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MOBAFire Featured Content - April 22nd

Creator: Hades4u April 22, 2022 3:12am
<Lead Community Manager>
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2022 3:12am | Report

Hey everyone! 😊

Every week the admins and scouts will pick different pieces of content to be featured on the front page and to receive a small token of appreciation from us for their activity and contribution. Anyone can get featured for their guides, TFT team comps, tier lists and basically any kind of contribution!

Keep creating amazing content and we will be happy to feature you in one of our next posts!

Author: @ NicoWai3
Find the right way to play Senna with your team by checking out NicoWai3's guide! The guide provides multiple builds that you can pick from, based on what your team needs the most (e.g. healing, damage, and more). The chapters go over important information regarding abilities, skills, runes and many more, with a new chapter dedicated to counters & synergies which is on the way!

Thank you for checking out this week's MOBAFire Featured Content. Stay tuned every Friday for more and keep sharing amazing content! 🔥

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