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Trundle Build Guide by ZombieKingZ

AD Offtank Hey don't forget Top Lane Trundle! GET MONEY!

AD Offtank Hey don't forget Top Lane Trundle! GET MONEY!

Updated on December 19, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ZombieKingZ Build Guide By ZombieKingZ 14 2 2,183,002 Views 18 Comments
14 2 2,183,002 Views 18 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ZombieKingZ Trundle Build Guide By ZombieKingZ Updated on December 19, 2015
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Anagennao | December 25, 2016 10:44am
Any thoughts on stopping Renekton? I have been having trouble, because of his high damage early game.
Snarflaz | September 10, 2016 9:44am
In what case would you go the duelist route? I don't play trundle much but you seem very confident in the balanced route. Should you go Duelist more in team fights?
DarkSpark0905 (1) | June 24, 2016 5:25pm
Im having trouble knowing what to do in a teamfight, im not tanky enough to be in the frontline but i get cc'ed when i try to dive the backline. Should i just split push and have my team 4v5? Would apreaciate Help <3.
DrkNinja (1) | May 3, 2016 5:58am
I only play Trundle when I play top and I swear I always build BoRK>Titanic>tank and I also take Bloodlust and I'm unkillable. bit of a different take though, I like it. Trundle OP
Marvest | February 13, 2016 7:18am
Great guide man!
Really thank you for help me to understand how to troll :)
You got +1
ZombieKingZ (5) | September 16, 2015 5:20pm
Kitein wrote:

why did you change your guide???????

I was in the process of converting it to a jungle guide, then accidentally hit publish. OOPS!
Kitein | September 13, 2015 11:56pm
why did you change your guide???????
MasterYeezus | July 24, 2015 8:01am
Fully sick guide m8! A+/10

I find Trundle gets a massive power spike at level 2 and while your itemization is tops, I don't generally build Ravenous. Sometimes I do if I'm really fed, but other times, just BotrK + Trinity + tank.

I find that Ravenous helps with waveclear but not so much splitpushing. Just W under the tower and beat the living **** out of it with your ice ****. :D

Anyways, gr8 guide m8, I r8 8/8.
ZombieKingZ (5) | July 6, 2015 8:28pm
Thanks, friend!

Yeah those are all terrible, terrible matchups. Gotta be honest, Trundle doesn't have too many easy ones.

I'd probably start Flask and spam health potions for all the AP matchups. Spam TP to get back to lane if you need to. Pick up an early Spectre's Cowl, and perhaps even finish your Spirit Visage first. If you're feeling like you're in an okay position, you can get a Vamp Scepter afterwards and maybe work towards Hydra to make it way easier to farm. If your timing is good, sometimes you can push a wave or two into tower, then go farm a jungle camp/make a TP play elsewhere on the map, then be back in lane before missing too much CS. If you can manage to push waves quickly like that, you can minimize the time you're in lane with the opposing laner without sacrificing too much farm. Tiamat helps immensely with this.

Nevertheless, be prepared to go into these games knowing you won't get that much farm, and knowing that you'll outscale most of these champs regardless. If you can just soak up XP, find clever ways to get a decent amount of CS, and NOT DIE, you'll be helping your team just fine.

Don't engage on him. If he puts down his big turret, you cannot win the fight. Wait it out, and take the opportunity to farm when the cooldown is down.
Call for a very early gank.
Your main goal should be to survive and farm.
You can try baiting out his stun, and dodge it for a window of opportunity to walk up and get a few creeps. Heal up the harass with potions.
Dodge the turret lasers always. Keep an eye on the charge bar. The lasers do so much damage.

She's one of the biggest melee destroyers in the game. Because W.
Get the slow reduction mastery point.
Mercury Treads. I miss the days when Trundle's w had tenacity.
She can initiate a gank really really well. Keep your lane warded. If she E's onto you randomly, you're probably being ganked.
If she Q's ever, that means you have 6-3 seconds or so to walk up, get a few last hits in, walk out, and wait for another Q. Careful of standing directly behind your minions, obviously. Avoid that splash.

I haven't played against new Ryze.
Camp his *** early. He'll probably be pushed up. He's got no escape. Free kills if you can set up the gank properly. You can snowball this lane.
When the game starts, if you're ever playing against anyone without an escape, just say "Free kills top" in chat.

One time when I was a young Trundle, Pantheon was a strong top laner. My buddy said to me "Hey ZombieKingZ. Rush Warden's Mail." And so I did. And it was glorious. He can't 1v1 you when you've got a Warden's Mail and you're roughly equal power. Level 6 anyway.
Start Cloth 5. He'll run out of mana before you run out of health unless you let him sit and auto you or E you.
Don't use your Q on him when his passive is up. What a waste.
Chances are he'll be out of lane ganking other lanes quite often. Ping a lot. Choose between following him or pushing down his turret.

Oh and never stay in lane if you're too low.

Sorry for the wall of text.
DOHINKUSWAHMWAHM | July 5, 2015 10:43pm
Hey man, amazing guide, got some lane matchups that I need some help with if ya got the time.

1. Heimer
Cant seem to get around the ****ers turrets long enough to kill him. On the off chance I SURVIVED the turrets, he uses his zohnyas after he puts down more turrets... advice?

2. Liss
The queen of kiting. Has too much cc along with her E. Find myself hugging tower all of laning phase... Any tips?

2½. Ryze (similar to Liss)
Ok maybe I'm just garbage, but I constantly get poked/kited so much when I try to fight him. After being poked down enough, he dives tower, roots me, uses his "combo" (its ryze...) and I end up dead, pointers?

3. EVERYONE LIKE PANTHEON (targeted poke ppl)
Poked. Poked. Poked some more... AND I GOT KILLED, again... o_o I have no clue how to farm with these guys dumping on me 24/7... help me plz! >.<

(Sorry for the wall of text :P)

Once again thanks so much for the great guide +1, 10 out of 10 will troll again.
ZombieKingZ (5) | June 30, 2015 5:24pm
[deleted] wrote:

Voted +1. What about Zephyr, Maw? And is it viable to pick LW?

I remember Quas went Zephyr one game in the LCS. I wouldn`t do it in a ranked game, but I do miss old Trundle`s tenacity. The cooldown reduction and tenacity would be the only reason I`d ever buy this item, but I don`t feel like it`s valuable enough.

I`d probably only get Maw if you`re snowballing against a champ like LeBlanc who still might have the potential to surprise burst you out and make a comeback or something. If the game is relatively even, Spirit Visage or even Banshees would probably be safer.

I don`t see much of a purpose on LW on Trundle in most situations. Black Cleaver at least gives you health and benefits your team with the armor shred. I feel like building Last Whisper would leave you way too squishy, as you`d kind of need to build it in addition to one of your core items. Maybe you should try it anyway and let me know how it goes.
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Hey don't forget Top Lane Trundle! GET MONEY!

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