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Garen Build Guide by FSat

Top Garen CAN STILL Carry [PRE-S11 (11.6)]

Top Garen CAN STILL Carry [PRE-S11 (11.6)]

Updated on March 17, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FSat Build Guide By FSat 5837 216 24,404,171 Views 230 Comments
5837 216 24,404,171 Views 230 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FSat Garen Build Guide By FSat Updated on March 17, 2021
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Stanarcer | March 26, 2021 7:02am
For the next updates to your guide, could you add the matchups Mordekaiser and Quinn?
Adamikcz2 (6) | March 8, 2021 5:31am
A legendary guide by a legendary garen player, amazing job!
LittleGrim | February 21, 2021 12:25am
btw rq.... Electrocute garen or conqueror garen?
OnevaOnx | February 18, 2021 1:22am
Hello Great joob man
Shikis01 | December 20, 2020 4:58pm
You probably should update the matchups part, some of them have removed items like Ninja's Tabis, etc.
Wizard_phoenix | December 14, 2020 8:36am
Love the matchup section. Massive work put here and the thing is STILL getting upgrades. I appreciate that :0
CamoMK | August 16, 2020 4:13pm
Hi, (sorry 4 my bad english, don't speak it) after the rework/patch if a want to counter an AD / AP matchup should I use the items you put in ´old build´? The thing is, I know they are useful against them but as they don't appear in the ´new, reworked, only viable build´ I'm kind of confused.
Also, I know I can itemize against them in late game, but when it comes to early laning phase, should I replace Sheen for a ramble?/brumble? (however it is written xD) vest against a fiora for example? Or I just HAVE TO take the sheen and trinity, and phantom dancer/ dead mans first.
Thank you for reading, your guide is amazing!!!!
RazorFangz | May 18, 2020 10:12am
hey, are you still updating the dedicated match up section? I've seen a lot of sett top lane and a few others that aren't listed. Other guides talk about them but they don't explain things like you do so I don't really trust it lol.
santosliquid | June 30, 2020 3:13am
Sett and Morekaiser are the ones i really miss in the guide. Especially Morde is pain to play against. Maybe i dont see the obvious strat here, but would really appreciate an update.
Quickpawmaud | May 14, 2020 6:12am
What does the (old) tag mean are these not viable or do they still work? If they don't work why not just hide them and if they do why specify old?
FSat (5) | May 15, 2020 7:26am
Well, I keep them for the sake of nostalgia. The guide's about six years old and some parts of it I like to keep as mementos of old times. ^^
Ron The Pun | April 27, 2020 4:03pm
I feel like the advice for Teemo is not good enough to win lane. Twice in a row, I've gone against Teemo, used the advice, and lost. Whenever I try to trade against him, I always end up with him chasing after me and either killing me or forcing me to back, and if I don't run after trading and try to all in, he'll kill me. What runes am I supposed to take against him, or what else could I do?
santosliquid | June 30, 2020 2:50am
I start normal D Shield and Pot. I take TP because i tend to make mistakes vs teeme especially of he is agressive with PTA for example. If he is a standard teemo i try to check if what lvl of good he is. a good teemo will never use his blind on you unless you try to farm with your Q or on canon minions.
Let him push, farm under tower make him vulnerable to ganks pre 6, call your jng on it he will love to smash teemos face pre 6.
Swift Boots can be good for chasing him down but you should build a second slow item to chase him down if the teemo player gives you the oportunity to do so.
If you farm under tower and he pressures you lure him into tower range. Bad teemos may take a shot or two. a low health themo is vulnerable to slow+flash+q+ult combos.
Try to bait his blind under tower.
Ron The Pun | April 22, 2020 1:36pm
I've read the guide, but I noticed that there are still mentions of the Villain mechanic when it no longer exists? I'd think they should be removed.
Merkulous236 | February 25, 2018 8:31am
Hey i just wanted to ask what would be the best item set up for split pushing?
ThatManDo (1) | April 29, 2018 6:02pm
Triforce Steraks because you can get those sheen procs. But this is a risk if you arent a good garen player. Much more difficult build to survive with. More squishy
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