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Still a lot of matchups videos to be done, but that's why we have threat levels for now to explain how to beat the champions :)
Against Veigar - Play aggressive pre level 6. If he uses his Q to farm, play aggressive as he walks up to last hit CS. Juke his other abilities if he cages you in. He's very squishy so punish his weak early, he will most of the time over-extend for CS to stack his Q.
I have the video footage for it already but if you want a brief explanation on dealing with Ahri:
Careful when you CS because she will Q you, she will try to go for pokes. Use Shunpo if you need to avoid skillshots or step back. Dodge her E and Q and try to take as little poke in lane as possible. You can play aggressive when her charm is on CD. She's open to an all-in when her E is on CD, she's vulnerable without it. She can kite you at 6 and avoid daggers, becareful when you're low HP because she'll have 3 dashes and she could kill you.
The fact that you take the time to show things multiple ways, aswell as to explain stuff that an more adapt person may skip past really helped me alot understanding and quickly picking things up.
(I have been playing for roughly 6-8 months so am still learning basic things it feels like) This guide felt complete and like I was actually picking up what Katarina wants to do, instead of it being just another run-over without actually guiding me.
The fact that you take the time to show things multiple ways, aswell as to explain stuff that an more adapt person may skip past really helped me alot understanding and quickly picking things up.
(I have been playing for roughly 6-8 months so am still learning basic things it feels like) This guide felt complete and like I was actually picking up what Katarina wants to do, instead of it being just another run-over without actually guiding me.
the Ideal way to play against Yasuo is to stay away from minions as he can gap close to you pretty easily, fight him with his 3rd Q is down or he just used it, early on he doesn't have the attack speed to get 3rd Q quickly as he would later on in the game.
He has 0 mobility without minions, choose fights when there are no minions around him. He hates that A LOT.