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Maokai Build Guide by Dremu

Maokai the AP Support Tank!

Maokai the AP Support Tank!

Updated on June 15, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dremu Build Guide By Dremu 63 12 282,297 Views 61 Comments
63 12 282,297 Views 61 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dremu Maokai Build Guide By Dremu Updated on June 15, 2011
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AmethystRockStar | August 25, 2011 12:31am
A great balance of AP and Armor/MR. Very capable of kicking the enemy's ashe!
Skaddoosh (1) | June 9, 2011 4:24pm
Great job on the guide dude! Tried it out and it's working nicely! Gotta get the hang of that Ult tho! lol

Question for the OP:
Would you consider maybe switching out the MR or the Armor Runes and replace them with other options to give you a little more impact in other areas of play? And if so, what do you feel would best compliment your current build?

+1 for the guide OP!
Shrillex (39) | May 11, 2011 7:56am
Good build +1
TBasil13 (4) | May 8, 2011 6:47pm
I hated Maokai until I found this guide... Now quite possibly my favorite tank
Dremu (24) | April 30, 2011 11:15am
Thanks guys :]

I'm happy It helped you guys.
Bergenator | April 25, 2011 10:00pm
I end up carrying somehow with this build.. my last two matches were 16-1-11 and 11-2-9
love the build, and love this WOOD! :D
darkfuzzles | April 24, 2011 6:06pm
this build is awesome, i actually bought the champion bc of this build, i use it a lot, but i tend to take the frozen heart instead of the banshee's veil if im taking on melee plus the ability CD reduction is very useful in team fights!
Dremu (24) | April 20, 2011 6:49pm
squall255 wrote:

Why don't you start with sappling toss? I've found it to be good to start harrassing at level 1, as well as good for helping your teammates start to jungle. Do you have a reason you favor Arcane Smash over sapplings at level 1?

I favor Arcane Smash because I find it more useful in certain situations, I harass very well with it early rather than saplings, Arcane smash is wonderful harassment people just don't use it right to harass, I get many kills from it or I slow people from chasing my teammates at level 1 if there's a gank, Saplings are useful for dmg Arcane Smash is a better harass because you can launch it dead on instead of in hordes where your sapling targets minions rather than champion.
squall255 | April 16, 2011 3:43pm
Why don't you start with sappling toss? I've found it to be good to start harrassing at level 1, as well as good for helping your teammates start to jungle. Do you have a reason you favor Arcane Smash over sapplings at level 1?
Dremu (24) | April 15, 2011 7:46pm
okay i'm gonna point this out, I'm not changing my guide to evryons wants this is one again MY PLAYSTYLE it works great for me so stop saying something is bad, or needs changed, I appreciate the criticism but saying "That item is bad replace with the item I THINK IS BETTER" is not helpful, I think my item build is better than what you guys suggest, So don't downvote for not having your choice of items just change what you want if you don't like it. I made this guide as a GUIDE to Maokai, Not a use my exact items to win! I use what I want you use what you want, these are suggestions not perm items of you must haves, Just gimme new item ideas instead of telling me what is bad about my guide, Instead just say "This item may be good on him as well you should try it" instead of "That items bad use this one instead"

Please and THank you, THanks for all the Upvotes as well, I'm hoping I helped a lot of people, I'm probably going to archive this guide soon however, If you do not wish for me to then please comment and I will not depending on how many people want me to keep it up, Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope I helped you all understand Maokai.
Elezoz | April 15, 2011 11:32am
great guide!
SakuyaFM (5) | April 15, 2011 9:24am
I think Warmogs on certain games will help with damage soak, allowing longer staying time within ulti. Other than that, this guide is great. I do like to point out that instead on focusing so much on AP, it should be on the side.
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Maokai the AP Support Tank!

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