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Soraka Build Guide by Goldenstinger

Middle Master Mid & Top with Soraka: Tips and Tricks for Dominating the Rift

Middle Master Mid & Top with Soraka: Tips and Tricks for Dominating the Rift

Updated on September 3, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Goldenstinger Build Guide By Goldenstinger 129 23 467,452 Views 19 Comments
129 23 467,452 Views 19 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Goldenstinger Soraka Build Guide By Goldenstinger Updated on September 3, 2024
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Gustaflof | May 5, 2023 2:08pm
Hey! made it to master on west with Soraka top only and for top boneplating is a most compared to mid, then redemtion is a good build option. some work can be added to the guide but well done anyway :D
moontoot | April 7, 2023 2:14am
Hey I love the guide, but got a little confused when you mixed up her w and e in it lol! I figured it out but it got me at first. Just thought you should know
K1TT3N | March 3, 2023 3:03am
You said that chemtech purifier gives your team a heal cut, why would that be the case?
Alphaomegalogs (2) | March 28, 2023 8:44am
Its a bit outdated, in s12 it would give your allies abilities grievous wound infliction but they removed it.
Alphaomegalogs (2) | January 23, 2023 8:43am
Excellent guide, just one typo that could be confusing for a new player. In one part of the guide you said that you use W to sustain yourself and E to heal your allies in team fights. E to prevent assassinations and channels, W to heal your team, and Q to sustain yourself.
Goldenstinger (7) | February 3, 2023 1:50pm
thank you so much i will update
BradJr (33) | September 17, 2022 5:57am
Very well-made build, my friend!

I recommended this build to one of my friends, and she used it to funnel her games, getting her from the depths of iron to Silver 4! I may have not used this build myself, but I can safely say it is very reliable and can get you out of low ELO.

Thank you for making this! It's a great guide!
ladykterinared | July 15, 2022 8:25am
i was almost unkillable lol
skair0 | January 11, 2022 9:00am
Very informative guide, thanks!
Silvyy (1) | January 7, 2022 3:48am
Interesting, have always gone Soraka with moonstone, will have to try crown.
ExodiaNegativa | October 10, 2021 9:04pm
The build is good, I feel I could fight 1v1 with a bot Vlad and destroy towers. The problem with it is: The items are too much sup, so you don't receive that much live or power to fight. Other thing is: Add Vlad as a possible threat, at least because he will annoy u at the first minutes. Another thing is the mana, could have something to help with.
Ps: I didn't buy all of the items of the build and against Vlad, I suggest Demonic Embrace and Archange's Staff, although I'm not good with items
Goldenstinger (7) | October 10, 2021 9:23pm
Hey thanks so much for the feedback - i will add vlad in shortly. I agree with your callout on items not having damage, I will need to try the damage variation. The reason i go support items in this guide is that the are gold efficient - you arent playing to solo kill, you are playing to compound your lead and win through your team by having ultra heals and being a nuisance with your silence .
Sailor MOwOn (3) | August 24, 2021 6:43pm
First time trying this, went 6/0/10 and nabbed an S-. This is pure gold. Thanks!!!
P.S. Just wanna say I added Warmog's Armor to this and it made me just perma-heal my allies late game. :D Was a fun addition.
Adunita | February 15, 2021 8:53pm
Amazing guide, I've been playing Soraka top this will help me so much.
Goldenstinger (7) | February 16, 2021 1:22am
Hi @ Adunita thanks for taking the time to provide feedback. What is your opgg? Id enjoy watching your progress if you dont mind sharing it?
Suto71 | February 11, 2021 11:12am
zhonyas in the second item would not be interesting? even more than anything blows up the soraka easily
Goldenstinger (7) | February 11, 2021 11:19am
I have not found a match up that requires it yet. You are playing for your laners, not for yourself so play the lane slow and let it shove into you. Get some deep wards out and play to scale and live. Try and track the jungle too! I think it helps that I am a jungle main so i am used to checking which lane is late to lane and how to ward effectively which helps. I will respond to this thread if I find a match up where i need it, but very expensive item now.
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Master Mid & Top with Soraka: Tips and Tricks for Dominating the Rift

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