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Champs Most Likely to be Invited to the Met Gala Patch 10.12

lemonbellflower's Tier List lemonbellflower's Tier List
Last updated on June 17, 2020
2129 19
13 Votes


welcome back it's another useless tier list HOWEVER i stand by what i say here. will be updating in fits and bursts as my adhd allows me focus. once again, votes and comments especially are helpful and appreciated.

2020/05/05: Added Aatrox to Braum, Caitlyn to Fizz
2020/05/06: Added Galio to Illaoi
2020/05/07: Moved Ezreal and Evelynn to more fitting positions, added Irelia to Katarina
2020/05/08: Added Kayle to Lissandra, edited Camille
2020/05/11: Added Lucian to Morgana (I think we're almost halfway through!), added more info on Aphelios.
2020/05/17: Added Nami to Pantheon, edited Draven (I apologize for the delay--my home life is in shambles atm and I've had little creative energy. I'll keep at it as much as I can!)
2020/06/02: Added Poppy to Sejuani. (Excited to finally get to Senna! I've wanted to write her since I got Lucian on here.)
2020/06/10: Added Senna to Sion, Siver and Skarner
2020/06/17: Added Sona to Tahm Kench

has been going for years, always on the list

dahling these champs ARE the met gala


would probably be invited

Tier Description


There's, like, a chance i guess

Tier Description


probably not, only able to go through means of a +

i don't know how the met gala works actually but i hope we're still having fun

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Netou | May 18, 2020 8:16pm
Really liked the tier list.

I would move Garen to the top, he deserves it IMO with that skin that has a phantom lion/dog thing.
lemonbellflower (22) | May 19, 2020 12:14pm
Thank you! Honestly, the biggest reason I put Garen second to best is straight up because... I don't like him. He's fun to play, I'll give him that, but his voice lines make me grit my teeth. He's got a stuck-up air to him that I'm not totally here for. Absolutely, his background and his skins would make him a prime candidate, but I can't put my brain in a mode to come up with a description fitting enough for him to be top tier.
BlackRoseGirl (8) | May 14, 2020 4:25pm
Hey, I LOVE this tier list, just a few additions: 1.Tahm Kench. I would say that he has a fair chance of getting in because of his charm, but might get kicked out due to eating ALL OF THE HORS'DEURVES. 2.Senna. What's a King without his Queen? 3.Sett. He literally LIVES for show, and while he may be a FIGHTING showman, you cannot deny that he is a GREAT person and would most likely be at least invited. 4.Draven. I feel like he actually is quite charming (in his own wierd way) and his primetime skin should give him SOME credit, right? 5.Shen. You CANNOT deny, this man has STYLE. Might keep to himself a bit, but since he's a teacher, he would always be ready to answer questions.(plus, has arguably one of THE BEST pulsefire skins). 6.Vladimir. Probably a similar case to Jhin. 7.Vi. While she can be a *bit* rough, she has got style and looks awesome no matter what she's wearing. Also, since she's in a relationship with Caitlyn, she would most likely be going anyways as her +1. 8.Qiyana. Wjile she is very self-centered, she is literally royalty and quite good-looking as well, I can EASILY see her being on the cover of a magazine. 9.Quinn. While quiet and somewhat introverted, Quinn has a great sense of humor, is VERY handsome (yes, handsome) and just... has that certain something. 10.Sona. Graceful and elegant, Sona has a song for every occasion. Also would most likely be Quinn's +1. 11.RAKAN. Honestly, this man is the DEFINITION of style and panache. 12.TARIC. Literally the face of beauty, style, fashion, and there is no reason whatsoever for him NOT to be invited. 13.Zilean. I would LOVE to see where you put him. 14.Orianna. 15.Vayne. 16.Varus. HONORABLE MENTIONS: Nidalee, Nasus, Nami. Neeko and Taliyah might be too young to go, but when they're old enough, they could have decent chances.
lemonbellflower (22) | May 14, 2020 11:18pm
Yesss! So many of these champs will be added and I have ideas for most if not all of them, I am simply just not there yet. (Sorting through 148 champs is a CHALLENGE, yall, big big oooooof.)
1. Honestly?? I could see the Met getting over its speciesism to invite Tahm, I mean... all of his skins are classy AF. And really, they're richhhh, they'll just get more Hors D'eurves. (I hate that word. Why did the French make everything so hard to spell!)
2. YESSSS I have a cute note planned for Senna. I actually didn't know Lucien and Senna were married until I watched Senna's intro, and I?? Love them?? Couples who fight together stay together, I love them.
3. Sett doesn't have a lot to go off of so far, since he's so new, but I think he'll definitely hit a high-mid tier. The whole mob boss thing is a little... iffy... but I mean, the Met's in NYC, there are mobs, we can work it out.
4. Y'know... you're right. I did shortchange Draven, and a second look through his skins really does show some potential. I also totally didn't realize he is an IN GAME CONFIRMED CELEB, like, he has an entire thing about it. I'll edit him when I get a chance, it's getting late and instead of updating the list, I'm responding. (This isn't a dig! I'm so happy to respond, tbh, responding to comments is almost more important to me than updating the list. <3)
5. Oh yeah, Shen's making the guest list. What a man that knows how to stick to a theme while not giving up personal strengths and style I mean, even his TPA skin is still so *him* despite being a little silly. (Pulsefire Shen is a gift to all people attracted to men, let's be honest.)
6. Ohhh yeah. Both could so make it on looks, but their whole murder schtick is??? Not okay!!! They probably just have their own party. Of murder.
7. No, it's true, Vi really does SHOW UP when it comes to looking good and looking within a theme. She probably would be right along with Cait, if Cait goes, she goes, but they wouldn't go without each other.
8. Qiyana is ABSOLUTELY, NO QUESTIONS going. I'm dragging all of True Damage in, except Ekko because he's a minor. (Sorry, dude. Rules are rules.) But really, I think we all know Qiyana got her beauty empire up and running after getting wildly famous on her YouTube/Instagram beauty profiles. (KUWTC collab anyone?)
9. Quinn watched the Met Gala as a kid and realized she wanted to theme her ENTIRE LIFE and she DID. She'll be going once I drag my *** down to the letter Q.
10. Absolutely Sona's going, like, I'm biased because I already love her, but like, yes. So much yes.
11. Rakan and Xayah are POWER COUPLE SUPREME and they will be going in their matching-everything glory. But, yeah, like, even without Xayah, he is style. He'd be going without her if she didn't exist.
12. No, you're absolutely right here, Taric is peak soft pretty boy and he BELONGs there. I don't think he'd make top tier, but he's definitely in the one right underneath.
13. You'll just have to seeeeee :)
14, 15, 16, HM's: You'll just have to wait and seeeeeeee :)) But I do have something planned for basically all of these champs. Neeko is old enough, her Fandom page recognizes her as over 100, but I don't know if she'd be invited...but she'd be there. Y'know? I think you'll like what I have in store, I just gotta get it done. :D
BlackRoseGirl (8) | May 18, 2020 5:45pm
To be honest, I don't actually like Xayah all that much. I meean yeah she's kinda hot, but she's also pretty mean to anyone who isn't Rakan... and she's also mean to Rakan sometimes, so... I don't know. I've never really been into the whole "Xayah and Rakan" thing. I know they're supposed to be a power couple, it's just... something about them feels wierd to me.
Loaghin | May 8, 2020 11:48pm
Hey lemonbellflower,

I really liked your tier list. I was ready to not agree with some, but adding the reasons why really made me agree. I like that you are making League fun when sometimes the community can certainly not be much fun (looking at some of these rude comments -_-' ). Keep on making these fun lists, and keep on updating them!

Much love, Loaghin.
lemonbellflower (22) | May 9, 2020 11:14am
Hi, Loaghin!

I'm really glad you're liking it! I try to put as much thought into them as I can, although some are admittedly more easier than others. (Heck, I even pull up the Wikipedia page for Keeping Up with the Kardashians so I can make Keeping Up with the Coven as canonically as possible.) I'm definitely planning on making more once the idea wagon in my skull makes more ideas. (Current ideas after this one: what pets would the champions own? Whose original skin outfits are most fit for actual combat? How well are they handling the pandemic???)

Thank you!
Loaghin | May 9, 2020 4:42pm
I would love love LOVE to see any of those ideas, especially whose original skins are made for actual combat. You're so creative, I don't know how you come up with all of them!

ER1KLB | May 8, 2020 5:04pm
I LoVe ThIs TiEr LiSt !
I TotTallY AgrEE wiTh U !
DO AnoThEr One PLease !
lemonbellflower (22) | May 8, 2020 7:34pm
Now, forgive me, I’ve never been super up to date on internet lingo, but I have a sinking feeling you’re a troll trying to dunk on me. However, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. After all, I’m also assuming you were taught that leaving rude and unnecessary comments on people’s threads they're making for fun is, well, rude and unnecessary, and a bit of a bad look.

I’m glad you’re having fun with me, I’m putting work into making it as enjoyable as possible. And I do plan on making more of these! I just love that the internet is a place where people can do all sort of fun creative things! <3
ER1KLB | May 9, 2020 2:34am
Hey ! Calm down ! That wasn't my intention !
I love your tier list, I enjoy it, don't get me wrong ^^' !!!
The goal was to make u laugh too !!!
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Wicked Cherry (162) | May 7, 2020 10:00am
Hey lemonbellflower!
I love this tier list of yours. I get that people (pointing at no one precisely) don't like it. At first, I was super skeptical, too. But after reading your first few info tags, I absolutely changed my mind. They are funny and amusing. Seriously! Even the whole idea is pretty creative. However, I think you should move Ezreal a bit up (not because I'm so fond of the 6th Backstreet Boy, but he's got that Debonair Ezreal skin. Also: Evelynn and Twisted Fate with their tango skins! They have the best outfits already. What would you say? ;)

+1 and +Rep for creativity. <3
Cheers, Wicked Cherry.
lemonbellflower (22) | May 7, 2020 2:00pm
Hi, Wicked Cherry!

I'm so glad you're enjoying it! And yes, I recognize it's definitely... not the norm. But even if you're the only one who is enjoying it, that's reason enough for me to keep going! I'm glad you're finding humor in my tags. You're right about Debonair Ezreal , I think I may have let my personal feelings for 6th Backstreet Boy (oh my god i love that btw) get in the way, so I've moved him up. AND I definitely shortchanged Evelynn, honestly what was I even thinking?? She got bumped up to the top, and Twisted Fate is one of the reasons I made the list in the first place, so he'll get his spot at the top when I finally get to T.

I so appreciate your kind words and feedback, thank you for the rep, and I hope you enjoy it until the end!

Wicked Cherry (162) | May 9, 2020 6:43am
I really like your attitude to be honest - as long as there's at least one other person who finds joy in what you're doing, then the whole undertaking has been worth it. It shows some degree of selflessness which is pretty rare to find these days. Please keep it, no matter what. :)

Haha, when I was young (like.. let's not talk about age.. XD) I used to be a fan of the BSB but my taste in music actually changed, so no hard feelings on jokes. xD But I feel that if Riot were to make boy-band-themed skins (I mean we already have a girl band and a street (?) music band), then Ezreal would definitely be one of them. xD But I understand your personal feelings regarding him quite well. Not a huge fan of him either.

I'm glad I could help you out a bit! And thank you so much for mentioning me in your notes. *-* I feel special now.
I'll stay tuned for updates. :3 And of course, I really enjoyed it. *-*
Steve57 (7) | May 7, 2020 6:59am
No offense, but why are you even making useless thing like that, what is not even about LOL?
lemonbellflower (22) | May 7, 2020 7:22am
I'm sorry you're not having fun with it, but I sure am, soooo I'm gonna keep making it. Thanks though!

Also, quick tip, saying "no offense" and then calling something useless in that tone of writ doesn't automatically make it a harmless, offense-less comment. If you aren't having fun, you can go home. You don't have to be here.
Steve57 (7) | May 7, 2020 12:53pm
Brah It is just my opinion xD..and if you like it sure, keep doing what you enjoy
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