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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by 5forwards

Mundo Da Tank!

Mundo Da Tank!

Updated on June 2, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 5forwards Build Guide By 5forwards 483 42 1,583,142 Views 340 Comments
483 42 1,583,142 Views 340 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 5forwards Dr. Mundo Build Guide By 5forwards Updated on June 2, 2011
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Hedrosyrinx | September 12, 2011 10:59am
Mundooo !!!

I love this char,.. i started playin it and just fall in love :D Hes got so aaaawesome tank capabilities,... immortal! :)

Now i have some free time in work so i decided to check some builds.. I clicked this one and was like wuuuuut thats my build !!!! :D I play him just LITTLE bit different. For example my favorite start item is pendant for HP regen, with this item u r able to hit with cleaver from 1st lvl with no worries about your Hp or something I love this item as first item I often got double kill or firstblood xD

If someone say taht mundo is weak early or some ******** about how hes bein ignored coz of tank build,.. i have one news for you... You doin it wrong ! xD

Regarding items warmog+visage are sooooooo imbed ! For mundo its like core:) I would say that other items are situational according the enemy team, i often use thormail or sunfire cape or even "Rylai's Crystal Scepter", but often just exactly what u posted. Regarding spells i really like combo flash + ignite.

At the end I would like to say everyone who started play mundo will not go just fine with this guide, but great ! :) This hero is awesome and the gameplay its just sooo funny !

Mundo go where he pleases !!!
Domin8 | September 6, 2011 1:10pm
This is a great build. I use it pretty much every time I play Mundo. The only thing I do is even though I play tankish, I get Stark's Fervor. It gives you more health regen and some lifesteal, which I find useful for farming. Anyways, great build.
cronovey (1) | September 4, 2011 1:51pm
I definitely like the build overall; however, have you considered dropping the Atma's Impaler for a Stark's Fervor? It gives some passive attack speed, and a very nice lifesteal/attack speed/health regen component for your team while also reducing enemy armor.

At ~50% health paired with your E, you're gaining a ton of AD and with the 20% Lifesteal from Stark's, you're netting quite a lot of health back with that AD. In addition the extra 40% attack speed lets you hit more often, resulting in more health back again.
Rzympolista | September 3, 2011 8:46am
I have one question about defensive mastery "Ardor". Now it increases bonus attack speed, so I don't think that it is worth putting points in it. It would be better to put these points in "Nibleness" and "Defensive Mastery". Of course it's good for this set of items. if I'm wrong about "Ardor" then please correct me.
Beatdown | September 2, 2011 8:03pm
Very nice build tryed it and it was awesome!
nolifemen | August 30, 2011 2:08pm
Really nice build u got there.I tried doing almost the same but i do get 2 magog armor, atmas impaler and a frozen mallet . Over 5000 hp, 350 dmg with masochist and incomparable chassing power. Ur build helped me making mine :) . +1
UncleThomas | August 29, 2011 6:47pm
You forgot to mention the most important tip of all for Mundo, which is zoning. In team fights, there's no need to chase unless you're sure you can kill them quickly and return to controlling position. Let your carries do the killing. Your job is zone for them with cleaver every 4 seconds. You will find yourself almost always in position to attack the same target as your carries, even if it's a solo game with no skype. A bad Mundo will chase a kill forever while his team fights a 4v4. Sure, he'll still end the game something along the lines of 12/3/8 but the game will have either ended in a loss or lasted 20+ minutes more than it should have.

Nobody should be able to get close to your squishy teammates if you throw one every 4 seconds and position yourself correctly. Even if a ranged AD gets close enough to shoot them or a melee dps gets in close, they will automatically be overextended in your team's sphere of influence, slowed 40% and be at most 75% health, and prime to get focused down. At the least, you will be able to peel them off your squishies until they can step back a bit and continue dps.

Your throughput will increase drastically this way as well, and you will die much less frequently if ever. Chase to your heart's content once the enemy team is routed. And boy is Mundo great for chasing; too good at it such that less experienced players get the illusion that they are playing well with their 17/5/12, when in fact they are letting their team down horribly. If played right, it would look more like 7-0-16 with all kills having occurred in early to mid game.
AonoTsukune | August 25, 2011 6:13pm
except for guardian angel im using the sunfire cape to stack it with burning agony!
nice guide gave me an epic score of 12/4/21 on my third mundo game :D
Megusta | August 17, 2011 3:29pm

Some stats with build, some of them was really fast surrenders :P
GASxLoriel | August 12, 2011 5:14pm
Great build i got 17 6 14 :) carried my whole team +1
wonderbox | August 12, 2011 10:20am
I really liked this build. I went 16-3-25 in my first game on him. It was awesome. +1 good job on making it easy to follow and straight forward, you helped me find a new champion I love playing :)
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