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LeBlanc Build Guide by Shrekt

AP Carry La Rose Noire

AP Carry La Rose Noire

Updated on March 17, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shrekt Build Guide By Shrekt 20 6 392,709 Views 34 Comments
20 6 392,709 Views 34 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shrekt LeBlanc Build Guide By Shrekt Updated on March 17, 2016
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Shrekt | April 15, 2015 5:03am
Hi EgoArts!

Yes, I am going to update the guide for Luden's Echo, so thanks for that. As for Wooglet's I have no idea, since I don't play TT often, but since it's basically Rabadon's and Zhonya's in one item then I guess it is pretty much mandatory. I'm pretty sure most of the items from SR are available on TT as well, so just build the same things on TT as you would on SR.

I'm glad my guide has helped you. I don't know what your standards are, but you can always PM me for any help if you need it, or you can email me:

Good luck in your games!
Shrekt | April 11, 2015 2:04pm
Hi wimbledofy, and thanks for your comment!

I haven't been able to look back at the comments for quite some time recently, and now that I have a moment to spare, I'll get to work on it immediately. I haven't updated the Items section for Luden's Echo etc. but I'll get to it asap.

I assume what you understood from the text you quoted is that you (as LB in this case) don't have to ward anything since you're fully built now and have no space for wards in your inventory. At least that's what I meant; perhaps I wasn't too clear on that. Yes, you do need to upgrade the trinket and use it, but since I recommend the Sweeping Lens for the late game, well, you're not really going to ward anything, are you? I was actually referring only to the regular stealth wards (i.e. the ones you buy for gold and that take up a slot in the inventory), but as I have now explained, you won't be warding since you don't have the trinket for that.

I hope I answered your request, and I will update the warding section so that I'm crystal clear on the warding, since, as you noticed, it didn't convey the message clearly. Thank you for the feedback!
wimbledofy (1) | April 7, 2015 4:22pm
Warding section needs update since what you said was wrong(or is now currently wrong)
"Late game, you should leave warding to your support. And yes, I know you might think 'Supports aren't the only ones who need to ward'. Yes, they aren't, but in the early/mid game, NOT the late game. In late game, they are. Let's see: your top laner probably has full build by now, your jungler is finishing his Warmog's Armor, your marksman is fully built now, and you have just completed Zhonya's Hourglass. What now? All 4 of you have your inventories full... SUPPORT?! WARD PLS."
At this point everyone should have their trinket fully upgraded which means your top laner and jungler should also be warding.
EgoArts | March 16, 2015 3:07pm
What do you think of the new item Luden's Echo (new 120 AP), and Wooglet's Witchcap (as opposed to Zhonya's)?

Thank you so much for the great guide, it has truly helped me achieve what I thought was unachieveable with LeBlanc (for my standards, at least)
Shrekt | February 19, 2015 2:01pm
Hi duck president and thanks for your feedback.

I understand why some people prefer to max W on LB and I can see their arguments but I have to disagree, mainly due to personal preferences. I find that my playstyle is really weird and sometimes I play really aggressively and make opportunities for myself, and sometimes I stay behind and wait for an opportunity to come itself. Personally I don't really care for waveclear because that's not what LB is supposed to do, and she shouldn't be doing that at all (maybe in late game only). Q-R does a lot more damage than your proposed W-R, not only because you actually trigger both parts of both sigils, but also because in your W-R combo you don't intend on hitting them with W, only with mimicked W. While mimicked W does do a ****load of damage in late game (around 1.1k with full build), in no way does that compare to the damage of mimicked Q which can do nearly 800 dmg in each part, 1.6k total. Unless of course you hit multiple people with mimicked W, but any decent LB wouldn't ever even think of doing that (I hope), because that's suicide. Sacrificing yourself for merely damaging several people is not worth it at all. With Q-R you can at least bring someone down with you, and then hope that your team can handle a 4v4 by themselves.

Personally I absolutely hate the W-R combo, because in order to do damage with mimicked W (which, again, is lower than mimicked Q) you have to practically land right on top of the enemy. This makes it nearly impossible to hit Q-E, since the chains have such a weird hitbox.

Until she gets fed, LB has nowhere near enough damage to 100-0 people in the laning phase, therefore I prefer to wear them down with Q/Q-W and then go in for the kill when they're at about 60-70% hp. Maybe it's an outdated playstyle for S5, but it works for me. As for facechecking, trust me, people ARE stupid and they WILL facecheck, even in diamond. If they don't have wards, how else can they get through? they must facecheck.

Also I don't like to use W-R because when I distort I get a little laggy and it messes up my aim, but that's just me, cause my PC sucks.

Also I don't think that LB should be even trying to dive past the frontline, if they have any at all, but rather doing consistent damage to enemies as the teamfight goes on. Wait, what did he just say? ASDFD*^&(%*&#! Yes, I did just say that. Since my guide recommends building a morellonomicon and a rylai's, it essentially makes LB a second support for your team, with strong peeling abilities like any other support, but uniquely also coming with a threat of getting vaporised if they try to touch the adc. As I'm sure you are aware, anywhere higher than gold people will start to group in a way such that the adc will not be an easy pick for an assassin. Maybe they are stupid, but probably not THAT stupid to just let their adc wander around without a support by his side 24/7. Especially if it's someone like Janna; then you'll never pick the adc off, and probably end up dying as well. Therefore it only seems logical for LB to hang around the edge of the teamfight, throwing spells around and assisting her team until an opportunity arises where a squishy target is out of position, then you can jump on them.

Once again I thank you for your criticism, and I hope I answered your challenges.
duck president | February 18, 2015 10:56pm
Three reasons to max W first. First is reduced CD on W. Second is its more mana efficient to max W. Thirdly, and most importantly is wave clear.

Wave clear opens you up to roam and act more freely. You claim Q is more reliable because you cannot miss. W has a very high speed and has a huge range & aoe. You have to be a bad LB player to make an unforced error using W.

Another thing I noticed is that you promote exclusively using Q+R combo for maximum damage potential. The problem with this is that it leaves you vulnerable and it may explain why you cannot get over 10 stacks. Yes, you mentioned other combos but generally speaking, Q for damage, W for getting away, E for utility. You'll find that players aren't stupid and they will not stand there in range while you do your full Q+R+W+E combo. The high priority targets will be at the backline and the cc tanks will be at the front.

Your view of how LB should be played is flawed. LB should be looking to make plays by going into the backline by herself and assassinating a carry or a support and most importantly GETTING AWAY with it. The easiest way to do this is deny vision in the jungle and distort over a wall, mimc onto your target and then hit your Q+E on the target and ignite if necessary and then distort back to your origin point. This is how you get **** done as LB. Sometimes this isn't possible though. The enemy team may have too much CC to lock you down before you get to blink back. In this case, it is usually best to stick with the team and poke down the frontline with the aforementioned Q+R combos. If the frontline has the ability to close gaps and lock you down, it may be neccesary to poke with your long ranged E. Its not effective but when the enemy team has so much CC at the backline to lock you down and you can't even harass their frontline because of their engage potential, you've pretty much lost the window of opportunity on LB to close out the game early on before grouping even begins.

One more thing to note about double distortion is that you get FOUR blinks. This creates opportunities to juke, kite and heavily outplay your opponent.

In summary, your way of playing LB is too passive. W should be used aggressively to create distance into their backline if opportunity allows and pick off a target. If you don't play aggressively, the aggressiveness will come to you and you lose all initiative and will be forced into peeling or self preservation which is not the most optimal play.

Your way is relying on the mistakes of the enemy and hoping they get in range for you to burst them down or they face check a bush (is this bronze-gold?), completely wasting the <20 second CD on your ultimate. This way of playing LB is outdated and is the equivalent of something like Annie who kills anyone who gets in her range.

I think a better guide would be just watching a few Leblanc Faker VODS.
Shrekt | February 16, 2015 8:29am
Hi Axelney! I am glad my guide helped you!

Now, as for the Abyssal Scepter: personally I don't like to buy it because I think it's more of a tank(ish) item, and LB doesn't need any tankiness (aside from the Rylai's maybe). I guess it's an okay item to buy if you're against a magic damage-dealing midlaner, but other than that I don't like it. The range of the effect is pretty small and your main combo in teamfights will probably be W to your target, then E-Q-R and wait for the chain to shut and kill them. Since LB doesn't build tanky, you should stay at a range while the tether completes, therefore you won't really be able to benefit from the MR reduction of the aura. The only time I can see the aura be useful is when an enemy facechecks against you but in higher-elo games that happens less frequently.

Also, like you said, the visual effect does give you away from your clone, so that can reduce your survivability. And for the elixir of sorcery, YES. Yes, yes, yes. It's a great end game item, and the only one in fact, that you can, and should buy. I would advise you to stay away from any elixir until you have full build, however.

Good luck with LB!
Axelney (1) | February 15, 2015 11:15am
First thing i wanted to thank you for writing this guide. I was in need to unlock one more champion to play draft pick (I am a newbie at LoL) and I had been thinking about LeBlanc for a while so i decided it was time to get her.
First, I was VERY BAD at her, I was even said I reuined the game once but thanks to your guide and some practice I have got better and now usually get some early kills and couple successful ganks, but still not enough.

Anyway, one thing I have been doing to get better at her is watching rankeds with her playing and I have seen one thing that you don't mention in your guide and want to ask your opinion.
How about the Abyssal scepter? I think it works very good especially if you already have Rabadon's deathcape, let alone if you also have Void Staff.
I also think that due to the graphic effect it gives the champion that owns it makes mirror image completely useless because the enemy will immediately spot the clone and chase the real dying leblanc.

So...what do you think? I have also seen Elixir of sorcery being used, how about that as well?
Skay Nova | February 11, 2015 6:52am
level 1 better pick W
IPodPulse (120) | December 15, 2014 12:41pm
wilson Lav wrote:

Ummmmmmm why is the mark as Ad dmg ?
She dosent even do any Ad

Actually, Leblanc has one of the highest base AD as a mage, she already has plenty of burst from her Q and W so Mpen are not as necessary, with the bonus AD she can poke down most mid laners while her abilities are on cool down. This is why she is one of the stronger mages at the moment, she has a great burst as well as a ranged AA that does decent damage at low levels, it is what allows her to snowball.
wilson Lav | December 15, 2014 12:18pm
Ummmmmmm why is the mark as Ad dmg ?
She dosent even do any Ad
Exzor | December 11, 2014 7:48am
Hey! I just thought I might like to bring something to your attention. I've been a regular LeBlanc player for years and I would like to use your combos as preface for my reasoning. Judging by your use and mention of combos, you clearly see the need for AA's. So, an idea I thought you may want to play around with is some AD in the mastery tree as if you have some AD and/or Arpen, your auto attacks level 1-3/4~ -ish Will be hitting nearly for the same amount as an ability. I hope you give this some consideration! I believe LeBlanc to be a good champion for asserting lane dominance early on before other champions are able to do anything about it. As such, I find significant early damage increase such as Mpen/ flat AD to be great resources to a LeBlanc player. Good luck, and have fun smashing faces on The Deceiver! :D
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