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League of Legends Reforged Rune: Minion Dematerializer

Minion Dematerializer

LoL Reforged Rune: Minion Dematerializer

Start the game with 3 Minion Dematerializers that kill and absorb lane minions instantly. Minion Dematerializers are on cooldown for the first 180 seconds of the game.

Absorbing a minion increases your damage by 6% against that type of minion permanently, and an extra 3% for each additional minion of that type absorbed.

Rune Path
LoL Reforged Rune Path

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Tauricus2017 (120) | October 31, 2020 3:43pm
Quick tip: You can use this rune on Relic Shield users to be able to control lanes more easily. This is twice as good on support Zoe that needs to reliably kill enchanted minions for her Spell Thief abilty.
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