • Item dependent
  • Quite a bit of negative matchups
  • Few positive matchups
  • Is French
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
It is standard to run the runes shown above, but there are other viable rune sets.


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
Armor penetration marks. This is very strong because of the season 3 penetration change. Works really well with The Brutalizer, Black Cleaver and Youmuu's Ghostblade. NOTE: You might find last hitting a bit harder without the flat AD marks.


Phase Rush
The flat magic resist glyphs can be exchanged for these scaling magic resist runes when you are laning versus a champion that only does physical damage (Pantheon, Riven, etc.)
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Most common top lane summoner spells. You would take this 90% of the time.

True damage. OP. Good for finishing people off or for just stopping them from healing ( Master Yi, Swain, Warwick, etc.). This is the counter to Tryndamere's Undying Rage. Ignite really helps when diving with your Blade Waltz.

The most versatile summoner spell. You can use it to gap closer, escape ganks, flash walls, etc.

This can replace Ignite in certain matchups (where you usually get wrecked Pantheon, Riven) or versus champions who get shut down by Exhaust such as Garen. Exhaust is the best choice when laning against an ADC top ( Corki, Vayne). It might be worth while taking this spell when your team doesn't have it.

Good when you are laning against someone who counters you. Always take this when laning against champions that have globals, such as Shen. I really like using this spell to roam. When a fight breaks out at bottom, just Teleport and win. The only problem is that this spell has a longer CD than Ignite or Exhaust.

You probably won't take these unless you want to do some hardcore baiting for first blood. Barrier is actually hard to use, because you need the perfect timing to use it to make big plays. Remember that it only lasts two seconds.

Good versus teams with a lot of CC where Quicksilver Sash or Mercurial Scimitar aren't enough. I prefer Mercurial Scimitar over this summoner spell because Cleanse does not remove suppress.

Take this when jungling. It is needed for jungling. ALWAYS HAVE THIS WHEN JUNGLING. You need this to secure/steal Dragons and Barons. You also need this to live you first clear in the jungle. Before 15 minutes, feel free to use this on creeps other than objectives to use Summoner's Resolve to the maximum.

This can replace Flash, but with this spell you are easier to gank as slows will reduce your Ghost to nothing. This spell does however give you more chasing potential.
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(Innate): Fiora regenerates 7 + (1 × level) health over 6 seconds each time she deals damage. Striking champions will cause this effect to stack up to 4 times.
This passive only has pressence during levels 1-4. During that time, it allows Fiora to trade with the enemy champion and then heal up on minions. Try to use this passive to sustain yourself early game instead of potions. Still use potions when needed.


(Active): Fiora dashes forward to strike her target, dealing physical damage. Fiora can perform the dash a second time within 4 seconds at no mana cost.
This ability is used as a gap closer. Try not to use this for damage, as it doesn't so that much damage. I max this last because I do not need the increase in damage.


(Passive): Fiora's Attack Damage is increased. (Active): Fiora parries the next basic attack within 1.5 seconds and reflects magic damage back to the attacker. Works on champions, large monsters, and large minions.
This ability gives you the advantage in most trades. It parries abilities that apply on-hit effects. The passive AD also helps in trades so I max this first.


Burst of Speed
(Active): Fiora gains additional Attack Speed for 3 seconds. Each basic attack or Lunge she lands during this time increases her Movement Speed for 3 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. Killing a champion refreshes the cooldown on Burst of Speed. Assists reduce the cooldown by half of the base amount.
This is Fiora's AS steroid. It is the second best AS steroid in the game, only second to Elise's Skittering Frenzy. The resets on this skill helps you get multi kills. Time your Burst of Speeds right because good players with hard CC Fiora the moment she activates Burst of Speed.


Blade Waltz
(Active): Fiora dashes around the battlefield striking random champions 5 times, dealing physical damage. Successive hits against the same target deal 25% damage. The first and last attack will be against the same target. Each strike applies on-hit effects.
This is your ultimate. Use this to tower dive. Use this to survive tower dives. Use this to lose focus during a teamfight. Use this to kill.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
I normally level like this for the passive AD from Riposte. It also helps during trades. Max Burst of Speed next because it is strong in teamfights due to the reset. I don't like getting Lunge because the increase in damage isn't significant.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Start Lunge versus a ranged champion.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
I level like this when I jungle. Riposte blocks one attack from a big creep and deals damage to it. Burst of Speed is good for clearing camps and for damage during ganks. I put more points into Burst of Speed because it is more useful than Riposte during ganks.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Level like this when playing mid Fiora, where you play as a pseudo AD caster against a champion that doesn't auto attack much.
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This is what I like to start. You get sustain on top of your passive, so you play aggressively. You don't need the mana potion, it is only for people who like to spam skills. It can be replaced with a third health potion.

sight ward
A more defensive start than the first. Start this when you think you might get early ganked, such as when the enemy jungler is Lee Sin and you are on the blue side.

Start this against heavy physical damage dealers. This start well allow you to trade well with them. Start this vs. Pantheon, Riven, Gangplank, Lee Sin, Renekton, etc.

x9 sight wardx2
Start this when you are gonna lose lane to an AP champion. The Health Potions give you a lot os sustain and with two sight wards make it very safe for you to stay in lane.

IMO this is the only viable start for jungling in season 3. The Hunter's Machete is very good with champions that have high attack speed, such as Fiora with her Burst of Speed.


A perfect item for bruisers at the top lane. Gives health, AD, and sustain. The Doran's Blade passive synergizes well with your own passive. Get this item when you are even or winning lane.

In season 3 I believe that Doran's Shield is the strongest Doran's item. It gives armor, health, regen (which is only good early game, and this is an early game item :]), and the 6 champion damage reduction that synergizes well with Unyielding and Block . You can get this item versus heavy AD damage dealers or against champions that you lose to.


Get this item because it is OP early game. Use it to help you net kills for your Ravenous Hydra. I don't build this item into Black Cleaver early, because Black Cleaver is too expensive and it delays your Ravenous Hydra.

In season 3, Tiamat can now be built up to Ravenous Hydra! During season 2, there was a gimmick Fiora build where you stack Tiamats. I didn't like it very much, but Ravenous Hydra is so much better. It has the Tiamat splash passive, which lets you split push really well. It also synergizes superbly with your Blade Waltz. The active is strong as it gives you an extra auto attack every 10 seconds. My favourite part of this item that makes it so much better than Tiamat is that Ravenous Hydra has life steal which works along with the passive splash. (I ramble a lot it seems...)

Only get this item when jungling. It increases your clear time by a lot because the Wriggle's Lantern passive synergizes well with the AS from Burst of Speed. The life steal is nice as Fiora benefits greatly from it and the extra ward can be used to help a teamate in need or to ward objectives (Dragon, Baron Nashor). The ward is also very strong when you are jungling with Teleport.


Get this item against an AP top. The tenacity helps since CC is the main thing that shuts Fiora down in a teamfight. I don't like rushing this item too early due to it's high cost. If they are not needed, then just stick to Boots. I don't like to get this while jungling becaust the magic resist and tenacity are pretty useless until teamifight phase. You can buy either Ninja Tabi or Berserker's Greaves then sell them for Mercury's Treads when teamfights start. You should still get this item when jungling against a team that has heavy magical damage and a lot of CC.

Get this item against heavy physical damage dealers. It is very affordable. A good item to build when you start Cloth Armor Health Potionx5. I like to get this item when I am jungling because the armor reduces the damage that neutral creeps deal to you.

You should almost never get this item. Fiora's Burst of Speed gives you all the AS you will ever need. You might get this to pubstomp when you are 20/0/0 around 15 minutes. You can build this when you are jungling, because the extra attack speed increases your clear times and makes you stronger in a gank.


This item is OP in season 3. The reason being is that armor penetration and magic penetration got buffed, so it now costs more money to buy armor and magic resist to greatly reduce physical and magical damage. It is now more worth it to build health early game and to strat building resistances mid/late game where you get tonnes of cash from winning teamfight and objectives. The cost of Warmog's Armor has also been reduced, making it a better buy.


I only get this on Assassin Fiora. It is good in the current meta where people stack health and everyone has Warmog's Armor. I like this on assassin Fiora because the burst from the active does decent damage and helps you dive the enemy ADC easier. The active can also save your life.

These items can be used to replace Warmog's Armor if you are super fed and need the slow. I recommend Frozen Mallet unless you team is winning really hard.

Randuin's Omen can be used to replace Warmog's Armor versus a team with a lot of auto attackers. The passive on Randuin's Omen is OP. Get Thornmail against a team with many auto attackers but it is recommended that you have another HP item becuase Thornmail only gives armor. I like to build this on Assassin Fiora because the enemy ADC will be forced to auto attack you. Sunfire Aegis is good for tank Fiora and works well with Atma's Impaler. I prefer Randuin's Omen instead though. Frozen Heart's passive aura is super OP. You need one of these on your team no matter what or else the enemy ADC will murder your team. Only get this when going tank Fiora and no one else is getting it. The CDR helps mainly for Blade Waltz.

A tank Fiora item when you have a lot of health stacked up. Works well with Infinity Edge

A strong item especially for the owner. I wouldn't get this item unless you are losing lane super hard and getting this item to assist you team. You can also get this when you are jungling and no one else on you team wants to get it.

I don't really like this item in season 3. The resistances got nerfed so I think you are better off getting Warmog's Armor. It is an okay pick when you know you are going to get focused and killed a lot.

Get one of these versus a team with heavy AP. I usually like Mercurial Scimitar because it gives the most magic resist and AD. Both parts of the active really benefit Fiora during a teamfight. Maw of Malmortius is a decent item if you built Hexdrinker during your lane phase. I don't like this item as much because it costs too much but the shield can save you life many times. I don't really like Wit's End because it doesn't give AD but i guess you can make due with the on-hit magic damage. I would get this versus someone like Malphite who would stack armor against you and reduce you AS.

The tanky alternatives to the items listed above. Banshee's Veil passive is good versus a team with poke. Spirit Visage synergizes well with life steal.

An alternative to Black Cleaver. It is cheaper, and is a good build if you bought an early Avarice Blade due to losing the lane. You can also build this when winning really hard because the active on it is strong. I like Youmuu's Ghostblade on Fiora instead of Phantom Dancer or Statikk Shiv because Youmuu's Ghostblade gives AD and armor penetration, while the other two give AS and crit, which you don't really need. Secondly, in season 3, attack speed became more expensive so it is more beneficial to buy AD.

Only good on Assassin Fiora IMO. It gives you a lot of burst to instagibb the enemy AD or AP carry, but I think Burst of Speed is enough. I would get this item when jungling because it gives massive damage in early/mid game ganks. This item falls off late game though, because the flat stats aren't permanent. Only keep this item late game when you have Infinity Edge.

Only good on Assassin Fiora IMO. Synergizes well with Sword of the Divine to give you massive burst damage. I prefer Bloodthirster because it gives more AD and it gives life steal, which Fiora synergizes well with.

Normally, as a bruiser/assassin/tank, Enchantment: Alacrity is probably the best choice because it help you catch people out of position or run away better. Get Enchantment: Homeguard in a long game where your base is in danger. I normally don't get Enchantment: Furor, but you can get it if you are confident.


Always have these for late game teamfights. They can determine the winner or loser. Getting early Elixir of Fortitudes is good when you are ahead. It can save you from an Ignite.
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Laning Phase


Remember that melee minions is 2 hits from the tower then 1 hit from you.
Remember that ranged minions is 1 hit from the tower then 1 hit from you.
For the siege/cannon minions, hit it when the next tower shot will kill it.
During mid/late game, or early game when your lane is pushed or losing, feel free to farm wolves/golems depending on which side your are on.


Try to farm until you are level 3, where you are at your strongest. If the enemy picks a fight with you (by auto attacking), then activate Riposte and hit them once or twice before backing off to farm again. When you are level 3, try to pick a fight with the enemy (unless that are your counter). When you start a fight you would generally Lunge, Riposte, Burst of Speed, AA, Lunge. Use your second Lunge when the enemy starts disengaging. Back off when they retreat too far into their minion wave. Don't fight in unfavorable situations such as when they have more minions or when their jungler is near. Try to keep them fairly injured so that you can net yourself a kill at level 6 with Blade Waltz and Ignite. You do however have to watch out for the enemy jungler early game. Chances are that they will gank top early at lvl 2-4 at some point.


If the laning phase continues then just farm your lane and try to kill your opponent. Destroy the enemy tower around 15-20 minutes in an even game or when you are winning. When your lanes are losing then destroy it as fast as you can. When the your's or the enemy's tower is destoryed, then mainly farm the lane, farm the jungle, or roam. Only roam when your lane is pushed out, or you might lose a tier two tower. Teamfight might start around Dragon or for towers. Your role in the teamfight as a bruiser or assassin is to zone or kill the enemy ADC. You should be pretty strong right now, at least with a Tiamat. After the fight has been initiated, Lunge at the enemy ADC, pop your Riposte and Burst of Speed and start auto attacking. Remember the Tiamat/ Ravenous Hydra active, it makes a difference in a teamfight. When you find yourself being focused or low, then use Blade Waltz. It procs life steal, so you will heal up a bit. Help your team secure objectives.


Stick with your team mainly but feel free to push lanes or farm jungle when needed. Try to catch enemies out of position but don't get caught yourself. Secure objectives with you team (towers, inhibitors, Dragons, Baron Nashor). Fiora is a very good pusher due to passive AD from Riposte, AS from Burst of Speed and the AOE clear from Ravenous Hydra. She can also solo Dragons easily due to high AD, AS, life steal, and Riposte. Avoid pushing botttom late game because it gives the enemy a chance to do Baron. When your team has killed the enemy jungler or most of the enemy team, then go for a Baron attempt. Fiora can tank Baron well because Riposte will reflect one attack and because she has life steal so sustain herself. MAKE SURE YOUR JUNGLER IS ALIVE AND HAS SMITE unless the enemy jungle is dead.
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Creeping / Jungling

Fiora is a versatile jungler. She can start both routes. When starting Red Buff, I prefer to attempt a level 2 gank.


Wolves --> Ancient Golem ( Smite) --> Wraiths --> Wolves --> Elder Lizard ( Smite) --> Wraiths/Golems --> Gank


Wraiths --> Elder Lizard ( Smite) --> Wolves --> Wraiths --> Ancient Golem ( Smite) --> Wolves --> Gank


Wraiths --> Elder Lizard ( Smite) --> Gank (you can do golems and then gank if needed, but this will leave you at lower health)


I don't really like counter jungling as Fiora because some junglers can out duel her early game ( Lee Sin, Udyr) and she has a pretty slow clear until she gets Madred's Razors or Wriggle's Lantern. After you get some items, you can probably counter jungle, but i recommend only counter jungling versus weak junglers like Gangplank. You should know your buff timers and can try to cordinate with your team a blue buff steal. Blue buff generally spawns at 7:10 for a jungler that started blue buff.


Baron Nashor
Spawn: 15:00
Timer: 7:00

Spawn: 2:30
Timer: 6:00

Blue/Red Buff
Spawn: 1:55
Timer: 5:00

Wolves/Double Golems
Spawn: 1:40
Timer: 1:00

Spawn: 1:40
Timer: 0:50
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Ranked Play

Fiora isn't seen much in ranked mainly due to the fact that she has many counters. But do not fear! In League of Legends, it is always skill over champions. Secondly, Fiora is a snowball champion, similar to AD Master Yi, which makes her a risky choice. She can farm into a late game, but she will most likely be outshined by hyper carries like Ryze, Kassadin, Vayne, Kog'Maw, and Tristana.
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Jarvan IV
Lee Sin
Nunu & Willump
Xin Zhao

Remember that these are the generally known counters. Skilled Fiora players can overcome some of these matchups. There might be more counters out there, but these are the only champions that I think Fiora will have trouble with.


Frozen Heart
Randuin's Omen
Warmog's Armor*



* These are indirect counters.

Warmog's Armor - This item indirectly counters Fiora, because Fiora needs to be able to quickly burst down her opponent in a teamfight before she gets focused down. Warmog's Armor and other super tanky items prevent Fiora from assassinating well.

Ignite - Most of Fiora's survivability in a teamfight comes from life steal. Ignite will reduce the amount she heals, which reduces her chances to surviving a teamfight.

Barrier - Same reason as Warmog's Armor. A Barrier at the wrong time can shut Fiora down in a teamfight.

Ghost - A Fiora without Ghost or Burst of Speed has a questionalbe sticking ability. Ghost allows enemy champions to out run Fiora after her Burst of Speed wears out.
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  • Lunge to the enemy jungler when they gank from behind.
  • You can use both Lunge at the same time to poke when you are to weak to trade.
  • Try to save your second Lunge for when your auto attacks cannot reach.
  • When getting ganked, activate Burst of Speed and Lunge twice at the closest enemy to where you want to run for the Burst of Speed movement speed bonus.
  • You can juke quite well with skill using the double dash.

  • Activate this skill when the enemy is going to auto attack you (they move closer to you and are glowing yellow/have a yellow highlight).
  • This skill is effective in blocking ranged harrass.
  • This skill blocks abilities that proc on-hit effects ( Parrrley, Mystic Shot).

Burst of Speed
  • Remember that this spell only increases your AS for 4 seconds. Activate it when you start auto attacking or when you use Lunge/ Blade Waltz to proc the movement speed.
  • Don't activate this only to secure a kill, you will get the reset even if this spell is on CD. Use it once you start auto attacking for maximum damage.

Blade Waltz
  • Use this spell to tower dive along with Ignite (if off CD).
  • This spell does most damage when hitting 5 enemy champions, but it does more burst damage against 1 enemy champion.
  • This spell procs life steal, so you will heal when you use it.
  • The damage on this spell gets reduced by armor.
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Fiora is a very versatile champion that can be played in top, mid (as assassin/AD caster), and jungle. She is easily countered but that can be overcome with skill and experience. She is a very fun champion to get to know and I hope for there to be more Fiora players in the future.
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