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Ranked reflections with koksei

Creator: koksei January 23, 2015 7:15am
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 24, 2015 5:25pm | Report
uh I dun even know, prolly being bugged lol

~ Sig by Xiaowiriamu ~
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 25, 2015 1:51pm | Report


Ichi and I won lane, every1 else sucked, you can't really peel a super fed rengar, and even if you do there's still a 10kill+ ori.

Tem scks. fck dis.
Honestly, nothing more too add to this.

Another duo with Ichi and uhh.. dunno not too lucky with our team mates.
My Cait was free to farm and still somehow managed to lose in CS, then went ahead and rushed botrk.

LB was doing quite well but also got caught tons, her being our main dmg that was kinda gg.
Dunno losing with 3/4/14 as a support sure is rather weird.

Promo lost ~

Told Komo I'd duo with him once he is there today and so I did, Ichi went for some CS:GO anyway.

Went for Janna and Komo had to jungle.
Vlad got countered or more like countered himself since we all assumed it's fiddle Jungle.
Vlad went 1/7 in lane but mid and bot were doing well. Wasn't all too scared of Fiddle tho since I'd just knock him out and well.. that's pretty much it.

Was kinda hard for us to engage but Komo went in and we traded kills in our favor every time, slowly getting the advantage Shaco killed me once and then 1 tf fiddle just insta killed me couldn't blow him out due to Fear and silence T.T.

Graves was a bit of a ***** but oh well, better safe than sorry I guess.

Komo got camped like hell and thus he died quite a bit, usually killed one of them too tho.
We won bot but couldnt score any kills, Lulu Khalista sure seems like a damn fun lane the mobility is quite ******ed.

Meanwhile Irelia completely shat on their Vlad ... but she went full squish - tri - botrk - zephyr.

So eventually we started losing teamfights due to Irelia being so squishy, once she got GA we pretty much straight up stomped them again. Graves was quite strong and I did my best to peel the guy and that worked out quite good ^_^

Got back into Promo.

Perfect KDA yay.. oh wait.
Bot was quite alright but their Lee got an early kill and then another one and just snowballed out of control, Kassa pushed too hard for Komo to do jack**** and so did Poppy, so he kinda just farmed and got flamed by those.

Think we coulda won if we stalled longer but Poppy was just trolling.

0/1 in Promo, dodged next champ select since the Poppy from last game was with us and threatened to troll, and there was another guy wanting to jungle but this Poppy called it so he also picked jungle.
I rather dodged than playing that one out.

Vayne played quite horrible and damn Soraka sure is annoying in lane.
I just started roaming and left Vayne to farm.

Our Shaco was doing work getting Komo fed and Zed was doing quite alright.
Sounds like an easy game right?

Well.. damn Zed and Shaco often tried to 1v4/1v3/2v4/2v5 so we had like 5 throws, our team was actually the first to drop and inhib.

Eventually they got their **** together tho and we grouped and ended quite fast with just one more throw inbetween T.T Dunno why but this Akali was really easy to peel prolly just Janna being Janna.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand back into promos

Don't even remember all too much, lost lane quite a bit, Khalista being 6/0/5 and beast mode at some point. Our Cass won quite hard but was being a negative ***** but eventually we got enough MR vs them going and Komo + me kept Lucian alive to kill all of em.

Got FB with level 2 cuz those idiots tried to fight as level 1 and 1 vs level 2 and 2.
Was still close but you just don't do that..

Well we won lane after that until we engaged again, unfortunately EZ went full ****** and E'd in and then there was an Udyr and he died. Was quite alright tho, just had to play it safe from there.

Lee and Fizz were wrecking mid and Komo was losing top but kept up in CS and still did a lot of dmg.
Did some really questionable dives and threw several times but somehow always came out ahead anyway.

That was honestly the easiest game I've played in a long time.
The game was basically over at minute 12 - 14/1 for us and a drake + 4 towers advantage.
People started trolling so it kept going till minute 27, was never even close even to a comeback for them even tho we did do some really stupid ****.

Coulda ended pre 20, kinda annoying to drag this on so long.
Anyway... +30 LP

Gosh it has been ages since I spammed so many games in one day, specially ranked games.
Welp good times, some quite hard games today.

~ Sig by Xiaowiriamu ~
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 27, 2015 1:28pm | Report
plat 1, got into promo really fast.

0/2 - 2/2, damn close game and lsot. Played with and against Nukeduck, almost won vs him but our toplaner also lost to some "well known" danish challenger guy called Reyz. Despite losing this game was really fun, obviously would've liked winning better but oh well..

got into promo again today started 1/0

then had a 0/6 jax top and an ADC that felt "trolled" by me roaming - while providing full vision & getting kills elsewhere - so he started overextending and dying nonstop, then he burns his summoners right infront of the enemies so they engage on him.

and then just 2 stomps.

last game I had 2/1/1 while top had 1/7, mid 0/6/2 or some ****, 1/5 jg, 1/5 adc.

honestly not in the mood to write about that cancer.

~ Sig by Xiaowiriamu ~
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2015 10:56am | Report
I had no idea your janna was so good haha. Anyways, congrats on your successful promos, and being close to diamond. It's nice to have you back in the community :)
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

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Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2015 6:50am | Report
To give you an update.
I am still plat1 sitting on 34 LP, my janna winrate dropped to like 69% which really rustles my jimbobs since I haven't had a single bad game with her yet.

Also played a 3/2/17 blitz yesterday and well.. guess what my team sckd ****.

I'd like to actually "reflect" on the games but there's not much to reflect on if you have good stats most games and ur 3-4 other teammates just straight up dunno how to play this game~


oh and @utopus

I just started playing her like 3 weeks ago, just fits my playstyle really well. And I enjoy playing her

~ Sig by Xiaowiriamu ~
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