So i've been playing league for just about a week now and i'm level 24, i've played the game a lot because i've found it really fun and interesting but I feel like I need to diversify my champion selections and my roles.

Currently I am a jungler but i do like to play mid occasionally with Fizz and Akali but I must admit i'm not having the most success with Akali. For the jungle role I play Amumu and Kayn which are really fun champions with different enough tactics and builds that I don't get bored of the jungle role easily before i switch to mid for a few games. I've been looking into the support and bottom lane roles but whenever I try, I seem to find lots of deaths and not much success. I would like to try Lucian bottom because the champion is one of the free weekly heroes and looks interesting to me but i'd like to expand my knowledge on the mid and jungle roles more before branching out and looking at other things.

Honestly, any help or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time reading this to anyone that did!

Sincerely, HallowSss
P.S. My Summoner Name is HalloWww if you were looking for my stats