Hello World!

I'm a relative newcomer to LoL and HotS, having discovered the world of MOBAs and eSports through (you guessed it from the title) my boys. I managed to get ranked this Spring in HotS, and I'm working my way to level 30 (29 and counting as of this writing) in LoL.

Being solidly in the "old people" category for this sport, I decided to start this blog to see if there are any other over 40s out there playing MOBAs (and thoroughly enjoying them, minus the flamers!), and give us a space to discuss the specific challenges of getting good when we have jobs and can't spend 40+ hours/week playing over and over.

I have no illusions that I'll ever make the pro circuit, but I have come to discover that I do really enjoy eSports, and as a techno-geek, I'm more likely to spend a lunch hour watching an eSport match than I ever am to watch regular sports.

One of my greatest challenges has been team fights. When everything gets all mushed up in the middle I find that I'm rarely able to distinguish all the flashing lights one from another (much to my middle son's chagrin)...so I've found that playing support classes (like Nami) helps a lot with that -- because I don't necessarily have to track every single champion...just keep "the blue guys" alive :)

Well, this is long enough to gauge anyone's interest in continuing the discussion! Let me know if there are any more ancient unicorns like me out there!
