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You end up getting at least 78 Ability Haste. At this point you have about 45% CDR. If you want to surpass this value, it will cost you. For just another 10% cdr you need more than 40 Ability haste, which would be Black cleaver and youmuu's. While these aren't incredibly intensive on the build's resources, they do sacrifice quite a bit in gold efficiency and acquiration of stats.
Where something like Hullbreaker gives >198% gold efficiency, Youmuu's (99% (in combat) -127% (out of combat) and Black Cleaver (105%) pale in comparison of gold efficiency. Hullbreaker also costs less than either of these making the power spike much sooner.
Have you ended up trying it out? How did it go? The playstyle to make it work properly is much more split focused, but often I've found that's ideal anyways.
Use it into champions that would win short fights, the best example being Veigar or fed ADCS. Into situations like those you want to kill your target and be able to take down the rest, this build allows you to do just that.
Into a heavy tank comp, the normal goredrinker build would likely be the best.