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You can 100% take W level 2 if your ad took a lot of poke lv1
The Imperial mandate icon is showing moonstone tho, and Soraka R no longer cleanses the griveous wounds (but the healing is now a bit stronger again)
Soraka is not "squishy" she's one-shot constantly. Early game I can poke with my Q alongside my ADC/APC and push them under their own tower. Once that happens, even with wards up, there is no escape from an invade. Yea sometimes I get away but the smart ones know it only takes 1-2 hits and I'm dead. Tower dives happen all the time. I've tried builds with Thornmail and Warmog's but never get to that point. We either win or lose before I can make them. Right now I'm trying spellthief's, corrupting potion, Ionian boots, Moonstone Renewer, then it's a number of items. Potions seem to be a must otherwise you're constantly recalling even if you try to get health via Q on champs. Another problem I run into is my team starts teamfighting around 8-10 which mean I'm only 7-9, very low on health and am the primary target. Just looking for advice, I like to play Soraka and am looking for ways to stay alive longer. (All games have been Draft)