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Diana Build Guide by Emi

Assassin -Ascending Nightfall-

Assassin -Ascending Nightfall-

Updated on March 18, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Emi Build Guide By Emi 113 7 2,214,527 Views 111 Comments
113 7 2,214,527 Views 111 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Emi Diana Build Guide By Emi Updated on March 18, 2016
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Denoue | April 28, 2016 12:45pm
Wonderfully detailed guide! The only nitpick I want to point out (not sure if previously mentioned in other replies) is the combo section. Casting W before any of Diana's comboes ensures more burst than casting it after you dash in with R, as the dmg is frontloaded with less chance of W not dealing dmg to the target due to them flashing/dashing out of Diana's E range.
paul2752 (1) | April 17, 2016 3:35pm
Yeah I tried Diana top yesterday and got S!$&@T on by Graves. He just AAed inm yface and I could barely farm
Emi (218) | April 17, 2016 1:46pm
Yes, although there will be some minor gameplay changes due to the more tanky, bruiser oriented top laners vs the squishier, burst oriented mid laners. If I'm forced into Diana top lane, I like to go with a more splitpush/sustained damage build as well (Nashor's + Abyssal/Sunfire, depending on the lane). However, I haven't experimented with top Diana as much as I have with mid, so take what I say with a grain of salt :)
paul2752 (1) | April 17, 2016 3:35am
Is this viable for top Diana?
Emi (218) | February 16, 2016 7:15am
Thank you so much, and great job, hehe. Building correctly is one thing, but to play that well in game is definitely something to be proud of! :)
alexo774 | February 15, 2016 9:20pm
Just went 21/5/11 with this build. It's so great!!
Emi (218) | January 25, 2016 2:34pm
Oh frick.

Me too me too...
Emi (218) | January 25, 2016 2:15pm
Eek, thank you for pointing all of that out! I'm kinda embarrassed that I let so much slip by me, ahaha. But not just thank you for pointing out the errors, but reading so thoroughly ^_^ I'm updating everything right now, hehe. The only thing I don't think I can do are the videos, since they're ones that I found as tutorials on youtube. I'm not sure how to record myself so those will have to stay ;_;
wannyboy (3) | September 15, 2015 3:47pm
that isntant ult combo, how exactly do you manage to pull it off? I tried it for about 20 minutes in a custom game on jungle mobs and i didn't manage to do it once.
I also couldn't find much about it elsewhere on the internet but it looks like such a crucial part in her kit that i really want to be able to do it well
NODasher | July 8, 2015 12:32am
could you put in a matchups list on mid-laners pls?
other than that it's a really good guide, because of this i have improved as a diana player a lot.
thank you so much, it is an amazing guide!
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