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Nidalee Build Guide by Casperjoe

AP Carry Nidalee Jungle - By ''Casperjoe'' a Challenger Nidalee main.

AP Carry Nidalee Jungle - By ''Casperjoe'' a Challenger Nidalee main.

Updated on August 25, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Casperjoe Build Guide By Casperjoe 36 5 2,181,553 Views 20 Comments
36 5 2,181,553 Views 20 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Casperjoe Nidalee Build Guide By Casperjoe Updated on August 25, 2016
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FrostyLyfe | November 11, 2016 4:58pm
Any plans for an update for the new season? :D
ItsThatDude (2) | September 28, 2016 2:00pm
Yo any big changes for the 6.19 patch for niddy's build?
Anriu7 | April 20, 2016 5:45pm
Howdy, just a dirty Bronze with some suggestions for info that would be helpful to low level players like myself.

Your guide would do very well with have a chapter dedicated to discussing the strengths/weaknesses of each item you have suggested and how they effect Nidalee's power at each point in the game. Especially with the situational items. It doesn't help me when you tell me that 'X item is situational' if you don't also explain how and why I should build it in the situation it excels in :P. I do understand that you covered it in the Last Item Situational notes, but I feel it would be more helpful to include an entire dedicated chapter to this discussion.

Also, guidelines on how to deal with the champions that are a threat to her with this build would be helpful too, at the moment you only tell me how I can capitalize on champions I excel against, what happens if someone counter picks against me? Knowing exactly how and why they beat me and how I can avoid it will be extremely helpful :)

Great guide otherwise though and I feel like I have learned alot, especially about how to properly gank with Nid. Thankyou :)
McZeddy (2) | April 7, 2016 9:00am
Hey, could you make a video including jungle clearing ? I started to play Nidalee recently and I am struggling a lot now because her human form W no longer snares camps. Thank you in advance.
Casperjoe (2) | March 9, 2016 10:29am

What about it?
BleakInnocent | March 8, 2016 3:20pm
Strength of the ages?
Casperjoe (2) | March 6, 2016 5:11pm

Uninstall asap
Kappaffs | March 6, 2016 5:09pm
Hey Casperjoe what should you do as Nidalee when you go full Amazing the entire game? Should I just uninstall or play another champion?
Casperjoe (2) | February 21, 2016 9:09am

It won't, read the reasoning again :)
ArmouredGRIFFON (1) | February 20, 2016 3:58pm
Your guide is inaccurate.

You should ALWAYS Q R W E Q, because if you hit swipe in cougar form the Q will ALWAYS hit regardless of whether or not it is in range.
Lunapix | January 20, 2016 11:58am
Hello! I am also a challenger Nidalee main and I feel like this guide does not cover the essentials of how to play this champion properly and optimally. I think that your items are too linear, and you shouldn't build Rod of Ages every game because it is situational. If you are ahead, you want pure AP and resistances so you can instantly burst an opponent down, since you won't be staying around long enough to tank damage. I also think you need to emphasis more on invading early since Nidalee jungle's power is in her early game.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author
Nidalee Guide
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Nidalee Jungle - By ''Casperjoe'' a Challenger Nidalee main.

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