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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Fun champs to play and worth to buy?

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    Fun champs to play and worth to buy?

    I have been playing the op champions and now it made me bored. So now I am not looking for strong champions, I am looking for fun champions like
    Kassadin - Main champion (Mage destroyer, op, Mana sustain, mobile ult, he can even beat Zed by buying Zhonya first then proceed to normal build, no need for tank build). And I have been stomping lvl 7 Zeds using this.
    Xerath (Fun to land his skills, and his Q destroys enemy early game and become fed at mid game).
    Ekko (Just cast your second when then enemy does not see you, and his ult scales bonus Ap).
    Warwick (Insane life steal).
    Xin Zhao (His E can shock the enemy player through his headphones).
    Blitzceank (Obviously, you know what).
    NOW i am looking fro fun mid and jungle champs, any suggestions?
  • Answers (6)

    Zetawolf (3) | September 10, 2017 3:43pm
    That would depend on what you see as "fun". If you think that outplaying your opponents with clever ability usage such as juking, I would reccomend Fizz and Ahri for mid. These both go really great with zhonya's when facing AD mid like you mentioned doing with Kassadin. Veigar can be really fun to play as he can snowball pretty much infinitely thanks to his stacks, and then 2 shot turrents with his auto attacks.

    I second the vote for Hecarim jungle. He isn't the strongest champ, but his abilities are just plain fun. Vi is also one of the more fun junglers to play.
    Zetawolf (3) | September 12, 2017 7:43pm
    As Nikki said, you can use the other to quickly escape so there's no chance the jungler can catch you off guard after you just dived a tower. You can also use them to quickly move to top/bot lane for a gank that they likely won't expect after you just killed their mid.
    NikkiJane | September 11, 2017 5:08pm
    Useless, how so? You basically have an escape there, which can really come in handy if you tower dived your opponent, or the enemy JG is coming in for a gank. Plus the dmg on Ahri's ult isn't even anything compared to the mobility it provides. Better to have those spare charges than immediately dying right after.
    FrostMonarch47 | September 11, 2017 3:39pm
    Fizz is always banned
    While playing Ahri, I kinda hate it if it only takes 1 ult to finish your enemy, now the other 2 is usless
    Potato Power (4) | September 16, 2017 12:26pm
    Twitch jungle is really fun, especialy when you do the sweet lvl2 gank with red buff, by now I had a 100% kill efficiency with that even if they flash
    Redslimeking (2) | September 13, 2017 12:44pm
    Even though Warwick is really good and super easy to play, to me he just feels way to op as you don't need a care in the world to play him (at least in my opinion). For example on my second game with Warwick I got 23 kills, but I also had 12 deaths because I was being so careless. This shows to me that literally anyone can play him and be good with him unless if you are a bronze 5 player ;-;. But hey that's just a theory! A game theory! (and also my opinion)
    The legendary hi (1) | September 12, 2017 10:37pm
    I think rumble is realy fun and he is pretty good in this meta
    The legendary hi (1) | September 12, 2017 10:39pm
    So you can win lane while he is a unique and fun champ especialy his ult is very Nice.
    alphybehrendt | September 11, 2017 12:23pm
    I'd recommend katerina for mid, high outplay potential and skill cap, stomps early game while still being useful late game and just generally being very fun, as for jungle I'd recommend evelynn and kayn if you want early cheese like stealing the enemy's buff easily or shivana or cho gath otherwise, both underplayed but still strong and cho has that kind of insanity where you have like 12k health if you use your ult well and the game goes on for a decent amount of time, infinete scaling is always fun and shivana is just plain fun
    FrostMonarch47 | September 11, 2017 3:41pm
    Kat has nothing to do if she would be facing a decent disabler
    orrvaa (41) | September 9, 2017 9:09am
    I would suggest you to play ranked, as there are better players so the tactics and plays can be more fun.

    i think for champions Akali, Talon, Aurelian soul would give you interesting roaming plays.

    For jungle i like Hecarim and Rammus, but this is me XD
    FrostMonarch47 | September 11, 2017 3:36pm
    Lol, dont wanna play ranked for a while after losing my promo to Gold II XD
    I find Akali good but she has to be fed or she would be useless. Also not that good if facing enemy's toplaner.
    Talon was my former main champ, but had enough.
    Aurelion SOL is just plain fun, but his W is pretty funny.
    Hecarim and Rammis are pretty good, but for me, Hecarim needs a good top laner so he can gank others. Unlike Xin Zhao he can easily stop the enemy toplaner even your toplaner is bad.
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