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Champions you Should be Playing/Training for...

Creator: Hatted February 13, 2016 8:58pm
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Nov 7th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 13, 2016 8:58pm | Report
Hello everyone! I've been gone a while, and I've gotten back into League after a small HoTS phase. So, I'm sure you're all looking ot get into that sweet, succulent bronze 3 so I'm here to tell you a few champions you should consider playing/learning. Keep in mind, I'm a bot laner so you won't see a lot of other laners in this.

Yes, it's Urgot, the greatest marksman in all of League of Legends history. I'm gonna tell you folks this because it does indeed look like Riot is aware Urgot exists with all the little changes they've given him. I'm sure you all have noticed how much quicker Season 6 is than Season 5 and one of Urgot's biggest weaknesses is his inability to carry late game. So what if there was no late game? His damage is off teh charts, they made his level 3 ult range GIGANTIC in comparison to what it used to be and the second you come back to lane with a tear it just gets destroyed. pls no rework

Morg has always been an easy champion to pickup with little mechanics involved and an IMMENSE team presence. If it weren't for the fact that everyone's building boots of swiftness this season than I'd feel a morg on the enemy team is enough of a reason to buy a pair of Merc Treads. With some of the changes to adcs and cooldown reduction her root being the duration it is is a bit way too entirely strong. It'd be nerfed if it weren;t for the fact that that was all Morgana really does. She's easy to pick up and all she really needs is an hourglass for he kit to really bloom. Please, for the love of God, don't be one of the *******s who starts/spams w because it procs Thunderlord's. You're giving an already despised champion more reasons to be hated.

My video game waifu, and father of my deepest, most sensual dreams has become a support over the past year or so, which I wasn't entirely fond of. But I've grown to love him all the same he's got one of, if not, the largest amount of cc possible from one champion on the entire game, and he's reeeally good. His W, when maxed first will allow you to deny any trades the enemy may try or protect you from taking a single shred of damage when tower diving the enemy bot laners. You could alternatively max his e if you feel your enemy bot laners don't have threatening amounts of damage, so you'd like to peel harder, but by force of habit I always max the W first. He's by no means difficult, you just have to utilize his entire kit well and you'll find games go easier. And if they have a Riven on the enemy team pick Nautilus and no matter how fed she gets you will **** on her FOR DAYS.

An easy jungler that only costs 450 IP and has one of the strongest kits of any jungler at the moment(in my opinion. Last season I wanted to prove that I belonged in at least gold, so I started maining Ammumu. And MY GOD he is strong, I'm almost a bit scared that mentioning his strength alone will cause him to be nerfed. You could go full tank, which is nice, you could go full ap, which is stupid, or you could do what my friend and I do. Provided your team isn't feeding harder than the Red Cross after you get your jungle item, get a liandray's. The damage he brings out while having an ultimate that will melt entire teams is borderline disgusting. After that build him tankier, or if you're a bit more ahead than you thought possible get a Rylai's and watch as you 1 v 1 anyone on their team without taking damage and depleting the enemy's health bar faster than something fast.

Dear Christ, I never thought I'd see the day. You guys aren't going to believe me, you're going to discredit everything I say after I say this. Ready? Taric is stronger than he's been in years right now and in able hands will win you games stunningly easily. Garen and Nasus are famous for being tanks that refuse to die, but my God, Taric actually just doesn't die. And he doesn't do anything to agro others, his damage is low and his cc is minimal. But people really want to kill him and just aren't able to. So, he's still the only support in the game with armor shred (which you should max, because I doubt there are even guides still up for Taric) and paired with the almighty Urgod you can go through ~50-60% of someone's armor with this bot lane (I didn't actually do any math). But he just refuses to die, and with enough cooldown from Iceborn with his passive and a full rotation of abilities every 5 seconds Taric is actually someone to be reckoned with. Pick him if you're looking for a new support and I think you'll be surprised.

So the rework is really cool. One of the best I've seen in a while. Before his rework Graves' Q had a base damage of 180 at level 5, and cost 100 mana. Now the first part of his Q does about that much, and almost triples on the way back! I will say though, while Graves can be a menace in the bot lane his piss-poor range makes him an easy counter pick, and at some points, a bad idea to pick. So what do you do, you play him top of course! Items like Black Cleaver and Sterak's make him a front line who creates the end of the line as well (that's the name of his q, aren't I clever). He has a decent presence in top lane, especially against someone like Malphite with little to no way to trade back against your tons of damage. He feels a bit like Darius to me, where he's not broken but if he manages to get ahead and get items to keep him alive, he can then build a Bloodthirster and sweep the competition. In my experience, he's a front liner to be reckoned with.

That's all I've got at the moment, maybe I'll find some more champions that are easy as piss and win a lot of games for me and I'll tell them to you. For now, hope I could help someone find a new champ to grind with. Best of luck in ranked, and don't pick Lux. You horrible, disgusting, baby stomper you.

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