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csmt's Tier List csmt's Tier List
Last updated on August 10, 2020
30912 24
62 Votes

strongest top

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strongest junglers

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strongest MID

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Wiindst0rm | August 10, 2020 1:20pm
so many missing champs..
ak521 (23) | August 7, 2020 8:34pm
Kha'Zix and Master Yi should be in Junglers, Master Yi is a power pick in Low Elo that just consistently hyper carries games. Qiyana needs to be removed from Jg, that's not really a sensible pick in the first place.
GP has a high skill cap so might want to warn users about that, the only time he can solo carry is when the player is familiar with them.
Consider adding Karthus to bot, I would have personally
csmt | August 10, 2020 6:39am
Right. All of the champions i picked have a fairly high skillcap. Thats why i didnt name it easiest champs to solo carry with. I picked em cause they will allways be viable for skilled players. For an example. Udyr has a very low skillcap, that means he wont be viable unless sated devour or the old stereks gage get added to the game again. If you get what i mean. So it makes sence to spend time perfecting these other champs instead.
QDEX (2) | February 14, 2020 5:06pm
no cASS... no kha'zix... ok boomer
Wicked Cherry (162) | January 30, 2020 6:27am
Hey csmt,
I think you might want to consider adding a few more champs to your tier list.
Lulu is quite annoying now thanks to her recent buff.
Jhin, Jinx, Lucian and Aphelios are also pretty strong, especially Jhin because he can peel for himself (just as kind of Draven can if you like).
For jungle, I would definitely recommend adding Ekko and Shaco. They are both the strongest junglers right now.
csmt | February 12, 2020 9:09am
ty for the suggestion, youre right. right now lulu is pretty discusting. she is proberly one of the best supports for denying her adc to get instakilled cause of her ult and shield!!!

theres a lot of AP champs with crazy impact on games in the moment, but i cant mention em all in this list. this list is based on my own opinion, so you might not agree with every thing, but this is just my experiene and thoughts on the game in its current state
Wicked Cherry (162) | February 14, 2020 11:56am
It's fine if it's based on your personal opinion. :] No worries.
I just wondered why you thought it would be impossible to add all (or at least most) of the champions you disliked? After all your tier list is called "Strongest champs to solo carry with".
Don't get me wrong, I won't be offended when you're not gonna add all or even any of the the suggestions I made. But I'd be interested to at least get to know your opinion about them :) it's not a must tho.
thelolbeast | July 10, 2019 4:33pm
You missed Mordekaiser
BattleDrome (4) | February 11, 2019 8:51am
Where is Blitz
dirtwad101 | November 16, 2018 6:02am
dude, where the **** is irelia.
Pillproof | November 13, 2018 5:11pm
azir cannot carry, he is such a garbage champ rn. sure he is pretty good if you master him but 1. you have to master him and 2. things like kass can carry much easier
Wicked Cherry (162) | November 10, 2018 10:14am
Hey csmt,
I like the idea of your tier list. However I think you should add Soraka and Nami to the support tier because they're very strong. Soraka can just stand back and overheal her team mates. On top of that she can just silence the carries and render them as somewhat useless while her team gets to kill them. And Nami can easily engage or disengage with her abilities and heal her carries while damaging the enemy team.
I get that you might argue that they're squishy but they're very strong if you're asking me. :)
hadbre (12) | October 31, 2018 3:20pm
I love this list, you are constantly updating it as well. But I think that you forgot a few champions. First off, for top, Urgot is just broken right now. For jungle, after reciving buffs, i think that Rengar is top tier, Kayn is also really good. For mid Talon should in my opinion be there. And for adc, Draven is really good right now.
Khanzax | October 1, 2018 10:43am
Ivern support is beyond broken when played with Rengar (adc preferably) on the team, other than that, he is not.
rllynomoreusernames (4) | September 30, 2018 11:44pm
Can you give me some reasoning as to why nunu and ivern support is a thing at all, nevermind being solo carry supports??? I can't comprehend what makes them any different from any other support ... I'd say the solo carry supports are the ap ones or like pyke or something. But overall, decent tier list, keep putting the effort into them. Thankss.
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