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I run it due to loving the manamune rush playstyle
Seeing this build made me realize how broken Varus really is! His AP ratios are completely insane. In my eyes, he is basically what Azir was supposed to be (ez dps, mechanically intensive one-shot)
First, did the build change in any way? I've seen lots of mages go Ionian boots (ability haste) instead Sorcerers (magic pen). Which ones are the generally the preffered ones for ap varus now?
Also I've seen people go Riftmaker instead of Ludens. Whats your stance on that?
Ludens will still be best. You're not trying to take extended fights and heal, which is what Riftmaker is made for. You're looking to blow people up and get out (Ludens) :)
-Verified Professional OTP Varus since Season 6.