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Yasuo Build Guide by MoPho

Life's a Breeze - An In-Depth Yasuo Guide

Life's a Breeze - An In-Depth Yasuo Guide

Updated on December 20, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MoPho Build Guide By MoPho 16 6 138,293 Views 49 Comments
16 6 138,293 Views 49 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MoPho Yasuo Build Guide By MoPho Updated on December 20, 2013
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I. Introduction

Hi! I'm MoPho, a diamond player on the NA server. I wrote my first guide on MobaFire in early 2013 on then recently released Quinn. It peaked around 3rd at best. Hopefully, the amount of LoL experience I've gained since then will help me create an even better guide! Enjoy!


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II. Changelog


  • 12/17/13 - Guide released
  • 12/19/13 - Updated items and cleaned up some places; guide changed to C2V - getting downvotes without comments hurts :c

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III. Lore

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IV. Pros / Cons

Has a lot of range for a melee champion
Decent burst that is enlarged by building core items
Synergizes extremely well with knock-up teams
Crit chance is amazing on him
Spammable abilities
Can make plays with all his abilities
Badass login?
In my opinion, the skill cap of Yasuo is relatively high. His range in lane lets him deal sustained damage at a safe distance in many matchups, while his teamfighting capability is characterized by Last Breath and his ability to close the gap on squishy targets.

Takes some time to learn
Quite squishy
Needs knockups on team to maximize Last Breath potential
Can be lane bullied by some champions
Relatively low burst until first core item
Clunky E + Q sometimes
Needs fast fingers
Yasuo synergizes well with knock ups. In contrast, if your team has no knock-ups, expect to be providing your own with Steel Tempest. Yasuo requires quick reflexes and practice in order to make plays. He needs to play extremely safe early game against some champions.

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V. Runes

What I'm basically going to do here is provide some insight into runing on Yasuo. You could change the pages based on personal preference, but I'm going to provide some standard pages for various matchups.


Greater Mark of Attack Damage A necessary rune for Yasuo and most ADs. Since your primary focus is squishy targets, you won't really need penetration.

Greater Seal of Health I usually run this rune in all my lanes. You might want to swap out some seals of armor for seals of HP/scaling HP vs an AP laner, however.

Greater Seal of Scaling Health If you want that slight boost in rune effectiveness, use these against an AP laner. However, the difference isn't too noticeable if you run armor seals anyway.

Greater Seal of Armor Same situation as above. However, these provide less health early game and more late game.

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist A necessity against AP laners. This reduces the damage taken from most spells, and makes you more durable.

Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction DO NOT RUN THESE AGAINST AP LANERS. MR GLYPHS ARE VITAL. So you could run these against AD laners. I've yet to experiment more with these, but I sometimes use these when I play Riven.

Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage Like the AD marks, these are vital to any AD champion. I usually use one of these and two Greater Quintessence of Life Steal.

Greater Quintessence of Life Steal These give you some extra sustain in lane. How many of these you run is up to yourself. You might choose to not run any for a total of +15 AD in your rune page, or you might choose to get all 6% life steal.

Suggested Rune Pages



Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush



Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush



Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Crit cheesing?


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

If you feel confident or want to go for an early all-in, you can just run 3 Quintessence of Attack Damage instead of life steal.

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VI. Masteries

Here I'll discuss why I prefer some masteries over others in certain situations. You're free to make your own changes as you see fit, but this is what I currently use.



Here the defense tree is modified a little to reduce the damage taken from jungle camps. You're still going to want to build around crit, or else your passive is near useless.

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VII. Techniques

Riot's Champion Spotlight


Way of the Wanderer
Doubles crit chance and gives shield at full flow
This is the reason why crit is so good on Yasuo. Late game is pretty much all crits, letting you melt squishies. Also, this gives you a shield based on your level. You only get it when you reach full flow, which is shown by the meter below your HP bar. The shield is not proc'd by towers or minions, only by champs and monsters.
  • Move around in lane alot. This makes you harder to hit and builds your flow up.
  • Trading when your flow is up mitigates a sizable amount of damage.
  • pls build crit
  • After getting one point in Wind Wall, bonus flow is generated every time you dash, so spam happily but smartly.

Steel Tempest
Pokes your enemy. 3rd cast unleashes a whirlwind
Steel tempest is an enhanced AoE autoattack. It applies on-hit effects and deals bonus damage. The third cast sends out a whirlwind that knocks people up. This is the only way in which you can apply a knock-up. Remember that the stacks go away after 10 seconds from the last cast! If you use this during Sweeping Blade, Yasuo will perform a spinning slash. On the third stack, the knock-up will occur in a circular AoE.
  • Take advantage of the low cooldown and AoE effect.
  • It is also an autoattack reset.
  • Abuse melee champs with this.
  • Try to keep the stacks on at all times.
  • Apply on-hit effects at a distance.
  • CDR does not affect this; it's greatly enhanced by attack speed.
  • Trinity Force proc only applies to first enemy hit.

Wind Wall
Blocks projectiles
Wind Wall is a wall of wind. Good job Sherlock (so amaze). When you cast it, Yasuo shoots out a wall of wind (such detective) and it blocks all projectiles (wow). This ability can make some pretty amazing plays. It has a high cooldown, so save it for the most important moments, like Syndra's Unleashed Power or Miss Fortune's Bullet Time. The wall is kind of small, so place it correctly. Also, this improves flow generation from dashing.
  • Takes a while to get used to. Practice using it often. According to the Riot balance team, this ability will "separate the good Yasuos from the great Yasuos."
  • Use it as a shield for your team, preventing AoE from spells such as Trueshot Barrage.
  • After getting one point in Wind Wall, bonus flow is generated every time you dash, so spam happily but smartly.
  • High-arc ults like Living Artillery and Mega Inferno Bomb ARE NOT BLOCKED

List of blocked abilities:
(I edited it a little to clarify some things)
Consider reading the FAQ and watching the linked video in the post as well.

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Sweeping Blade
Dashes and deals magic damage to an enemy target
Spammable like his Steel Tempest! Use this to close gaps, dodge abilities, secure farm (like Bladesurge), and escape! Its damage is quite small at first, but after stacking it, it deals a lot, even if you have 0 AP. You can't use it more than once on the same enemy for 10 seconds, however. This is marked by a timer debuff circle below the enemies. If you use Steel Tempest during a dash, Yasuo will do a spinning slash.
  • Disorient the enemy laner and dodge their abilites by dashing to minions.
  • You can jump a lot walls with this.
  • Escape/Chase by using it 2-3 times on a minion wave.
  • After getting one point in Wind Wall, bonus flow is generated every time you dash, so spam happily but smartly.
  • When trading, using this on enemy minions beforehand allows you to build up its damage and save it for when the opponent tries to escape.

Last Breath
Teleport to and nuke a target. Prolongs knock-ups in place for another second.
Yasuos need to learn to use this ability correctly. In addition, this ability is what makes Yasuo so devastating in knock-up team comps; it further CCs any knocked-up enemies and nukes a single target for a lot of damage. This ability has a huge cast range, allowing for the closure of large gaps and the making of neat plays. This ability is available to cast when a line of arrows appears that connects Yasuo to possible targets.
  • The armor penetration bonus affects squishies less, but is helpful nonetheless.
  • It can only be used on knocked-up champions, so team comp is important for Yasuo.
  • Can be used as an escape if you're caught between two people and have a third stack ready to cast.
  • If your team has multiple knock-ups, try to use it when the most people are in the air.
  • If you're against a bruiser or tank, use it before he or she is close to dying, as the bonus armor penetration helps immensely (Does not matter as much against squishy targets). In other words, damage is essentially amplified after you use it.

List of abilities that let Yasuo use Last Breath:
Taken from the LoL wiki page

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Summoner Spells

I don't want to go over this too much, but your main three choices should be Flash, Ignite, and Ghost. Personally, I don't use Ghost as often.

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VIII. Items

Starting Items

Take this for extra damage early game. If you want good early game aggression, this is the path to go. The passive IS proc'd by your Steel Tempest, so attack often.

I usually take this vs enemy mid laners with ranged auto attacks. Its passive negates a lot of the harass damage, and it gives you some nice regen.

General Item Rushes

800 Gold

Backing at 800 gold usually signifies that you're either having trouble, or that a near-death experience has just happened, either netting you an early kill or forcing both laners to back. A Vampiric Scepter will give you more sustain and damage, so it's a good buy for most situations.
800 Gold

If you're doing pretty fine in lane or want to play for farm, you could get this to expedite the process of getting a Statikk Shiv. You do sacrifice potential damage and life steal, so I'd recommend this for more experienced players. In addition, this item is sort of useless if you don't farm well.

1175+ Gold

This is the generic rush item on Yasuo. It boosts Yasuo's main stats and goes towards a Statikk Shiv or a Trinity Force. It's just super strong, and this is the most rewarding item you can buy at 1175 gold. Make up for the lack of a Vampiric Scepter with a few health potions.

1400 Gold

Get this if you know you're going to be against HP stackers ( Dr. Mundo)or if you just need that extra sustain to help you in lane. I wouldn't suggest fully upgrading this into a Blade of the Ruined King immediately; instead, get a Zeal. In some situations, I just keep it a Bilgewater Cutlass until the end of the game. Remember to use the active!
1400 Gold

If you're going bruiser or just getting wrecked by AP harass, this could be a viable item on your first back. It buffs your HP, MR, and HP Regen (passive). It builds into useful defense items later on, so don't rule this out. This item synergizes with your flow shield pretty well, letting you get back into the game if you're losing lane hard vs an AP. However, if you're doing decently, go ahead and get a Zeal.

Core Items


These are crucial to Yasuo. He benefits from every stat in Statikk Shiv, and Infinity Edge just synergizes with Yasuo's playstyle and abilities so well. The early game strength from Statikk Shiv is relatively unmatched by any other items on Yasuo. It with Infinity Edge gives you 90% crit chance. The passive can crit as well. Trinity Force is also a great pick on Yasuo. Trinity + IE provides him 70% crit chance and 250% (really 225% because of his passive) crit damage. If you crit on a Trinity Force proc, expect upwards of 400% of your auto attack damage. This is enough to kill a squishy target within seconds.

Armor Penetration

If armor on the enemy team starts to get high (usually around 125+), you need to start building a Last Whisper. This negates a lot of armor and makes your damage relevant again. You would usually only get Black Cleaver on a bruiser build.
It helps shred enemy armor for your AD teammates and gives you a CDR and health boost as well.


Get Mercs against a lot of CC and AP. You could swap out Mercs for Zephyr. Get Tabis if you're having trouble against an AA-reliant laner, and/or if their team has a lot of AD. If you can afford to trade off these defenses, just go Berserker's Greaves. Mobis are for junglers, though I'd still recommend other boots.

Other Offensive Items

A pretty good item on Yasuo. It gives him a large AD and life steal boost, which goes well with his playstyle. Consider this as a 3rd item if you plan on getting it. You usually don't want to get both this and Ravenous Hydra.

If you're opting for some extra life steal, you should pick between this and Bloodthirster. This is good against clumped up enemies, and your life steal will apply with an AoE effect.

Typically on a build that will either end very well or lose you the game. If you're going for this, get this after Statikk Shiv. Not recommended for hard ranked games.

An option that gives higher stats than the Statikk Shiv, but lacks the passive. Not really preferred on Yasuo as it is outclassed in the early game by Statikk Shiv and in the lategame by the Trinity Force.

This is a nice item with a helpful active. If I build a The Brutalizer early, it might go into this. Otherwise, your Avarice Blade or The Brutalizer will go into Black Cleaver or a Statikk Shiv, respectively.

Bruiser Yasuo item? This item isn't bought much anymore, but its stats do make you tankier and apply a slow. Only purchase when you're far ahead.

Can be built from a Vampiric Scepter. This can be an extremely helpful item, especially against high HP opponents. The active gives you a huge mobility boost, so remember to use it!

An alternative to items built from Zeal or even boots. It gives you enough bonus movement speed to effectively trade out your boots. If you do trade out your boots, wait until late game to do so. It doesn't provide crit, so if you really want it, buy it AFTER Infinity Edge and a Zeal item.

Defensive Items

Provides both MR and armor. On top of that survivability, the passive is amazing. If you're wreaking havoc, enjoy having more fun if you accidentally die.

If their team is AD heavy, consider getting this instead of a Guardian Angel. You'll most likely survive a lot longer. The passive allows for easier escaping and chasing in addition to enlarging the difference in team mobility during a teamfight.

Consider getting this against an AP heavy team, or if you already started a Spectre's Cowl in a hard AP lane. Try to get some life steal if you get this item, as it buffs the amount of life you steal.

You don't need the mana, but the health, MR, and passive are welcome. This is very good against champions that need for every spell to hit to execute their whole combo, such as Veigar. In general, it protects you from the very dangerous spells, so try not to get the passive popped by something small.

If you keep getting CC'd and hurt by AP, consider buying a Quicksilver Sash. However, only upgrade into this at the end of your build, since the stats aren't as cost efficient as other items. Plus, it's pretty expensive.

If you're not getting CC'd that often but their team is filled with AP, get this instead. Its passive is more useful and it provides some nice damage as well.

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IX. Gameplay

This describes general gameplay. The way you play is altered by your lane, opponent, and role.

Early Game


Try to farm well and safely and build towards your Statikk Shiv. Knowing when and how to trade is important. Refer to the techniques section for tips on how to use your abilities. Be wary of ganks, since top and mid are junglers' usual destinations for first ganks (around 3:10 - 3:30). If you're doing well, buy more damage, building into Statikk Shiv and Infinity Edge. Buy a Vampiric Scepter if you need more early game sustain. If you're doing poorly, buy an extra Doran's Blade or Doran's Shield (don't buy two shields), or just buy some sustain/defense in general and wait for the jungler to gank. Roam when you can.


If you're jungling, start the buff on the bottom side so you get a leash from bot lane. The route on purple side is [Blue (smite) -> Wraith -> Red (smite)], and the route on blue side is [Red (smite) -> Wolves -> Blue (smite)]. Gank top or mid, and pay attention to trinkets/ward placement. If your laner has CC, try to coordinate your gank with it. Otherwise, your only instant CC is red buff. Also, try to come from a route that can put them in a difficult position. If you make a play on bot, you can attempt a dragon, but ask yourself if it is safe to do so.

Mid Game


Generally this role will be on top lane. You'll be tankier than an assassin, most likely building an offensive item or two, then defense. Try to group for dragon attempts, and you should be able to 1v1 assassins and ADCs if there isn't a significant gold difference. In teamfights, you want to go for their squishies, unless one of your carries is particularly fed, in which case you will be trying to peel for said carry.
Assassin / Melee AD Carry

The only reason you were bred in the Rift. You survived laning phase, farming well and possibly netting up some kills. You built everything towards damage. Your goal for teamfights is to kill the high priority squishies as fast as possible. Usually, initiating in this role is a bad idea. If you can see a opening, go for it; however, you usually want your allies to bring out their CC first.

As both of these, you're going to want to capitalize everything you can. Their carry is top lane? Take dragon with your team. Their carry is out of position? Go hard at him or her in the teamfight. Always look for opportunities. The more you play, the more opportunities you will see.

  • Use your Wind Wall wisely!
  • Bruiser/Offtank/Whateverthisiscalled: If you don't have an extremely fed carry, then the enemy carries are your highest priority. Otherwise peel and defend against aggressors.
  • Assassin / Melee ADC: Your target is enemy squishies.
  • Try to synergize Last Breath with your teammates' knock-ups. If your team does this well, the fights will be more or less one-sided.
  • Objectives are the main goal of the game.
  • No enemy wards = Free baron attempt. Free dragon attempt. Catching enemies offguard.

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X. More Chapters To Come!

I've gotten what I wanted out. Videos and Lane Matchups will come later. I'm leaving for a cruise on the 21st, so I won't be doing too much until after then. I hope you guys enjoy! Any comments, suggestions, and grammar-error-detections are welcome!
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