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Jax Build Guide by SiIIy

Jungle [14.9] Ultimate AP Jax Jungle

Jungle [14.9] Ultimate AP Jax Jungle

Updated on May 2, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SiIIy Build Guide By SiIIy 141 23 424,426 Views 5 Comments
141 23 424,426 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SiIIy Jax Build Guide By SiIIy Updated on May 2, 2024
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L1mano8 | April 18, 2024 9:33am
Would there be any variant for a more bruiser AP build?

This build is without a doubt one of the best yet. It's been a long time since I've seen such a good build. Congratulations on the work
SiIIy | April 18, 2024 12:03pm
Thanks man, I'm glad you like the build!

For a bruiser AP build I would suggest: Nashor's Tooth - Riftmaker - Rabadon's Deathcap
After that I think buying Unending Despair or Jak'Sho, The Protean at some point would be a good way to gain some sustain. (This is just theoretical as I haven't tested this myself)

The item update where they removed mythic items made it way harder to make a bruiser AP build, almost none of the AP items have health anymore.
L1mano8 | September 15, 2024 3:25pm
When do you plan to update the build?
Streakyleague | March 29, 2024 9:55pm
Malignance feels really good on jax right now
SiIIy | April 2, 2024 3:41am
I haven't taken a look at Malignance until now. It looks like the AP equivelant of Black Cleaver, it could be really good as a Magin Penetration option. It even gives Ultimate Haste and deals damage.
Seems like it could definitely be an underdog item.
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[14.9] Ultimate AP Jax Jungle

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