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Riven Build Guide by Seth346

Top [14.9] Become A Riven God

Top [14.9] Become A Riven God

Updated on May 10, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Seth346 Build Guide By Seth346 2615 202 11,758,107 Views 259 Comments
2615 202 11,758,107 Views 259 Comments
League of Legends Build Guide Author Seth346 Riven Build Guide By Seth346 Updated on May 10, 2024
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RightAssCrack | January 28, 2022 6:08am
Nice build id just change the haste in the runes with attack speed since you'll have 100 ability haste anyways. :)
Seth346 (38) | February 27, 2022 3:12pm
It's pretty up in the air as to which is best. The 8 ability haste helps you hit the sweet spot sooner. That can be more valuable than the Attack speed in certain matchups. Against squishy-ranged champions, the AD is superior due to short but impactful trades.
Gunblade logic | January 18, 2022 2:20am
is conq better than elec?
Seth346 (38) | February 27, 2022 3:10pm
Depends on your playstyle. If you're going to do mostly short trades, elec is best. If you're looking to slap it out till a second rotation Conq is better. If you're going to play more cooldown oriented, Elec is best.
SilverAvalanche | January 17, 2022 10:42pm
What runes do you recommend with the lethality build?
Seth346 (38) | February 27, 2022 3:10pm
I've found a better damage build than the lethality. You can see it under the test build now. This allows you to go ham on certain targets. You can use Galeforce to engage or disengage or finish a target. I've found it much more satisfying and practical than the meta build.
Weekendly | January 2, 2022 2:44am
ez win against gnar
Seth346 (38) | January 6, 2022 2:30am
Good **** bro, glad it worked out for you! Gnar is usually a skill matchup so I'm glad you crushed it!
QDEX (2) | October 8, 2021 2:13am
this is a very different build! Looks like it could work though so I'll try it out in norms, also this is one of the only guides without youmuus which is insanely busted and it has hullbreaker which I don't think is very good on riven because she isn't suited to splitpushing
Seth346 (38) | October 8, 2021 11:39pm
Youmuu's is a good item, but it doesn't offer any durability. It gives ability haste, but in my build, you need no additional Ability haste.

You end up getting at least 78 Ability Haste. At this point you have about 45% CDR. If you want to surpass this value, it will cost you. For just another 10% cdr you need more than 40 Ability haste, which would be Black cleaver and youmuu's. While these aren't incredibly intensive on the build's resources, they do sacrifice quite a bit in gold efficiency and acquiration of stats.

Where something like Hullbreaker gives >198% gold efficiency, Youmuu's (99% (in combat) -127% (out of combat) and Black Cleaver (105%) pale in comparison of gold efficiency. Hullbreaker also costs less than either of these making the power spike much sooner.

Have you ended up trying it out? How did it go? The playstyle to make it work properly is much more split focused, but often I've found that's ideal anyways.
QDEX (2) | November 5, 2021 4:01pm
I've tried it out in flex and I can only make it work when I'm super fed but then I don't want to group which is usually what I like to do on riven, it's a very different playstyle that's for sure
Vighar (1) | August 1, 2021 3:04am
Incomplete, and is not simple. EDIT: They have listened to my pleas and my suggestions, Therefore the guide is now simple, AND complete.
Seth346 (38) | October 8, 2021 11:29pm
How so? On either accord. I would say something that considers itself complete may be simple but in that simplicity, worthless. Times change, as do information. Even people change. So anything that truly considers itself complete is worthless in a matter of time.
Vighar (1) | October 12, 2021 3:36am
Idk if you updated it or not, cuz i think it looks better now? anywho I'd like to see those "Full Build Example" thingies, since usually i just pop this durin the match and dont have much time to read everything, so i want things simple. Also having situational, best against, worst against, kinda item lists.
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colterino | June 15, 2021 5:22am
I have a problem, I haven't really played riven too much but I play her sometimes but I always feel like the auto-attack is too slow any recommendation on that?
Seth346 (38) | June 18, 2021 12:32pm
Her base Attack Speed is rather slow. Against characters with faster attack speed, often kiting around them will allow you to get the same damage amount while slowing down their damage due to them having to walk and then auto. Now, during the fast q combo, her Attack Speed is very high assuming you do it well.
HARS3NATOR | February 3, 2021 4:39am
After the nerfs to goredrinker and ravenous hydra on patch 11.3, does the build path differ?
Seth346 (38) | February 3, 2021 7:47am
I would presume so. Some people will still probably swear by the rav gore build. I think there will be other options, not many though. I'll get into testing here soon since the patch just dropped.
Ortegaben (1) | January 28, 2021 11:10am
When do I use the out of spite build?
Seth346 (38) | January 29, 2021 4:38am
The out of spite build is an alternative to the normal goredrinker build. It deals an incredible amount of damage, but obviously isn't quite as durable. It takes a little more precision to pilot.

Use it into champions that would win short fights, the best example being Veigar or fed ADCS. Into situations like those you want to kill your target and be able to take down the rest, this build allows you to do just that.

Into a heavy tank comp, the normal goredrinker build would likely be the best.
SuicideShyvana | December 29, 2020 4:14pm
Very thorough guide! Planning to try this out & practice soon (:
Seth346 (38) | December 30, 2020 10:38am
Have I seen you on the Reddit by any chance? I recognize your name. Might've been on my stream. Regardless, good to see you, bud. Hope it goes well.
SuicideShyvana | December 31, 2020 12:33am
I do have a reddit under the same tag but I don't know if we've interacted on there before. Went 21/2/7 and 7/2/17 yesterday using Riv after reading your guide! :D (low elo though, to keep myself humble)
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[14.9] Become A Riven God

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