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Ezreal Build Guide by tehAsian

Jungle Ezreal - A True Display of Skill

Jungle Ezreal - A True Display of Skill

Updated on January 13, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author tehAsian Build Guide By tehAsian 29 10 145,009 Views 75 Comments
29 10 145,009 Views 75 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author tehAsian Ezreal Build Guide By tehAsian Updated on January 13, 2013
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Thanks to Arcana3 for the AWESOME banner and the Chapter headings!!!

Welcome to my Jungle Ezreal guide! Inspired by my friend NeiGeLowMoe (yes, that's his Summoner Name, it means your parents in Chinese, lawls), and partially because I always meant to make an Ezreal guide, I decided to settle on this.

I introduced my friend to MOBAfire some time ago. At the time, he was enjoying Jungle Ezreal a lot, and was surprised there were no guides about it here. So then I decided to make one.

Here's Stonewall008 with his Jungle Ezreal video, for those of you who don't believe.
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For Levels 1-19 (No Runes, No Full Masteries, Etc.)

Both of those will aid in jungle durability and speed. THESE ARE ESSENTIALS!!!

That being said, don't try this under level 20. Or you could, but it won't go very well ;p but this section is designed to help you do it under 20.

Take a Cloth Armor start, with 5 Health Potions. This is a universal start on junglers and will boost your sustain and survivability greatly.

Get a madred's razor as fast as you can, because clearing faster will make you take less damage overall.

Take blue buff, but hold off on Red until you get Madred's Razors. The best way to do this is to jungle until Blue Buff runs out, go back to base, then take it.
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Why would you jungle EZREAL, of all people?

Ezreal is actually a pretty decent jungler. Here's why:
  • He has very high sustainability with Blue Buff and Rising Spell Force, giving him a TON of Attack Speed and life gain on hit from life steal items.
  • All junglers have a similar clear speed. If timed correctly, using Trueshot Barrage at the enemy jungler can result in a kill or a Buff Steal, or at least severely injure them. It can also be used to steal weaker creeps.
  • His ganks are pretty good, he has a damaging gap closer, high damage, and a ranged slow with Red Buff.
  • Because he will have his Passive stacked up at almost all times in the jungle, counterjungling him at a wrong time will have you completely overpowered and will result in a kill for him.
  • Likewise, if he is caught too low, he can Arcane Shift over a wall, like Shaco.
  • His clear time might not be fast because of the lack of AoE damage, he can still clear decently quickly because of a huge Attack Speed buff and a spammable On-Hit Q ( Wriggle's Lantern ^^)

Despite these, there are also a lot of flaws.
  • He has no CC to a gank, so he has to rely on his teammates to keep someone in place.
  • If you suck with skillshots or the person you're ganking doesn't stay in place, it can be hard to have a successful gank because you aren't doing any damage while you miss Q's or E's.
  • Essence Flux doesn't effect jungle creeps.
  • He's squishy. Very squishy. So if you Arcane Shift incorrectly into a gank, you'll die.
  • Your teammates WILL think you're trolling.
  • If you're denied your first or second Blue, you can't jungle. Or you CAN, but it'll be more difficult.
  • People like Lee Sin or Shaco will absolutely wreck you in your jungle.
  • The jungle doesn't give a lot of farm, so some items are hard to obtain. (*cough* Trinity Force and Infinity Edge, *cough*)

Overall, I believe Ezreal is a very strong jungler and is unique in the fact that he can counter-jungle, deflect counter-jungling, and jungle at the same time because of his kit.
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Nothing too hard about picking runes :p You're going to need flat Armor to be less squishy, Atspd Marks and AD/Armor Pen Quints,... Just standard jungling runes.


Fleet Footwork
  • Greater Quintessence of Health: Flat health. I used to run 1 or 2 of these, and the tankiness they provide is incredible. But as you become more experienced, these aren't necessary as much.
  • greater quintessence of desolation: Flat Armor Penetration. This gives 10 Armor Penetration, which kind of helps against jungle creeps, but they aren't that useful because the creeps only have liek wut, 20?
  • Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage: Flat AD. I like using these because we start with a Vampiric Scepter, and these help us sustain with the extra 1 or 2 health points gained on-hit.
  • Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed: Flat AS. Similar to above, with these and AS Reds, you can go over 1.0 AS at level 1. Another good choice.
spa Q


Phase Rush
spa spa M


Phase Rush
  • greater seal of defense: Meh. If you think you can go through the jungle without Flat Armor, then go for it. This gives a stronger overall late game.
  • Greater Seal of Armor: I HIGHLY recommend these for jungling. They're very cheap, and WILL make it a lot easier.
spa S


Phase Rush
spa spa G

Woah, so many! Which ones do I use?

A good mix of certain stats are always good. For instance, don't make a rune page that has:
9x Greater Mark of Attack Speed
9x Greater Seal of Attack Speed (not listed, but I'm trying to make a point)
9x Greater Glyph of Attack Speed
3x Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed

In theory, this sounds good, as you have a bajillion Attack Speed at level 1. But then you would have sub-optimal stats early game because you would lack sustainabilty and durability in the jungle. Mix and match to your liking, but always find a balance.

I recommend:

4x greater mark of desolation for extra DAMAGE against jungle creeps.
5x Greater Mark of Attack Damage for jungling SPEED
9x Greater Seal of Armor for jungling DURABILITY
9x Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist for late game DURABILITY
3x Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage for jungling SPEED

I changed the Reds from Attack Speed to flat AD and Armor Penetration to achieve higher sustainability through Lifesteal. I learned this from Stonewall's video :p
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Offensive Masteries, being sure to pick up the small amount of Lifesteal in the Offensive tree.

I exchanged the points from the Utility Tree into the Defensive Tree to improve speed with Bladed Armor and sustain with extra damage reduction, health, and Armor.

You can also put the point from Executioner into Veteran's Scars for even more survivability, but I prefer to jungle faster.

Honestly, the only other viable mastery path is 9/21/0. I feel that it is subpar because Ezreal is an AD Carry and the extra points do not improve jungle time nor sustain, and its only benefit is a 1.5% increase to your health pool (<7.5 HP at level 1) and tenacity which reduces CC that jungle creeps do not have.
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Summoner Spells


ALL JUNGLERS NEED SMITE. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you did not take Smite, you are not jungling.

Good Choices

I take Ghost because I already have a blink with Arcane Shift. Also, Ghost lets me chase during ganks.

Flash is good for that double blink that can let you get out of almost anything.

Ezreal has no built in CC, so taking this can help in ganks.

Slightly more damage for a gank, or if the other team has Dr. Mundo or something.

If the other team has a lot of CC, or you have problems with it in general, this would be an AMAZING Spell for you. But tbh, you should almost never get CCed, and BV is usually enough :p


Helps you aim your Ult from the jungle.

Good for noob Ezreals :3

I've never been a fan of Teleport, but take this and you pretty much have global presence. Combine this with Wriggle's Lantern and lots of wards :3


Anything else. :P
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Skill Explanation

Ezreal has a somewhat unique kit in that he is purely skillshot based. Newer players who aren't familiar with 'skill shots' will find him incredibly difficult to use. In return for mastering this, you become a complete lethal killing machine, untouchable by even the fastest and strongest carries.

Rising Spell Force

Rising Spell Force is Ezreal's passive. Every time something takes damage from one of your skills, you gain a stack. Each stack gives 10% Attack Speed and lasts 6 seconds. Stacks five times for up to 50% Attack Speed.
Tips and Tricks
  • This passive is what allows Ezreal to jungle. Try to keep this at 5 stacks at all times to improve clear speed and maximize dueling capabilities.
  • At lower levels, keeping this up may be difficult because of long cooldowns. Make sure you don't miss any Qs or Es!
  • Hitting ANYTHING will add a stack. Abuse Ezreal's long range and try to snipe creeps from far away to maintain the stacks.

Mystic Shot

Mystic Shot is Ezreal's Q ability, and his bread and butter. It has a very long range, hits like a truck late game, and applies On-Hit effects. It also has a very low cooldown, and whenever you hit something with this all of your skills (including this!) will have its cooldown decreased by 1 second.
Skill Stats
  • Does 35/55/75/95/115 (+1.0 per Attack Damage)(+0.2 per Ability Power) Damage
  • Cooldown: 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 Seconds
  • Range: 1100
  • Cost: 30/35/40/45/50 Mana
Tips and Tricks
  • Has very long range.
  • The Cooldown Reduction portion only applies if you hit something, so make sure you do. This is key when jungling, as if you miss every shot (unlikely) you miss out on a lot of potential Attack Speed and Damage.
  • This applies On-Hit effects like Wit's End, Trinity Force, etc, but unlike other similar skills this does not Crit.
  • You can shoot this through walls if your passive is about to run out to maintain the stacks because of its OP range.

Essence Flux

Essence Flux is Ezreal's W skill. It is VERY overlooked, as all it does is debuff your enemies and buff your allies. It does mediocre AoE damage in a team fight (unless you're AP Ezreal, of course), but in under any circumstances should you ever overlook this. Fire this at their heavy DPSers, and watch them Auto-Attack in slow motion, fire this at your Vayne and watch her melt the other team, fire it into both teams for max stacks on your passive, etc. VERY useful, yes?
Skill Stats
  • Does 80/130/180/230/280(+0.7 per Ability Power) Damage
  • Attack Speed Modifier: 20/25/30/35/40% for 5 Seconds
  • Cooldown: 9 Seconds
  • Range: 900
  • Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 Mana
Tips and Tricks
  • Strangely, The Attack Speed Modifier does not effect you.
  • This does not hit creeps. Been there, done that. It pays to read, kids.
  • This skill is VERY good for dueling against other DPSers.
  • Always fire this before Mystic Shot. This has a shorter range, so if you do it vice versa you'll probably completely miss this.
  • Fire this in a teamfights to simultaneously boost allied DPS and lower enemy DPS.
  • Firing this at teammates can assist in pushing towers.
  • Try to hit as many champions, allied or not, with this. This will quickly give you stacks on your passive.

Arcane Shift

Arcane Shift is Ezreal's E. It's on a very long cooldown, so you need some judgement on whether you want to use this to clear the jungle faster, save it to escape, determining when to use it in a gank, etc. It's essentially a free Flash, and the reason why I take Ghost over Flash. Lastly, the damage is mediocre (again, because this is AD), and incredibly unreliable, but a lower cooldown for safety is always nice to have.
Skill Stats
  • Does 75/125/175/225/275 (+0.9 per Ability Power)
  • Cooldown: 19/17/15/13/11
  • Range: 475
  • Cost: 90 Mana
Tips and Tricks
  • At lower levels, use this skill wisely. It has a really long cooldown, so using it wrong can get you killed.
  • You can blink over walls. (obvious xD)
  • This can lock onto stealthed units, meaning you can kill Talon when he ults, etc.
  • NEVER use this to fly into the middle of the other team. Only exception is if you are doing it to steal Baron. (I got it too~)
  • This can be used to easily reposition yourself in a fight. Doing so can make you hit more people with your ult or W.

Trueshot Barrage

Ahh, Ezreal's ult. Also his only real farming ability, this ult is a bit lackluster compared to many others. For AP Ezreal, it's a gigantic nuke of epic proportions. For AD, it's still a nuke. But since we're thinking in military weapon terms, this is like a grenade. This is still good for many, many reasons, and I'll dedicate a whole chapter on why this skill is so broken on Jungle Ezreal a new meta will come out of it. (not really)
Skill Stats
  • Does 350/500/650 (+1.0 per Bonus Attack Damage)(+0.9 per Ability Power)
  • However, it does 8% less damage for each enemy it hits, down to a 30% minimum.
  • 1 Second Channel Time
  • Cooldown: 80 Seconds
  • GLOBAL Range
  • Cost: 150 Mana
Tips and Tricks

Skill Rotation

Nothing too hard about it, just go

So first, we Arcane Shift to position ourselves correctly. Then, we fire Essence Flux to debuff any AA damage, and because it has a lower range than Mystic Shot. After that, fire Mystic Shot, and if they're running away, Trueshot Barrage. If they decide to stand and fight, use your +30% Attack Speed to blow up anyone trying to fight you.
Why this Rotation? Why not just Q AA AA AA AA AA Q?
Because every time you hit someone with a skill, your Attack Speed goes up. More Attack Speed means more DAMAGE. More DAMAGE means you KILL THEM FASTER. ;)
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Ezreal can have many item paths. He is probably one of the most diverse champions in the game. He can go Support for your DPS Carry, he can go Anti-DPS off tank, he can AP, AD, Hybrid, and Jungle.

I use AD Ezreal to jungle. I find that he is most viable as AD because he will have incredible sustain through auto-attacks and lifesteal, and going AP is kind of stupid because W doesn't hit jungle creeps.

The item build I have presented in the cheat sheet has a good mix of both damage and survivability, but none of those items (except maybe Trinity Force. MAYBE.) are actually CORE.

This section here is made to teach you step by step how to make your own build. You should never blindly follow a cheatsheet, because many things are uncertain in blind pick and I'm absolutely positive none of us can tell the future.


Item Sequence

Vampiric Scepter 900
Health Potion 50

  • Vampiric Scepter: I find that with the proper runes and masteries, this is the best start because it gives incredible sustain to anyone with an Attack Damage buff or Attack Speed Buff. Ezreal has both, so this will benefit him a LOT in jungling.
  • Cloth Armor: This is an alternative to Vampiric Scepter. It offers slightly better sustain at lower level, and is very beginner friendly. I think with x5 almost anyone can jungle. Give it a go if you don't have the right runes or masteries.
I think either of these starting items benefit Ezreal well because they both build into a Wriggle's Lantern, and Wriggle's is necessary for him because he is a terrible farmer without his Ult, and without these he will be too squishy to survive in the jungle.
sp S


Item Sequence

Boots 300
Sheen 700

  • Wriggle's Lantern: Standard Auto-Attacking jungler item. Gives a good amount of lifesteal, armor, and damage, and free wards. I'll explain how to use the ward to its maximum effectiveness later.
  • Boots: Ezreal is a painfully slow champion. Boots allow us to navigate and explore the jungles faster as well as chasing/escaping/ganking better. I'll explain the boot choices later.
  • Sheen: By the time you get this, Blue Buff would have already ran out. The extra mana and damage you get from this will really help with clearing the jungle even faster and more efficiently.
These are your early game goals. They offer very high damage and utility for their price, and synergize well with Ezreal. ALWAYS aim for these items first.
spa E


Item Sequence

Nomad's Medallion 850
Avarice Blade 800


GP5 items are very useful if you think games are going to be very drawn out, but if it's obvious the game will be a 20 minute stomp, don't get them. They also provide a huge early game boost and can aid in Survivability( ), Sustain(philosopher's stone), or Damage(kage's lucky pick ). I usually get them for the stats and gold income, then sell them later on if they don't build into anything useful.
spa G



Item Sequence

Ionian Boots of Lucidity 950
Mercury's Treads 1100
Ninja Tabi 1100
  • Berserker's Greaves: Attack Speed boots, these are an efficient but effective way to get some damage. These and will make it so that you are really sustained in the jungle without using skills.
  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity: Ezreal scales really well with Cooldown Reduction. These and Blue Buff will bring you to the cap of 40%, and you'll have your ult up every 25 seconds.
  • Ninja Tabi: The other team has 5 DPSers, or you just need a cheap source of survivability. This help a LOT on jungle creeps, and can be built off Cloth Armor.
  • Mercury's Treads: Best boots in the game. Period. The cheapest form of CC reduction, and it's in the form of boots that give Magic Resist. If you started with Zerkers, you'll want to replace them with these late game.'s boots. Nothing much to say, pick them depending on the situation. Mercury's Treads for tenacity and Mres, Ninja Tabi for Armor, etc etc. The only boots I don't recommend are Mobility Boots and Boots of Swiftness. Ezreal is already mobile enough with Arcane Shift and Trinity Force, no need to get unnecessary movespeed.
spa B

Item Sequence

Infinity Edge 3300
Bloodthirster 3400
Black Cleaver 3000
  • Trinity Force: This is kind of like a PERFECT item for Ezreal. He fully makes use of every single stat, he can kite well with the slow, AND his Q procs the proc, dealing TONS OF DAMAGE (as Phreak would say). No reason not to get this, except for the price, which is why you should be FARMING.
  • Infinity Edge: Dat crit. It also has the highest flat AD out of every item, but, like Trinity Force, it's very expensive. Even the parts.
  • Bloodthirster: Since the lifesteal nerfs, I find it viable and good to stack this with Wriggle's Lantern or another Bloodthirster. At maximum stacks, this gives 100 AD and 20% lifesteal. You should be having max stacks since you should be constantly farming in the jungle.
  • Black Cleaver: I'd get this just for more overall DPS, but that's about it. The armor shred is outclassed by Last Whisper 99% of the time, but I got this before and I liked it a lot :p
After boots, I concentrate on just pure damage. For this section, I'd pick TWO items because the damage boost from these is huge, and if you just get one, it's not enough for an AD carry like Ezreal.
spa D

Item Sequence

Last Whisper 1450

  • Black Cleaver: Yes, this was already mentioned. I'd get this for the Armor Reduction if the other team isn't stacking Armor or your team is mainly physical damage based and they don't want to buy 5 Last Whispers.
  • Last Whisper: 99% of the time the other team will stack armor because AD Carries hurt like hell. This effectively gets rid of 40% of their Armor, but it only benefits you. Also, it's cheap :)
At this point in the game, just flat AD won't help, because the other team will be stacking Armor to combat your damage. What better way to solve this problem that to simply ignore it? Anyway, I recommend ONE, and ONLY ONE of these items. They don't work well with each other.
spa A


Item Sequence

Quicksilver Sash 1300
Mercury's Treads 1100

  • Banshee's Veil: Health, Mana, Magic Resist, and a free spell shield every 45 seconds. I feel just blocking one spell should be enough because Ezreal should never be in range to get hit or CCed too hard.
  • Quicksilver Sash: Cleanse in a CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP item, and the 3rd highest amount of Magic Resist. One of my favorite items :3
  • Mercury's Treads: Explained in the Boots section :3 Best boots ever.
CC REDUCTION IS IMPORTANT!!! Unless you're against a team with Master Yi, Ezreal, Fiora, Shyvana, and some other person with no CC. There's a TON of times where because I brought one of these items my life was saved.
Depending on the other team, find out which one you need most. Do they have constant CC? Mercury's Treads. Do they have some Sion/ Taric stun thing going on? Quicksilver Sash. Do they have this one annoying spell like Karthus? Banshee's Veil. Pick depending on the situation.
spa C


Situational Last Item

The situational last item is, well, situational. To find out which one you're going to use, think for yourself: Am I getting pwned, or am I roflstomping the other team? Am I doing neither?

It is up to your own judgement to find out what you or your team needs. Don't just go pure damage if their Vayne is 15/0 and you're 15/0, and don't pick defensive items if your whole team is 10/2/something and the other team has 2 trolls who won't surrender.

You're going to want to analyze the situation first: Is there a fed carry, and who is it? Is the enemy AD Carry going to wreck your team if left alone? Are YOU going to wreck their team if left alone? Think about it, and pick items accordingly.

If you are stomping the enemy team, and not really in any need of offensive items, take one of the Situational Offensive.

Item Sequence

Madred's Bloodrazor 3800
Bloodthirster 3400
Infinity Edge 3300
  • Hextech Gunblade: Active portion slows and does damage, Spell Vamp for your WE and R (go from none to full of your ult, lul), life steal, AP, AD, etc. This is another good item for Ezreal.
  • Madred's Bloodrazor: Is there a Cho'Gath on the other team? Do you need % based damage? Grab this item! Tbh, it's not really that great, but it synergizes well with Ezreal's on-hit poke.
  • Bloodthirster: BT Stacking is LEGIT. SO MUCH DAMAGE AND LIFESTEAL. Very strong for dueling other DPS champions.
  • Infinity Edge: If you haven't gotten this yet, now's the time. This will make your DPS SKYROCKET up into the thousands. Another good choice.
End game, pick one of these to replace Wriggle's Lantern. You've had a good run together, farming creeps, counterjungling, keeping your mid/top/bot safe...DAMMIT NOW I DON'T WANNA SELL IT D:
spa O

Is your team getting stomped? One defensive item can change the whole game, you know~
Randuin's Omen and Frozen Heart shuts down DPS carries, Force of Nature shuts down mages, etc. You'll be amazed at what can happen with just one item.

Item Sequence

Warmog's Armor 3100
Timeworn Talisman of Ascension 2200
Force of Nature 2800
Wit's End 2800
Atma's Impaler 2300
Frozen Heart 2500
  • : These two items function similarly enough in this category that I can put them in the same explanation. FLAT HEALTH. That's it. Frozen Mallet is more of a damage version with permaslow.
  • Shurelya's Battlesong: Health, Regen, and the OP Active. One of the most underrated, this active can save the lifes of your allies and end your enemies. Builds off philosopher's stone too, if you got it earlier.
  • Force of Nature and Wit's End: Look at and . Similar, but Wit's End is more offensively oriented.
  • Frozen Heart and Atma's Impaler: Armor items. Frozen Heart has Cdr and mana so you can poke more efficiently, and an Aura debuff to help vs DPS carries.
Woah, there's a lot here. I'll just go over them generally. Health items counter burst damage, Flat resistances counter sustained DPS. Kind of all there is, Auras are nice, each of them have about the same range as your Q, so you'll know how close/far you have to be to have effect.
spa D

Example Builds


Atmogs Ezreal

AA Ezreal

CDR Ezreal

Tank Ezreal

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Trueshot Barrage

Trueshot Barrage. IMO the BEST reason to play Jungle Ezreal. This skill is absolutely incredible. It's a spammable GLOBAL Ultimate that deals massive damage and can kill creeps. Truly One-of-a-kind for strong and weak junglers alike, this skill can do almost anything, and with Blue Buff comes up once every 40-50 seconds.

Let's go over what Trueshot Barrage can do for Jungle Ezreal:
  • You can counterjungle from anywhere on the map.
  • You can farm from anywhere on the map.
  • You can defend towers.
  • You can snipe low health runners.
  • You can heavily cripple the enemy jungler.
  • Look at your assists.
  • As of a recent patch, this now gives Vision.
  • You can steal/secure buffs.
  • You can STEAL BARON. Not many junglers can do this without Smite, but guess what? Ezreal can do this from his base.
  • The most epic part: the channel can NOT be interrupted.

Doing many of these are self-explanatory, so in this section I'll explain how to counter-jungle, Dragon/Baron steal, and crippling enemy junglers, the 3 least obvious.

Counter Jungling

To counter jungle effectively with Trueshot Barrage, you're first going to want to get Wriggle's Lantern, or at least some wards.

Then, while the enemy jungler is out ganking or you know they're going B, ward their jungle in a few key locations.
This is the Wraith Camp bush. It gives you vision of a jungler going into the wraith camp, but not them doing it. If you want to steal the Blue Wraith, find out whether or not their Smite is up. It usually isn't after they grab Red or Blue.
Depending on the time it takes for your Ult to travel, you'll want to fire it either before or right after they started. Trueshot Barrage does about half to 3/4 of the big Wraith's health at all levels (assuming you aren't ridiculously fed). You should have a wide window of oppurtunity to kill it if the other jungler doesn't have Smite up.
I recommend you ask your mid to ward this for you.
This is the Red Buff bush. Remember to place it right at the edge so that you have maximum vision.
This is the Blue Buff bush. It gives little to no vision of other camps, but warding this place and effectively stealing the buff is priceless. Also, it wards the crossroad.

To steal buffs, make sure that they already Smited it early to do more damage. Common champions that do this are Fiddlesticks, Sejuani, or any low sustain junglers that need extra damage to clear faster and more efficiently.
The most VULNERABLE time for a Buff to be stolen is when THE JUNGLER IS GIVING IT AWAY. When the jungler is giving his blue away, he/she won't necessarily Smite it because he needs to ensure the TEAMMATE gets it. Your Ultimate does SIGNIFICANTLY higher damage than a regular skill (that's why it's an Use that to your advantage!!!
Another thing you can do is just ward directly in front of the camps. That's not recommended, as you spend a lot of money, but you can if you aren't good with the timings or if you want to practice in a real game.

A lot of times, when you see the other jungler start a camp, it usually delays him/her long enough to get hit by Trueshot Barrage. The fact that junglers take some time to clear camps is why Ezreal is a strong counterjungler. You can take anything at any time if they suck, while still being able to jungle and farm up.

Stealing Objectives

For stealing these, I'll give you an approximation on how long it takes for Trueshot Barrage to hit the buff from common locations. These times include the Channel Time. How well you can steal these largely depend on many factors, such as how much your ult does, how fast can the objectives be killed, etc. With practice, stealing these should be a cinch, but don't expect to steal EVERY Baron/Dragon because it's really rare to do so.

I read this on a guide somewhere on MOBAfire, and it was really good advice as to how to properly time your Trueshot Barrage.

First, try to spot the other team doing Baron or Dragon. Be it through a Ward, Hawkshot, etc, just find out. Count to 3 seconds, and try to estimate the amount of damage they did. Apply their Damage per second to how long it takes for your Ult to hit Baron and how much your ult hits for, and based on that estimation fire your ultimate at the appropriate time.

Good Sniping Locations

No, you don't get any pictures yet.

The absolute BEST sniping location is the wall behind Baron. You fire it at nearly point-blank range, and it's hard to ward because it's in a circular location. This location is close enough for you to use both your ult and Smite simultaneously for ~1500 damage for the steal. I'll put up pictures of possible locations when I have time.

The SECOND best is near the three-way brush close to Blue team's top outer tower. Walk a bit to the left close to the ledge. It's really close to Baron, but not necessarily close enough to have a definitive shot. This is also a rarely warded place, and is close enough for you to Ghost/ Flash into Arcane Shift and Smite steal the Baron. Again, I'll put up a picture when I have time.


Almost the same as counter jungling, except you aim directly at other jungler and ONLY the other jungler with your Ult. Careful placement of wards can REALLY help and will often net a kill.
This spot here doesn't necessarily show Red Buff, but it DOES have a pretty large vision range for sniping kills/harass. It shows the other jungler doing red(sort of) and shows them going into double golems. Most junglers, even with oracle's elixer, don't check this bush, so it's relatively safe to ward.

This is not recommended unless you're REALLY good with aiming your ult, because if you suck you'll just end up wasting precious mana without Blue Buff.

Oh, one last protip:
About to get stunned by Taric? Going to get CCed by Alistar? NO PROBLEM. Shoot your ult in their direction and by the time you finish channeling, the CC effect will already be half over and the unsuspecting attacker will get shot in the face for several hundred damage. Abuse the fact that you can't be CCed while channeling your ult!
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No Red, safe farming

This route is if you have relatively sustained lanes that do not require a lot of ganks. These are the kinds of lanes Ezreal wants in his team compositions, because they do not require ganks so Ezreal can freefarm and counterjungle to his heart's content.


1. Start at Wolves. Get some help so you don't take too much damage.


2. Then go to Blue and get a leash. This can be done without one, but you have to skip wolves. REMEMBER TO KITE THE GOLEM!!! This can be done by Auto-Attacking, taking a step back, Auto-attacking again, backing up, and using Q every time it's up.


3. You can Mystic Shot over the wall to draw aggro, then Arcane Shift over to save time and reduce damage from the Red Wraiths.


4. Go here again. Don't bother kiting, wolves run fast as hell >_<


4.5. Red (if you're over 60% life AND Smite is up). If not, skip it. If you're going to take Red, KITE IT!!!


5. Kite these. You can actually do these from 1 or 2 bars if you're good enough or you got too low. If you know how to kite these with a support, you can also apply it to here and get some free health back.

Finish. You can do whatever you want now. Go B and take Red or something, it's up to you.

Early Red

Nothing special about this, go STRAIGHT to Red Buff and start ganking immediately. Wolves and Wraiths are to take up the time it takes for Smite to come off cooldown.


1. Start Blue


2. Take Wolves


3. Take Wraiths


4. Take Red and gank

Jungling without Blue a bad idea. However, if you did happen to run into this situation, then there's still something you can do about it.
  • Delay Mystic Shots until the last second. The purpose of this is to conserve mana while still maintaining Rising Spell Force stacks.
  • Grab an early red, and gank early. League of Legends isn't about getting ahead, it's putting your enemies behind. I learned this after reading a 2k Elo Kennen guide.
  • Stack Doran's Blades. I have done this sometimes. They are GREAT coupled with a Vampiric Scepter.
  • Early Sapphire Crystal. To supplement mana and it builds into Sheen. I did this and it was effective even as Evelynn, the most blue-dependent jungler.
  • Do not use unnecessary skills. As in don't randomly fire Trueshot Barrage or Arcane Shift. Also, don't miss Skillshots.

That's it really. It'll be difficult The first few minutes, but it'll smooth out afterward.
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Levels 1-6
So you've made it in game and brought your starting item. Ping Blue and politely ask your teammates to defend it, because if it gets stolen then you'll have a very difficult jungling time and the other team will have two Blue Buffs.

You should then be clearing the jungle, avoiding trouble unless you're sure you don't have to, etc. Gank lanes, cover lanes, farm up, etc. Nothing too difficult here.

At 6, START COUNTERJUNGLING WITH YOUR ULT. Then mind your own business. Ask supports to ward the other jungle if possible. If they can't, wait for the other jungler to get out and ward it yourself.
Level 7 - Late Game
Aka mid game. At this stage of the game all players are lookin around for unwarded areas to snag a kill or two. You should be doing this as well. If you're doing good, as in 2-3 kills and no deaths, grab an Oracle's Elixir and go ward hunting while jungling/ganking. Always remember even if you aren't at a fight you can fire your ult in your stead.

This is also the stage where if Bottom or mid laners get killed the surviving team will attempt to do dragon. Refer to How to Steal Objectives on how to take these from the other team.

If you find yourself low on Exp or gold, and one of your lanes is pushed to your turret, don't hesitate to fire off your ultimate there for some free gold and experience. In this way, Ezreal can make an advantage the same way Mid Laners can while farming Wraiths. Except it's the opposite. This also relieves the strain of being item and gold dependent, and can be repeated once or twice a minute, depending on what you're doing.
You've gotten out of your jungle forever. Now's the time to push lanes, get kills, and get ahead. Use Essence Flux on your teammates and stay in the back so you can fire your Ultimate uninterrupted and simultaneously buff your Allies. W your allies when pushing turrets. Don't get caught alone, and most importantly, STEAL BARONS!! :D

If you're sure a teamfight won't erupt soon, it will be okay to fire Trueshot Barrage off to friendly towers to farm some minions and rack up some gold or exp. ONLY DO THIS IF YOU ARE 100% POSITVE THERE WON'T BE A TEAMFIGHT SOON.filler
For teamfights, you do NOT want to be in the front. Always stay in the back, sniping everything in front of you. Use E to position yourself so that your AD Carry (other than you) AND the enemy AD Carry is in front of you, then shoot your W to buff and debuff them. Auto-attack anyone that gets close to you, you're very squishy even at this point of the game and you don't want to give out free shots.

Contrary to popular belief, Trueshot Barrage can be used in the beginning of a fight. Having the other team start at 60-80% health is an incredible advantage to your team, AND will most likely result in a win unless they have something like Sion on their team. Also, if you open with Trueshot Barrage, you'll immediately get max stacks on your passive, assuming you didn't derp it.
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Thanks for reading my Jungle Ezreal guide! Hopefully, you'll give it a try before you say "-1, jungle Ezreal is bad, blah blah blah", because I can guarantee that if you try it you'll like it ^^

Special thanks to:

JhoiJhoi, for her Guide on Making a Guide. FINALLY learned how to make the Runes and Items section to look like that >:D I also stole your Line Dividers if that's okay with you :p

Arcana3 for his amazing artwork! Thanks for the banners and chapter headings! You can find his Signature Shop here. Really makes my guide look prettier and less bland ^~^

IceCreamy, for reviewing my guide! I'll put up the link to your review shop in the next update.
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Change Log

March 25, 2012
  • Published guide

March 28, 2012
  • Updated, ALMOST 100% finished, just need a couple of slight unimportant-ish details.
  • Added Stonewall's video
  • Added How to Jungle Without Blue tips
  • Changed Masteries, Runes, and Cheatsheet a bit to optimize jungling and Rightclick damage. Changed information accordingly (items section remained unchanged)
  • Wtf, only 1k views? Why u no liek jungle Ez guiz?

May 14, 2012
  • Changed Change Log formatting
  • Changed Flash to Ghost in Cheat Sheet

June 13, 2012
  • Changed Cheat Sheet:
    • Ghost into Exhaust to improve ganking.
    • Changed into standard AD Carry build. Thanks Xenasis for recommending it!
    • Information to be changed, tired -.-

October 14, 2012
  • Made guide more 'noob friendly.'
  • Made item section more specific
  • Refreshed guide
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