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Kassadin Build Guide by sevreal

DPS Hybrid Kassa - ArPen FTW

DPS Hybrid Kassa - ArPen FTW

Updated on April 29, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author sevreal Build Guide By sevreal 29 9 76,038 Views 47 Comments
29 9 76,038 Views 47 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author sevreal Kassadin Build Guide By sevreal Updated on April 29, 2011
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Vort (56) | August 31, 2011 2:41am
^ did about as well as i do with AP Kas, but I suck with Kas. t'was much fun, regardless!
Vort (56) | August 30, 2011 11:04pm
Going to give this a shot in about 30 seconds. Quick question/suggestion. Why not build a philosopher's stone instead of tears? Mana returns + sustain, for the same price, and it'll earn itself back in gold, at least once over before you find a need to sell it.
jomboman (1) | August 15, 2011 7:11pm
ok so i tested out this build. The only reason i tried it was because i knew we were gonna lose the game. Anywyas i tried it, and it legitly does a decent amount of dmg. I really like how after my nuke i can still auto-attack them to death. my final score was 12 kills and 6 deaths, but we still lost lol. imo this is a good build if you're really bored and are not playing ranked games. All in all fun but full AP is still better.
HumanShade (1) | August 9, 2011 9:40am
I think you should reconsider placing 3 points in crit and 3 in crit dmg if you don't buy any crit items.
TigerBladezz (5) | August 8, 2011 7:26am
this build is not as viable because of the change to his nether blade
Zagann | July 16, 2011 4:41pm
I was called a noob and told that my build sucks, but I think it works awesome, maybe get a lifesteal item instead of the banshee's veil get a deathcap or a stark's fervor.
Thumbs up!
sevreal (1) | July 2, 2011 2:39pm
its sevreal
Dalems | July 1, 2011 6:57pm
Hey whats your username in-game cause i have been testing a new build for Hybrid Kass and it has been working pretty well..Even better than my usual Ap Kass. And i usually end up dealing about the same amount of magic damage as physical damage which I find very interesting since champs usually do a ton of either one or the other.
RuminatingWin (11) | June 23, 2011 8:12am
I'm sorry, but since kass doesnt have armor penetration anymore this build has become useless
Keels (81) | June 13, 2011 2:28am

I like this guide...but that first comment about the beta tester seems to be a blatant lie. 1st poster joined the day this was made, has no bio, and hasn't commented on your Pantheon build yet.

I do not care if someone makes an account to try to boost their ratings a little when it first comes out-after all, there are some absolute jewels that would never make it without that boost 'cuz of troll downvoters. However, please don't lie about it.

+1, but I'm afraid that vote is going to stay in my head only.

Maybe he didn't make the account till that day. Does that mean that he's lying?
pyrosaga | June 12, 2011 2:46pm
i always like using alternative builds and have always wondered about maximizing kassadin's abilities and passive. good job on submitting this build!

however, given kassadin's build and silence, i think kass is still reserved for going after the nukers on the enemy team. given this, i would recommend building kass a little tankier and adding a little more attack speed to start off with.

i'd recommend trying to build a catalyst instead of a tear. it's the item that i start with either dps or ap kass. it gives kass tremendous survivability. i then move on to a wit's end for the dps, extra dmg, and MR. the 10% passive isn't enough MR if you're going against a mage nuker. after that, i agree with the rest of your build starting with guinsoo's.

summary of my item progression: crystal+2 hpots --> catalyst --> boots --> wit's end --> guinsoo's --> merc treads --> gunblade --> cleaver --> hammer --> catalyst transition into banshee's
XLegaultX | June 12, 2011 1:15pm
im trying it but it doesnt work and my mates just dont trust me they keep flaming and keep saying usless and leaving me in a lane v2 and btw i have to farm aloooot for a guinsoo i got it like 25min in game
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DPS Hybrid Kassa - ArPen FTW

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