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Janna Build Guide by Extasion

Support [7.15] Guns don't kill people but Janna does - Best Guide !

Support [7.15] Guns don't kill people but Janna does - Best Guide !

Updated on August 26, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Extasion Build Guide By Extasion 11,774 Views 4 Comments
11,774 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Extasion Janna Build Guide By Extasion Updated on August 26, 2017
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KatarinaGodxx (1) | July 21, 2017 6:06pm
Hi, my name is mads orton and this guide is ***, everything about it sucks hehe xd. Btw i coached a bronze player from bronze 4 to gold 5. and how he changed to maining Janna. Isnt it funny. He also changed his summoner name to swallow it daddy and is now banned for 14 days. I play on eune trash and i am diamond 3. i main yasuo and katarina
Extasion (1) | July 21, 2017 6:40pm
how do ya dar talkin to me leik dis, dats unbearabl, u so rud u trash eune boosted katarina main.
the guy you coached is such a gawd u shuld thank him 4 being a part of your lif bcz he iz goin 2 be the nekst Faker

PS : leav a leik u potatoe
Ya boii, Alex
KatarinaGodxx (1) | July 21, 2017 6:55pm
U RIGHT U RIGHT. I will, btw did you remove your like from mine? XD
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