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Soraka Build Guide by daeboe

Soraka: Broken Heal (I CAME back (07/30/11))

Soraka: Broken Heal (I CAME back (07/30/11))

Updated on July 31, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author daeboe Build Guide By daeboe 234 33 617,799 Views 170 Comments
234 33 617,799 Views 170 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author daeboe Soraka Build Guide By daeboe Updated on July 31, 2011
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Kizeru | July 30, 2011 8:41pm
Better survivability than most dps casters, and the feeling
of letting your lane partners much more durable in battles is awesome...
getting stacks for your soulstealer is pretty easy with this build too,
so you'll have pretty nice heals even during early mid game,
and you'll also be able to push a little, defend your turret(s) pretty easily
and lower your opponents health with Infuse by a lot, if you use it correctly...
But yeah, your success depends on your team,
if they're not good enough, you're screwed.

Thanks for sharing this awesome build, I'll keep testing it ^ ^
ZombieMuse | July 16, 2011 7:38am
A second Rabadon's Deathcap is pretty much a waste of money, since the passive is unique. You'd be a lot better off getting a different item that added something rather than just buying something for flat AP an no utility in a support character.

Also, no CV nor flash/ghost is a very questionable choice.
danlo9 | July 15, 2011 10:18am
the best build ever!!!
OlegSlayer | July 14, 2011 3:25am
Quick question. In your guide, you say: "This ult is used mainly as a method of saving your teammates and gaining you free stacks for your [soulstealer]". Are you getting the stacks because you're ensuring your team's survival and thus killing the enemy champions, or do you get an assist for healing them and then they kill someone? Thanks!
pDtZoMBiE | July 13, 2011 8:12pm
Followed your guide strictly, though mispositioned myself a few times (1/2/19) :) Discovered and greatly enjoyed new play style, they surrendered like you suspected and even earlier than average time 24:07 . Took time to get use to conserve mana, however its an issue of getting used to. Over all its awesome, didnt regret at any second the lack of survivability items. Herd "Pro Soraka" and "Good build" from my team mates.
Thank you very much for the guide! +1

(I talk a lot probably because I have only 227 wins) and registered on mobafire, just to say thanks...
selpaenip 69 | July 13, 2011 3:56am
thanks so much i get at my 1st play 2/9/30 stats w this build :)
LordWaffle (1) | July 12, 2011 9:25pm
This is a very good guide. I am not an advanced player by any means, but I would say I have progressed to the point that I am not bad. I read this guide fairly thoroughly and played my first game as Soraka. We won pretty definitively. I'm interested to see how well I do in future games. Good job.
Keelvaran (1) | July 11, 2011 2:40am
Mejai = worse **** ever for solo queue,its nearly impossible to not get killed while the 4 other idiots in your team aren't even calling mia nor either pinging on the map,no one ever ward,and all those stupid **** playing Teemo(those AD Teemo are the worse out there )and not using their shrooms properly.I guess Clairvoyance would be a good choice for my next games.Otherwise it works well,I will keep trying with this build. +1 Since I'm having fun with Soraka.
RogemZ (2) | July 9, 2011 10:10am

im not sure if anyone else has asked this, but why do you bring up so often that fortify is valuable because of its +9 damage to minions to help you last hit? youre a support, let the carry last hit. you have gp10 items for a reason. also, i think fortify is all in all a better spell for your tanks to get, so you can get clairvoyace. the fact that the build is somewhat expensive makes buying wards in mass a little difficult, so you need any map awareness you can get

How about when you have some (rare) free time alone with your Starcall? And, pray, tell me - which is more beneficial to the team: a carry that hits for 100 more damage(which then gets reduced to 40-60 by armor), or a support that heals for 100 more hp(which then gets buffed to 130 by Raba and possibly even more by visage)? Furthermore, if your carry ain't around when creeps are pushing your turret, you just WISH that you had the 9 extra damage in your Q and a-attack. (At least I think it applies to Q too).

@PainasaurusRex Learn Nunu's mechanics, For Dog's Sake! If you interrupt his ult, it will STILL deal damage, but not even close to the full channel. It is always better to see if your team can run from it or not, and decide then about blasting the silence. Besides, if he ain't tanking, you just *might* want to focus him first or second, because he can deal 1500~2500 damage with his ultimate if going AP.
Duganmaster (1) | July 9, 2011 3:08am
im not sure if anyone else has asked this, but why do you bring up so often that fortify is valuable because of its +9 damage to minions to help you last hit? youre a support, let the carry last hit. you have gp10 items for a reason. also, i think fortify is all in all a better spell for your tanks to get, so you can get clairvoyace. the fact that the build is somewhat expensive makes buying wards in mass a little difficult, so you need any map awareness you can get
PainasaurusRex | July 5, 2011 7:11am
Hey, something I noticed, I was in a bot match, and nunu bot started his Ult, I silenced, he then exploded in my face a second later. I don't know if it stops his ult, and other supresses for that matter, might be something to look into. Other then that, i like the guide, though Soraka is really annoying in Solo queue, you have to have perfect map awareness. Thanks for the guide

RogemZ (2) | July 2, 2011 8:29am
sumsar1812 wrote:

I must say this guide is pretty good but i still see a few things missing.
The first thing is that who the support should lane with, whitch would be a AD range carry like Ashe or Vayne
A other thing I think thide guide is missing is that as a support u should never last hit, You dont have to get farmed.
And as the last thing because u dont get any last hits and u still need gold put Kage's Lucky Pick in before soulstealer (why before? because you are not gonna get so many stacks before mid/late game)

else a pretty good guide but for now +0

Got it wrong - Soraka is way better with Off-Tanks/DPS Tanks (for example, Jarvan IV and Malphite). Friend played Jarvan 10/0/7 with me on the same lane. Neither got even half of the build.

Secondly, why Kage's Lucky Pick? Rather take Philosopher's Stone for the hp+mana regen. Philosopher reduces the need for self-casts, unless you get focus. Another thing to sacrifice would be your quints for the gold regen. 3 G/10 runes+the mastery+kage&philo = 2x gold generation.
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