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Ez Mirror Match 2 Personal Tierlist Patch 10.20

Tauricus2017's Tier List Tauricus2017's Tier List
Last updated on October 3, 2020
13464 24
18 Votes


A very subjective tierlist to a League of Legends fan made game called Ez Mirror Match 2. From eyes of the Yasuo player.


The strongest and most powerful champions



Very strong champions or champions that can see only a little amount of counters



Good champions that have some counterpicks



Situational champions that have a lot of counterpicks



Bad champions that have extremely high amount of counterpicks

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Doody_tco (26) | October 15, 2020 8:17pm
" Ez Mirror Match 2." What is that? *feeling intrigued and interested*
But if I can get "From eyes of the Yasuo player." right then I guess your list makes quite a sense... Specially seeing another Yasuo in B Tier xD
Maybe I did not get it right after all xD
Then, can you please tell me about what is this all about? :>
Tauricus2017 (120) | October 16, 2020 8:36am
Ez Mirror Match 2 is a mobile Android/IOS game. You pick your champion (any champion in this tierlist is in the game as well) and you start fighting another player/AI bot in 1v1 combat. Each champion has their abilities just like in League however it is a bit more limited as the game developer is just a LoL fan. You can adjust your playstyle by buying items just like in LoL. There are no microtransactions in the game however the playstyle is limited, the game can feel repetitive very fast and it quite sucks to unlock all items and champions. However I personally love this game and I spent a lot of time on it :D

Watch this in order to get a brief pattern of the game.

Click this in order to link yourself to EZ Mirror Match 2 in Google Store.

I am not really that big of a Yasuo main in past year or so as I transitioned to newer champions :D
JuChyto | September 12, 2020 5:23am
Lol ive been playing this game for 2 years and now noticed there are tierlist lol im 10k mmr challenger in bots and 6.5k mmr challenger in pvp and i go zed why is he so low in the tier list?
Tauricus2017 (120) | September 12, 2020 7:29am
Well I rechecked the stats of Zed and it seems that his ultimate Death Mark no longer has a cooldown of 45 seconds but now has 35 seconds, meaning that he can finally become at least a B If not the A tier champion. The logic is that most of the times you want to use your Death Mark to dodge the strongest abilities in the game - the ultimate ones (I think we can both agree on this one :D). But before that buff existed, Zed wasn't able to dodge those abilities reliably as their cooldown was just 15 seconds shorter then his. And since he lacked a good way to dodge or nullify those abilities (other champions could do that much more easily thanks to Wind Wall, Arcane Shift, Distortion, Sweeping Blade, etc.), he usually died before he could even reach that Death Mark unless he would face enemies with way too slow builds (for example Rod of Ages users) or players with way too bad punishing skills.

Now however I can finally put him higher as his ultimate matches with most other ultimate abilities in the game. I would say he is A tier in PvP games If his opponent doesn't have Exhaust.
SELORONIOS (118) | September 6, 2020 2:33am
Didn't even know such game exist :/
Tauricus2017 (120) | September 6, 2020 2:39am
It does, it is available for mobile devices on Android and a bit worse version is also for Ios. It used to be my favourite mobile game for 2 years straight.
SELORONIOS (118) | September 6, 2020 2:42am
you gave its link to someone below and I checked but google play couldn't find it. Is it still available?
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DefinitelyNotSwainMain | May 13, 2020 1:19pm
I am thinking why le blanc is in c tier. She has so much burst, useful passive, good scaling, very good mobility and she can take most targets for one combo. If you position well you can atack from behind scutler
Tauricus2017 (120) | May 14, 2020 4:37am
It quite depends on your opponent in general. If you find yourself an opponent with low mobility or If your opponent doesn't have a way to attack you from behind a scuttler you should have an easy time killing him If you position well. However from what I have seen those champions with low mobility are not very popular. Champions like Dr. Mundo or Kennen just doesn't see enough play. The problem is that LeBlanc maybe is very good (she even got buffed on AP scalings last patch IIRC) but champions she is good against don't see much play - on the other hands her biggest counters (my opinion here:) Ahri or Yasuo are very popular because of their flashy kit. So as much as I agree with you that LeBlanc is great I cannot really put her higher in tierlist unless I will see slow champions gaining more popularity. On the other hand I haven't played in quite some time, so maybe things have changed. Trust me that there is no other person in the world that wants to have LeBlanc in B tier more then me - she was my very first champion I fell in love with so she will always have a place in my heart, but I just can't put her there yet... I will tell you If things will change with her If you want though :)
jtinouye13 | March 16, 2020 4:37pm
honestly tho kata is b tier with kennen there too, and vayne is straight garbage after the e nerfs, ryze is prob sitting at c j bc he has no mobility elise is probably a and draven is s bc of his synergy w/ ghost and his off-tank build :p
Tauricus2017 (120) | March 17, 2020 9:24am
Hmm I definitely disagree with Katarina here. She is super easy to counter since 80% her damage comes from being right next to your enemy, which any average+ player will deny by keeping away from you. The E nerf hit Vayne very high, but keep in mind that she is most likely the fastest ranged champion in the game with her short cooldown Vault, invisibility and more Vaults with her Last Hour. Making her really hard to play but very strong when mastered. Also Ryze actually has a mobility, the unpredictable R + Flash combo can turn fights around and as long as it won't be too expectable and common (which it is not atmm) it will help him to stay high in tierlists. Draven is a highest DPS ranged champion here and Elise is a champion that has everything she needs in her kit. Also Keep in mind that I mentioned that Kai'Sa is probably worse at lower ranks but as her items scale up, she is a monster. And when it comes to Zed, I do not play him and most likely never will, so as long as I won't see any build like this against me I won't know how good it is. But trust me that If it is as good as you say, people will start playing it eventually. I however agree with Kennen

Have a wonderful day <3
jtinouye13 | March 17, 2020 1:00pm
Kata dagger stacking crushes every matchup in the game. This of ori's ball but theres 3 of them on the map at once and each does 1.2k damage plus her q damage which is pretty good on a 1.3 sec CD. She can never really be hit also. Vayne is just hot garbage though my man draven with ghost has more mobility, kaisa AD build has more mobility hell even kennen's got more mobility than her. She's got no damage and has to build glass cannon to be able to succeed but at that same time most games she dies before her R comes up. You don't take flash on ryze and while he might have uber high DPS if you combo correctly, that requires you to take ryalias (no clue how to spell that) and land W which is honestly 50-50 especially if opponent has a dash. Kai'sa never gets damage even with lvl 20+ items and her itemization is just garbage. Her ad build is awful and her AP build makes hitting W a necessity and forces you to go wits end to keep the invis on her e. Elise is just bad ahri, no base stats and no tanky itemization. Zed's just too hard to learn for most people which is why hes not picked alot.

Great to see another high elo player though mate!
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jtinouye13 | March 16, 2020 4:37pm
kaisa is rly **** tier as well
jtinouye13 | March 16, 2020 4:39pm
try out armor shred zed w cleaver the armor pen item that dosent give healing reduction, steraks, edge of night, duskblade and manamune. You get omega tanky and have highest burst damage in the game at 9 seconds in with relativly good poke and too much health to get even half healthed by a full elise combo
jtinouye13 | March 10, 2020 4:58pm
do ya know if the devs ever post patch notes? been looking for them since zed's release only place i havent checked yet is facebook
Tauricus2017 (120) | March 12, 2020 1:47pm
As far as I know they sometimes put patch notes on Google Store in the description of the game, but those patch notes aren't very detailed most of the times... I might will address some of them in this tierlist, If I will see them ;)
LikLikLik969 (1) | March 6, 2020 12:27pm
I haven't really thought about mirror matches! Awesome list
Tauricus2017 (120) | March 7, 2020 12:53am
Oh I fear you quite misunderstood the point of this tier list, hehe... It is not about mirror matches, but about a fan made game called Ez Mirror Match 2 :)
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