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Fizz Build Guide by TheFresko

Top Fighter Fizz Top S8 Theorycrafting

Top Fighter Fizz Top S8 Theorycrafting

Updated on August 7, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheFresko Build Guide By TheFresko 33 13 1,707,706 Views 16 Comments
33 13 1,707,706 Views 16 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheFresko Fizz Build Guide By TheFresko Updated on August 7, 2018
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CanUtility (1) | August 7, 2018 2:13am
What do you think about the recent changes to Fizz? I would guess these help this build?
TheFresko | August 7, 2018 9:41am
I think the change is great. The ult buff doesnt matter since it only affects his ap ratios, but the W base damage buff is wonderful. His old trade pattern was Q-auto-W, then E out before they could trade back, and that was heavily weakened when they nerfed the damage to his W and gave it triple damage after theyve been bleeding for so long. So this lets him trade much better again.

Top lane is just tough in general right now with two insanely strong rework champions, and some really strong lane bullies. But Im gonna try to play more to see how it really is. Ive been slacking a lot lately and just playing ARAM with Netflix on.
oWMellow (8) | August 5, 2017 6:02am
Hi, in the current meta where top assassins are so popular (things like Pantheon, for example)or things that hold ap/hybrid damage very well (like Maokai, Cho´Gath or even Mundo), so, I´m not sure if Fizz can shine as much as before just for the current meta, nevertheless, he is a solid pick in the midlane. What do you think about Fizz Top in this meta? Still viable or kinda weak? Thank you!!
TheFresko | August 6, 2017 1:07am
It's been a while since Ive played him top lane. Pantheon isnt a good example as he tends to just stomp everything 1v1 due to the strength of his early game. Fizz is terrible against him due to his passive blocking Fizz's Q.

If I had to guess about Cho/Maokai, it's probably not the best matchups. Mundo isnt bad. He's generally pretty weak, and Ignite is amazing against him. It doesnt really have anything to do with them being AP/Hybrid, it's more to do with Riot always releasing reworks stronger than they need to be. I could see the Maokai matchup being not awful since you can E away from saplings, and E away from Maokai's root.

It's pretty hard to say without playing the matchups.
Grandvolt | May 14, 2017 6:05am
This is a quality guide just wondering if this is fizz pre his update or after. If it's after the irelia matchup is heavily in fizz's favor after level 6.
TheFresko | July 9, 2017 3:29am
All the info in the guide would be after his update. The matchups would be old. I only added them after I played the matchups, and I probably added the Irelia matchup in like season 5.
Ghost Coffee | May 9, 2017 11:44am
should i get the banshes veil after rework??
TheFresko | July 9, 2017 3:27am
If you're snowballing, then maybe, but the shield would really have to be relevant. It would make you a lot squishier. Otherwise Id probably just stick to a normal bruiser build. I havent really been playing SR at all since the major item changes. But Im sure the build would change a bit. Spirit Visage/Abyssal Mask would become the optimal MR item, but that would put you at 50% cdr. Abyssal Mask has mana on it, so you could drop the Frozen Heart for an armor item with HP on it. Generally the default for that would be Deadman's Plate, but Randuin's would always be in my mind depending on their comp. Sunfire is still legit, but Deadman's generally gets the nod, unless you really need the extra split push wave clear help. The last 10% CDR is up in the air. You could build another item with it, or go back to CDR boots like the older builds.
Lankaster | April 29, 2017 5:44am
IHMO Botrk is quite ussless after rewokred W.
TheFresko | April 29, 2017 2:28pm
Useless is a bit much. Pre rework Bork would have definitely been much worse, but his Q scales with 100% AD, so you get the full amount of the Bork damage, and the % damage on Q. The slow is relevant too, as you rarely take Flash with your huge mobility. It can help you catch back up to a target that did Flash from you while you are waiting for your cd's to come back. Old Bork was also better with his old W because it had more attack speed on it, allowing you to refresh the %hp bleed to abuse the first tick of damage.

The W rework isn't that bad with the new Bork as it's now an auto attack reset. Allowing you to double tap the %hp damage on the Bork, and an auto attack reset works better with the added AD the Bork received.

It's a better soloq item than it is in pro play. With Fizz seeing scattered play now, we've only really been seeing Trinity Force. Soloq generally has more alone time 1v1, so the sustain becomes a bigger deal. While it doesnt really need to be said, it's also a fantastic item against tanks. If you are left alone to 1v1 split vs a tank, Borks %hp damage and sustain combined with Trinity Forces attack speed should leave you winning the duel in most situations.

It's not the perfect must buy item as it was for S5 Fizz top, but it's far from useless.
DreamingInRed (13) | April 18, 2017 6:06am
What do you think of the current state of Top Lane Fizz? I think it is now in his best spot since a long time with Triforce and the new Bork working wonders in the splitpush area. I actually picked him INTO a Quinn because I wanted to play the matchup and did way better than I thought i would thanks to easy last hitting with w and the general scaling Fizz top possesses.
TheFresko | April 19, 2017 10:04am
While I haven't really played much Fizz at all this season, it's hard to deny all of the stealth buffs that he's received. The change to TriForce forever ago was a huge start, but the recent bork buff is huge. He can still murder people faster than most should while only building two offensive items. IMO he's a pretty safe blind pick as he does fairly well vs most matchups, and even in the tough ones you have a ton of escapability in your kit. Some have pretty hard early games, but you can always take Flash over Ignite if you expect extra danger. Losing his %hp bleed to the assassin rework is a bit rough when split pushing vs a tank, but that shouldn't really be an issue with the bork buff.

Most squishies are pretty solid matchups for Fizz. He was popular mid laner for a long time, so he's obv playable into range opponents. Especially with Ignite. Any overextending the moment you have a TriForce tends to end up as an easy kill for you.

I think he's actually in a great spot right now. I love the W aa reset in trades. He's def underrated. I just haven't played much SR this season. I tend to be tired after work, so I've just been throwing on Netflix and playing a ton of aram. Not nearly as much to focus on. Pretty chill. But now I wanna go play some top fish.
Moonsae | March 26, 2017 2:27pm
woo was played at lcs
Moonsae | November 23, 2016 12:41pm
can confirm this build is actually stronger than ever rn.
Soup Of Fate | August 13, 2015 9:42pm
Just wow. The amount of information is just incredible. Lovely guide.
Khazixstronk (1) | August 8, 2015 11:32pm
You could start with a camp in the early game maybe? Great guide tho
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