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Lux Build Guide by LuxTheGreyWarden

Middle 14.10 Mid (APC): Light 'Em Up (I'm on fiyaa): Luxeøn Style!

Middle 14.10 Mid (APC): Light 'Em Up (I'm on fiyaa): Luxeøn Style!

Updated on May 15, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LuxTheGreyWarden Build Guide By LuxTheGreyWarden 6144 239 20,150,866 Views 365 Comments
6144 239 20,150,866 Views 365 Comments
League of Legends Build Guide Author LuxTheGreyWarden Lux Build Guide By LuxTheGreyWarden Updated on May 15, 2024
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Yanaike (1) | February 12, 2024 9:02am
Hellooo! :) I think I placed a post on your support-guide a couple of years ago! I took a break from LoL for a while, but I'm back and I'm playing my favorite champion once again!

I really love your guide and how much thought you put into it! I was wondering if you are going to do an update of your Lux Support guide anytime soon? I'm using your mid-guide now to play Lux AP support, but I'm interested if there is anyway to optimize my build/items/runes, given that I... well... play support :p.

Also I was wondering if you could do a little more explanation on why we're not using Luden's anymore? Many Lux guides still recommend Luden's Companion, but I'm sticking to your guide. I feel like my builds without Ludens are just better, but I can't really explain why. In any case, I don't like the fact that Luden's is a gun now xD It just feels wrong on Lux... xD

I think Horizon Focus is absoutely amazing. I love how it gives vision, especially on support Lux. It can help teammates to chase down enemies. I'm a little more in doubt about Malignance. I feel like I need it for mana, but I'm not so sure about the ability haste on ultimate. Do we really need that? Some games I feel like I even more ability haste on my ult, but there is also lots of games where I feel like I have more than enough cooldown on my ult. What do you think? Also considering Lux support?

I would love to hear from you! :)

LuxTheGreyWarden (64) | February 22, 2024 8:43pm
Hi Yanaike,

Yes I remember you!! Welcome back to League :)

I absolutely will be updating my support guide soon! It's been a long time coming since the start of this season for sure and apologies for not updating it sooner- theres just so many changes and I have not had the time for my support guide yet! Even just updating this guide takes a while, especially during the beginning of the season when they drastically change builds based on item changes early on. For Lux support rn, you can either go AP and follow this guide, besides of course getting the support item (Zak'Zak is the best for AP). For support, dream maker is the best if you're going super shields! Staff -> Moonstone/shielding item -> Imperial is kinda the main build but tbh you can be really flexible with this depending on the game (ardent for a lot of attack based, etc). I hope to get it updated soon for you but I hope this helps a bit!

As for Luden's, its been a really bad item since the new season. They nerfed it heavily and took away the magic pen, which is what made it the best mythic for Lux last season. I think its gotten 2-3 buffs so starting this patch, its not a bad item at all! I would highly suggest using it if you like burst Lux, especially in the support role where your items are limited based on gold so every item counts. The reason why malignance is so good is because its just a solid item stat wise and the pool is actually really cool. Since its based on damage, ive had dragon or teamfights where I've made a HUGE puddle and it really helps a lot with zoning in fights. Also your ultimate is about 19s at level 16 if you have ultimate hunter on top of this. Once I am level 16, I will use my ultimate really liberally to get carries low right before an objective and they're forced to back, try to steal objectives, etc. There have even been fights where I get to ult twice and it feels really good! Or you can get a pick and then siege mid and have your ult back up again for their defense. Her ult with elder and malignance is also really dangerous - i have only used my ult on a full health carry and killed them with elder lol. I was really hesitant about malignance in the beginning of the season but its an overall really good item for Lux.
I do think, however, Ludens will be the go-to once its a better item since Lux's primary idea is burst. I have not played this patch enough to know if we can swap it fully over to Ludens yet but its definitely getting there. You're so right though, the gun on Lux feels out of character and almost illegal lol.
Horizon has been absolutely fantastic this season and tbh the vision exposure is insane and really underrated!!
I have been going malignance -> horizon -> rabadons in most of my games and it has felt soooo good! We will see how the patches change the Lux build though, especially bc on the PBE before this season, stormsurge and shadowflame were a really dynamic duo for Lux (and burst in general) but storm has gotten some massive nerfs since then.

I hope my explanations help and please feel free to ask any more questions if you have any. Best of Lux in your games :)

Yanaike (1) | February 24, 2024 2:57pm
Thank you for you elaborate response! :)
ilitre | October 7, 2022 3:17am
can you do matchups properly? scrolling through the entire page every time and looking in the spoilers is not convenient
LuxTheGreyWarden (64) | October 19, 2022 4:31pm

I went ahead and created a more convenient way to view the matchups. I split them into 4 categories instead of 5 - and I even added a Table of Contents for each champion! Just click on the champion you want and it will take you right to that profile! Hopefully that helps with better convenience and visibility :)

pratasilver | October 1, 2022 9:13pm
SantaScav | July 5, 2022 12:19am
First strike lux as support doing most damage and cc
MadPampers | June 10, 2022 1:20pm
The Best Build! <3
LuxTheGreyWarden (64) | June 27, 2022 8:29am
Omg thank you so much <3
VittyGrimmjow | January 20, 2022 6:30pm
You deserve a prize for what you just wrote, I read it all! thanks! i wish someone can watch my games so I can even be said what I do wrong to be hardstuck uwu
LuxTheGreyWarden (64) | February 5, 2022 5:43pm
Hi Vitty,

I appreciate that a lot <3 thank you for supporting me!

Haha if you ever want, I can definitely watch a game or two to help out! It's always a great idea to watch your own games to see what you think you're doing wrong and might need to change in future games! VOD reviews are soo important for improving!

lyu narros (5) | October 14, 2021 3:25am
I love this guide for lux mate nice one. I have question Lux is still viable to be a good support or not anymore? It's just midlane Lux not working for support lux right? Thanks for the guide and continue doing that kind of guides because you are very good at it :) <3..
LuxTheGreyWarden (64) | October 15, 2021 8:18am
Hi Lyu,

Thank you so much for your kind words, I appreciate it <3

Lux support is still viable for sure! She is still hands down one of the best Imperial Mandate users (which just got buffed last patch) and moonstone also works great on her when you want to be more of a shielding enchantress support! You can also opt to go full AP Support into more AD based team comps, since Lux can pump out good AP damage!

Lux is also getting buffed next patch and while the E waveclear and ult reduction early on are great on mid, they actually help support a lot more since her E means a bit more poking potential and the R buff is great since as a support, its really hard to hit level 16 unless those games really drag out or you're soloing a lane for some reason, on top of a small attack speed buff for poking and clearing wards, so lets hope those buffs go through next patch!!

I do have a separate guide if you didn't know already that covers the basis of Lux support (both supportive & AP style builds) here!.

Hope this helps and let me know if there is anything else I can do to help :)

Karinutsa (78) | October 11, 2021 2:13am
Such a cool guide!!! <3 This is my go to Lux guide from now on: extremely helpful and the items sets proposed are for each and everyone's taste and even particular team composition.
LuxTheGreyWarden (64) | October 13, 2021 8:20am
Glad to hear it's helpful <3 yes, I try to include both meta type builds and different builds depending on the team composition, since i always emphasize that no one should be building the exact same items/order every game!! Thank you again <3333
Quandaa (1) | September 1, 2016 1:55am
Really nice work! We need more ambitious players like you!
The hypothesis for your math is that you can proc Lich Bane one time and it shows that Luden's Tempest is better. But what happens if you can proc it multiple times?

Let's take a look on a teamcombination: Sivir, Lulu + "tanky/outplay" champions e.g. Rek'Sai, Irelia and Ekko/ Ryze/ Lissandra/ Kayle/ Fizz (for mid). I guess no one would pick Lux into such a teamcombination and yes it's a bit extravagant, but most of these champs are still meta picks. So what's your goal in a teamfight? Your damage is too low to kill anyone of them without help. You will position close to your adc and focus the same target that he does. The enemy team will try to kill your adc and probably ignore you because your damage is a joke compared to his. You will keep your q for peel and use the rest of your abilities normal. The important thing is: Once you can't oneshot someone with your combo you will have enough time to make some autohits, because no one will focus you first. You will probably position a bit behind your adc anyway... and move forward once enemies get close.
Ok what is missing here is your team combination and your communication with the team. If you have some diver with cc you can still be a very dangerous thread for their adc.
I just want to show that Lich Bane can be situationally better;)
Keep it up! Mobafire can be proud for people like you!
LuxTheGreyWarden (64) | September 7, 2016 1:12pm
I have been playing with Lich Bane and I am sorry man, I really cannot see where it is situational... I have already done the math to show that Ludens>Lich Bane- even with one auto.

The Lich Bane proc takes 1.5 seconds to reset, AFTER YOU AUTO. So if you use your Light Binding, Lucent Singularity, Final Spark, and then auto the champion with your burst, you will have to wait 1.5 seconds before throwing your Prismatic Barrier out to auto again and get that second Lich Bane proc.

Normally, Lux can burst the enemy down with her combo. However, if she cannot, she has absolutely nothing she can do so the best thing to do is to run away or assist the team. If you try to keep running after them just so you can use your Prismatic Barrier 1.5 seconds later and then auto them for that second Lich Bane proc, you can be in some serious trouble. Maybe their teammate can come or maybe they can turn against you. If they do, you have 6+ second cooldowns before anything comes up again, meaning rip you. My conclusion is that other items fit her way better and Lich Bane should not be a bought item.

I thank you again for giving me time to figure all of this out, as this is one of my favorite things to do! See you on Summoner's Rift!!
Happy Lasering!
LuxTheGreyWarden (64) | September 1, 2016 11:04am
Haha I literally cannot thank you enough! Your kind words mean so much to me, you have no idea!!
Okay, so I've decided that Lich Bane can be a situational item... in some rare cases. In fact, I will even edit my guide when I figure everything out and put in a whole section on Lich Bane explaining how it can be situational (if it can be) because of you ;)

Except one thing I would like to discuss:
I think with that composition, Lich Bane is the worst thing you can get. Unless your team has some HARD CC to protect you guys, you will be crushed due to their gap closers and movement with Sivir's ultimate. You mentioned that this team will be focusing the ADC, but Lux is actually a HUGE threat because of her CC and shield. Yes, they will try to aim for the ADC, but they have 3 champions that can jump easy on your ***. Let's say that Fizz jumps onto the ADC and your team is trying to help your ADC get Fizz off. YOUR TEAM IS ON YOUR ADC, MAKING YOU VULNERABLE.... rip. This means that a smart Irelia will jump on you and will be able to kill you easy because Lux is so naturally squishy. Let's take some champions you explained and put them into a team. Lets say: Sivir ADC, Lulu SUPPORT, Irelia TOP, Fizz MID, and Ekko JUNGLE. We most likely won't be able to kill Sivir due to her spellshield and Lulu shields/ultimate. Lulu can use it on herself as well, so that is out of the picture, Irelia is tanky so that won't work, and Ekko normally goes tanky or he can just ult out of my combo. This leaves Fizz. Lux IS able to combo Fizz... when his Zhonya's is off cooldown and IF you land your Light Binding on him (otherwise he can just dodge your stuff with his E). So what is the next step?
You will need Sorcerer's Shoes for the magic pen, Morellonomicon because Ekko Irelia and Sivir heal, Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff will always be a must. This leaves 2 more items, correct? Will Lich Bane really fit in one of these two items? Let us look at our options:

1. Zhonya's Hourglass: This is almost a MUST versus that team! You will be able to Zhonya's when the Irelia and Ekko jump on you/Fizz uses his shark.

2. Banshee's Veil: Another alternative, however, this does not give any AP. This can be used to block Fizz's shark, Ekko's unknown stun from the brush, a stun from Irelia, etc. It also gives health and MR for survivability!

3. Athene's Unholy Grail: If you can't combo someone, why not help your team more instead? This will boost your shield with HEALS! That will definitely help to save the ADC. This isn't exactly my favorite item since the nerfs, but it really does help in certain situations. Especially with both sustainability and the magic resist!

4. Ardent Censer: Another steroid, depending on your team. If you can't burst them down, just have those attack speed champions on your team do it for you (of course, this is only if you have AT LEAST 2 or more people who use their attack speed as their primary damage, e.g: Kayle, Teemo, your adc, etc).

Sidenote: I would probably not suggest Luden's Tempest in this composition as well, however, some may argue with me that the movement speed can be important in this matchup, and I respect that.

Conclusion: If you aren't able to burst an enemy down, supporting your team with your CC/additional items and doing AOE damage to AS MANY ENEMY CHAMPIONS AS POSSIBLE is your next step. It is beautiful when I see another Lux hit her ultimate on 4-5 champions.

Anyways, I think Lich Bane would be 'better' versus a team with, say, Darius. The ONLY way Darius will be able to get to you is if either you are too close and he pulls you in, or he uses his Flash to get to you. In any other case, you will be able to Light Binding him>auto with the Lich Bane proc for tons of damage!

I will have to work with it in games to see how effective Lich Bane really can be, and that takes time. I will do my best to update when I can with the most accurate information I can inquire. Thank you again so so much for your query and I will get right on that!

happy lasering
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