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I'm a ****ty bronzer but I'm workin at it!
Here's a game from Dia 5
Alright i saw the actual scaling now, so what i said was wrong. BUT still, losing 10 AD isn't going to kill you calm down now. I mean really man, 30 bonus AD. 3 0 , you litteraly have more bonus AD than a riven ult (the AD steroid) come on now. If this nerf makes you want to stop playing darius you probably don't main him... Futhermore starting from lvl 7 you gain 10 bonus AD per level up, and at lvl 13 20 freacking bonus AD per level. In the end the steroid is the same, you only loose 10 AD early game. Ten.
As for the q well yeah, it means that if you hit them with the handle you heal them now. I mean really, 35% of the damage literally means at lvl1 if you miss your Q, you'll deal as much damage as a canon minion.
.....But why would you even miss it? At the base itself missing Q was punishing, now it's just more punishing and as long as you give them just the tip (which you should most of the time do) well that nerf doesn't exist.
Don't get me wrong, i repeat it again, nerfing darius is stupid atm. But the nerf in itself is just..well, stupid too. before and now, dunking someone at level 6 didn't change. stop panicking. Hearing you guys it feels like we lost 50 true dmg on the ult base scalling lol.